Wu Yue suddenly realized, "This kind of ordering is quite interesting."

"Well, it's mainly about convenience and saving resources when there are many guests."

While the few people were talking, Yang Nai naturally sat on Chen Feng's left, and studied the menu with Chen Feng.

Because Ruijier likes to sit with Chen Feng, there is no seat beside Chen Feng at this time.Under Yihua's pull, Er Nao came back to his senses and saw that the situation was not good, so he sat down directly opposite to Chen Feng, and sat with Yihua.

This store is bigger than the restaurants around it. To be honest, its size is already the size of a bar. A rough estimate is about 200 square meters. If you can afford such a store in such a location, this one The usual business of the eel shop should be pretty good.

Everyone chose the dishes they wanted to eat, and put the corresponding brands into the small boxes on the edge of the table.Sure enough, after a while, a waiter came and took the signs away.

The golden crispy eel was mixed with the soft rice and fed into his mouth, An Yilun also closed his eyes comfortably.

Although the eel rice here is very expensive, whether it is the sauce or the fried golden and crispy eel, it is very refreshing, and you will not feel tired at all. This may be the best eel rice that An Yilun has ever eaten .

It's just a pity that the price is too expensive, even if it is very cheap eel rice, he rarely eats it, and his money is still used to buy games, comics, and figurines.

But this time, he was indeed in a much happier mood. As the eel rice in the bowl became less and less, An Yilun also felt more and more comfortable physically.

He took out his mobile phone and started to browse his blog. The article he wrote last night had more than 3000 comments at this time, and the number was still increasing, but the content of some of the comments made him a little uncomfortable.

"Wow!So this is Teacher Fenglin?He looks so handsome wearing a mask. 』

"By the way, can TAKI-kun really be sure that this is Mr. Fenglin?I always feel that there is something different from what I imagined... At first I thought he was a middle-aged uncle, but now I see that he is so young! 』

"This look is a bit fierce... Could it be true what TAKI-kun said?Ah... My youth is over, Mr. Fenglin has such a chaotic private life. 』


There are many comments like this, and the photo at the bottom of the article was taken by An Yilun when he left yesterday, but he did some processing and cut Megumi Kato from the picture.

Since yesterday evening, he no longer has a sense of admiration for Teacher Fenglin, but only extreme disgust.

Because of this, holding the anger in his heart, An Yilun also spent nearly two hours writing this article, adding a lot of fuel and vinegar in the middle, but there is still no specific evidence to support his argument, and This has caused readers of some articles to doubt the authenticity of the article.

"Xiaofeng, come and eat a piece of this flavor, it's delicious."

A female voice came from not far away, which caught the attention of An Yilun who was browsing the blog.

It was a very mature and beautiful woman. At this time, she was using chopsticks to pick up a piece of eel from the wooden box and put it into the wooden box of the person next to her.

As a man, when he sees a beautiful woman who is a famous woman, he will always feel inappropriate to be jealous of it, and An Yilun is naturally the same.

"Hmph, the taste is barely strong." The girl sitting opposite said: "I can't eat that much stinky rascal, you should eat more of this."

"Nino's appetite has decreased again~"

"I'm sick!"

Is this jealousy...?

An Yilun also looked shocked, he planned to see what kind of man would receive such treatment.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, when you look at it, you find that the man looks familiar inexplicably!

The black mask...the familiar coat...isn't this the guy? !

An Yilun's face was also twisted into a ball.

It really is like this... Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought, this bastard is deceiving Xiaohui!

Looking at Chen Feng's appearance among thousands of flowers, An Yilun became more and more angry, he wished he could rush up and give this guy a fist.

Xiaohui must have been deceived by his rhetoric. There are so many women around her, and she even dyed her hands with her heroine, she is simply a scumbag!

Fortunately, he stopped the impulse and didn't really rush forward.

Calming the beating heart in his chest, An Yilun also lowered his head. After calling up the camera function, he pressed the phone's pronunciation port, pointed at Chen Feng's position and kept pressing the shutter.


Only a small sound came from his cell phone.

There was a full picture of that guy in the photo, and An Yilun also planned to directly expose what he did when he went back, so that he would no longer be able to hang out and die directly in society.

Looking at the two extra pieces of eel in the bowl, Chen Feng sighed, but soon he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked to the right.

He happened to see the scene where An Yilun also put away his phone from the side, and his brows furrowed instantly.

He didn't really want to pay attention to this classmate of Megumi Kato, he had nothing in common with such a person.

It's just that Chen Feng had a vague feeling of discomfort welling up from the bottom of his heart, and he began to reproduce the series of actions An Yilun had just made in his head...

"what happened?"

Seeing Chen Feng stand up abruptly from his seat, Yang Nai was stunned.

"Take care of something, I'll go over."

Chen Feng said calmly with a straight face.


Normally, Chen Feng would not be so strange, Yang Nai turned around and looked not far away, there were only a few guests dining there, and one of them seemed to be playing with his mobile phone.

Seeing Chen Feng walking towards him, An Yilun's heart skipped a beat, and he frantically tapped his phone a few times before turning off the screen.

"You...what do you want to do?!"

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