Chen Feng looked down, and found that Rachel beside him was looking at him expectantly.

"Ah Feng, combine work and rest, don't work too tired."

She knew that she would be buried in the workplace again after she went back, and now that everyone seemed to be united and wanted to play outside together, that's why she persuaded herself like this.

On the side, Xue Nai's head was about to explode from being annoyed by her sister.

The two people who didn't want to go shopping at all looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Okay, so be it."

Ever since, the two finally chose to compromise.


Everyone seems to be very happy, and the 9 people are chatting and walking around, it seems to be quite lively?

With this enthusiastic atmosphere, people began to walk up and down the street.


In the same old place, An Yilun stuck his head out of the alley and stared at the doorway where fewer and fewer people came and went, protesting from his hungry stomach.

He looked up at the darkened sky.

Or... let's stop here today.

An Yilun was also absent-minded all day, his mood was very bad, extremely bad!

The encounter with Hui yesterday has kept him up all night, until now...

He opened the line, but the avatar still didn't reply to him, as if his message hadn't been sent last night.

I'm so aggrieved!

This is probably An Yilun's mood.

He stopped by Sawamura's house early this morning, but was told that Ying Lili was not at home, who could be more unfortunate than him?

What a bad day.

After packing up his things, An Yilun also went straight out of the peeping alley. He just wanted to find a place to eat something, and then go home and lie down on the bed to sleep comfortably, and then think about it when school starts. How to explain to Hui and Ying Lili.

He who was playing freely in it turned over the car, it's not because of that guy...

He clenched his fists tightly, and there were traces of blue veins emerging from the back of his weak hands.

When you go back, buy something as an apology, so they should be able to forgive themselves.

An Yilun, who was carrying a big bag and a small bag, also walked down the road with his head down. He was originally in a trance due to lack of sleep, but now he didn't even look up when he was crossing the road. distracted.

However, there was always something that made his clone pay attention to his surroundings, didn't it happen when he crossed the road?

An Yilun also didn't notice that the green light of the pedestrian indicator light at the intersection did not turn on, but the red light of 'no entry' was shining.

squeak---! !

The sound of tire rubbing was sharp and extremely harsh, accompanied by the deafening horn sound, which brought An Yilun back to God from the world in his mind.

He turned his head nervously and found that a luxury car was parked a few centimeters beside him, and the stench from tire friction could be easily smelled.

"You bastard, are you fucking looking for death? If you want to die, go lie on the rails. What do you want to do here?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm really, really sorry..."


Half an hour later, An Yilun also came out of the subway station with a face full of humiliation. He had to pass through the Central District on his way home. It happened that there were many places to eat here. He planned to eat something here before going back.

Chapter 43 This man is secretly filming

It's a very unlucky day to gain nothing at all...

Things are not going well, and my head is in a daze like a mess.

An Yilun also came to the street like a walking dead. The lights here are bright, people come and go, and the shops around are beautifully decorated, which can attract the attention of others.

He only brought one piece of bread today, and he had already eaten this bread in the morning, and he was already hungry after waiting all day.If it weren't for the price of the restaurant over there completely beyond his ability to pay, he would have wanted to find a place to eat in the rich area.

No matter what is sold there, it is very expensive, and there is a very majestic restaurant next to him, but what is written on the discount bulletin board at the door is something he can't believe it exists at all.

——For the 198000nd anniversary event, the new product XXXX is launched. Members can enjoy a single package of 8 yen, and a [-]% discount on all consumption.

Is this a place where people can go in? !He is not a 'celebrity' who can invite dozens of people to go in and take pictures together. It is worthwhile to go to other places to find something to eat with the small money in his hand.

It seems that since last month, An Yilun’s dinner has always been instant noodles. He worked hard to save money to buy all kinds of new games released this month. In the end, he finally got his wish and bought his favorite one. game.

Except that he didn't let the person he wanted to clear the game with him, but things will definitely turn around in the end, and An Yilun is so sure.

After all, that's my heroine!

Looking at the remaining money in the wallet, An Yilun also decided to use it to improve a meal.

It just so happened that he was not in a very good mood, and his mental state was not very good, so eating a good meal could make him happier.

Certain cells in the brain produce a neurotransmitter called dopamine when the body eats delicious food. They help the cells send impulse chemicals, so when you are unhappy, just a little dopamine will make you happy.

One drop...two drops...

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