The police were dumbfounded. They bumped into the assailant while on duty?And such a good thing?

A passer-by started, and other passers-by chirped like sparrows to identify An Yilunye who had been knocked into the air.

Hearing this news, the rest of the police cars directly surrounded An Yilun, some of the police went to deal with other injured passers-by, and most of the police began to check on An Yilun who was lying in a pool of blood.

"Why is there a knife around his neck?"

A policeman asked, "Can't you think about stabbing yourself?"

"No, Mr. Police."

A middle-aged uncle who opened a shop nearby said: "I saw him chasing a little girl with a knife. Later, when he was about to attack, the little girl grabbed the knife and counterattacked like this."

"What?!" The policemen looked at each other, "Where's that little girl?"


Looking along where the uncle pointed, the policemen saw Rachel, whose eyes were dull and his hands were stained with blood, was staring blankly.

"Go and see if the child is injured."

Several policemen hurriedly ran to check on Ruijier's situation, and the policeman who checked on An Yilun also came to the lead policeman and whispered:

"Sir, the perpetrator seems to be saved."

"Protect the scene! Please help everyone who saw the process to make a record, thank you."

The lead policeman said to passers-by.

Immediately afterwards, Rachel was brought over.

"Report sir, the child has only a little scratch."

"Don't be afraid, children. We will investigate the whole matter clearly. Don't worry."

The leading police officer comforted Rachel who seemed to have been frightened into a fool. In fact, the incident has been basically confirmed according to passers-by. A girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old fought back.

However, due to procedural issues, some things still need to be investigated clearly.

Afterwards, 9 injured people including Rachel were sent to the hospital, and some other passers-by who were scratched and stabbed were also out of danger. An Yilun also survived, but he didn't know when After waking up, it is still uncertain whether he can talk and walk after waking up.

When being questioned, Rachel acted very calmly, as if she wasn't the one who stabbed the jackknife into An Yilun's neck. She was so calm that the police who took the record shuddered.

Immediately afterwards, the police station received a call with an order to close the case quickly, and finally handed Ruijier over to Chen Feng and Yang Nai who came to meet him.

Late at night, An Yi and his wife in the intensive care unit were woken up by a nurse who walked in.

"Give the patient anti-inflammatory drugs."

"Thank you doctor, sorry for your trouble."

The nurse just nodded, took out a syringe from her pocket, injected An Yilun who was on the bed, and left.

After about five minutes, the equipment in the ward began to sound an alarm.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the doctor who rushed to hear the news could be heard from the ward.

"Patient No. 71 suffered visceral failure, visceral failure, cardiac arrest, urgently seek first aid!"

In the restaurant of Chen Feng's house, Zheng Yangnai's cell phone vibrated, she casually glanced at the text message on it, then put the phone back, and continued to comfort the shocked Ruijier with Chen Feng.

Sure enough, things that don't know whether to live or die are better off dead.

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Chapter 1 Wishes in the Land of the Gods

The morning light in the early spring gives people a sense of comfort as if covered by warmth. There is a scent of green grass floating in the sophisticated campus. With the spring breeze passing through the streets, everyone seems to be preparing for spring, the season of life. feel happy.

For the high school students who have already entered the school, today is just the entrance ceremony after the school starts, and there is nothing special about it other than that, but for those students who are preparing to be admitted to various high schools, today is the day when the results are released.

It seems that it only takes a moment to get a title on the gold list or get off the list, but what is revealed is the hard work of the students in the past ten years.

No one wants to be the target of failure. They are waiting nervously for the "list of passers" at the school gate to be shown.

As the time gradually turned to noon, the outside of Sobu High School was full of nervous and excited young faces. They were as at a loss as freshmen who were about to enter a job interview.

- grunt

Among the crowd, Komachi's palms were clenched with sweat. She was staring intently at the school teacher who pasted the notice, waiting for the other party to post the notice, and then rushed up with the crowd to confirm whether she was in the top 300.

Chiba Municipal Sobu High School admits about 300 students every year. Although there may be some adjustments, the range will never exceed five. As long as you are within 300, you can guarantee your admission success. Before Your efforts will not be in vain!

Recalling the bitter days of studying in the library every day during that time, Komachi only wanted to know whether his efforts would be rewarded. If he didn’t get into Sobu High, let’s not say that he was sorry for his brother at home. However, she would have no face to see Ba ​​Xuenai and Chen Feng, both of the two high schools in Zongwu High School.

These two people paid close attention to her study, and even corrected her study method step by step. I don't know how much effort they put in in the middle. If they can't do what they want, they will become a big joke.

However, thanks to the help of the two of them, she was able to improve her grades in a short period of time. At the end of the final graduation exam, the calculated deviation was actually 4 points higher than Zongwu Gao!

4 points!What an exaggerated figure.

Compared with the nervous Komachi, Rachel, who was eating French fries calmly, looked calm, as if the content on the list had nothing to do with her.

When Ruijier was arranged for Zongwu Gao, Yang Nai originally planned to let Ruijier skip all the exams and enter the school, but Ruijier insisted on taking the entrance exam, and her firm eyes could not be refuted at all.

Yang Nai thought about Ruijier's specific situation, and it seemed that the general military high school exam was not difficult for her, so she simply followed Ruijier's wishes, but forged her graduation grades, but she still had to do the general examination. Entrance Examination for Wuhan High School.

The test questions and methods of these entrance examinations are determined by the school itself. After the first batch of students are eliminated afterwards, the second batch of students will be screened through interviews, and finally only the third batch of students will be left for the final exam.

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