The gears of the world are still turning, and the meaning of its work will not be lost for lack of anyone.

The melodious bell swayed throughout the campus, as if announcing the end of something.

- wow

The girl on the chair gently pushed the chair back, and when she got up, she calmly patted the folds on her short skirt.

The girl's movements didn't seem to attract anyone's attention. The students in the classroom were still chatting with their friends, and they didn't look away at all because of the girl's sudden standing up.

She just grabbed the cane leaning against the desk and limped out of the classroom, heading upstairs to the faculty office.

It is still so transparent, even if she came to school with a cane this morning, no students noticed, and the teacher in the previous class seemed to notice nothing.

Her pink lips parted, and she let out a long sigh.

This is not at all the same as the reaction of passers-by on Saturday.

Megumin Kato helped the beret on top of his head, and his thoughts couldn't help but return to Saturday.

That was the first time that she felt such a strong sense of her presence, and the eyes of passers-by often moved to her, which had never happened before.

The salesperson will not ignore her when shopping, their conversations will often attract the attention of others when eating, and the waiter will never forget to bring her a cup of milk tea when drinking milk tea in a milk tea shop.

It's really a feeling that I've never had before, it's very novel.

With a cane on her frail arm, she struggled up the stairs.

A golden figure passed by her like the wind and ran downstairs.


The golden figure grabbed the guardrail and turned around suddenly, the big blue eyes were wide open, full of inconceivable surprise.

Kato Megumi was taken aback for a moment, then slowly turned his head, and nodded towards Eriri below, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Good morning, Ms. Yinglili."


Ying Lili frowned and walked up, she looked at Kato Megumi's left foot wrapped in plaster, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hmm... a little accident happened?"

"What a serious accident it is that can make you like this! Oh, forget it, do you want to go upstairs? Let me help you go up."

Her gaze was very serious, and she didn't wait for Miss Kato to reply before she finished speaking, she directly came up to support Megumi Kato.

"Thank you, what is Ying Lili going downstairs for?"

"Go and buy a bottle of water, but judging by your appearance, I'd better buy it after the next class."

"Actually, there is no need..."

"What's the point, obviously you're working hard like this, okay?"

"Well—thank you so much."

"A person from...a club doesn't need to say such things." Eriri put Miss Kato's right arm around her shoulder, "Let's not talk about what's wrong with your leg, it's already inconvenient. What are you going upstairs for?"

"Look for the teacher, there is something to give to the teacher."

"I really don't understand why you are smiling so happily... Is it that piece of paper? Do you want me to get it for you?"

Eirari keenly saw the paper in Ms. Kato's hand. After hearing what Eirari said, Ms. Kato was silent for a rare moment, and then said:

"That would be troublesome."

Eriri took the paper from Megumi Kato. At first she thought it was something like homework to be handed in, but she didn't expect that the moment she took the paper, she saw the big words on the back of the paper.

——Application for Retirement!

Her mouth opened wide instantly, and Megumi Kato was brought here by Lunya himself. Although there is no important division of labor, Lunya obviously attaches great importance to her.

"You want to quit the club?"

"Hmm." Ms. Kato chuckled, she didn't seem to care, "Because I feel that it would be inappropriate to stay in the club, so I made such a plan after careful consideration."

"What about Lun Ye? Does he know about this?"

"Probably after classmate An Yi returns to school, he will know. For a person like me, he probably won't care."

"Wait, wait..." Ying Lili was so shocked that she couldn't react for a while, and she said with a complicated expression after a while: "Didn't Ke Lun say that you are the heroine of her game? If you leave ..."

"No." Ms. Kato said with a faint smile: "But I don't really want to be a heroine. Besides, An Yi probably didn't see me as a heroine."

She pointed to her feet, looking distressed.

"It wouldn't be like this if it wasn't."

"Eh!!?" ​​Ying Lili screamed, "So what happened?"

"Go and give the things to the teacher first, okay?"


After holding back for a long time, Ying Lili nodded.

A few minutes later, outside the office, Ms. Kato whispered:

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