But in fact, Chen Feng hasn't hit his classmates in the same school for several months, but in view of his previous "violence", most of the students still regard him as an existence that should not be provoked.

Not long ago, Chen Feng had easily passed the exam at that time, and now he has been divided into third-year students, and his class has also been assigned to the third-year group J where Shizuka Hiratsuka is the head teacher.

Now, he is already a student preparing to graduate, but he is not as busy reviewing his homework as other students, preparing for the exams related to his own life, because the high school exam questions are too simple, he is not good at other subjects except ancient Chinese and even No desire to learn.

Walking out of the classroom unhurriedly, the students in the class breathed a sigh of relief, and the small group reunited to have lunch together.

In the corridor, Chen Feng saw a familiar figure coming out of the front door. The figure was straightened up, and his eyes were all together at the same time.

"where are you going?"

"The school gate."

"Me too."

The conversation between the two was concise and neat. During the conversation, both of them saw the mobile phone held by the other's mobile phone, and then nodded knowingly.

They are for the same purpose.

They all received news from Komachi that both she and Rachel were successfully admitted to Sobu High School.

The two walked downstairs side by side, moving down little by little with the crowd.

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

The clean eyes fell on Chen Feng's cheeks, and Xue Nai broke the calm first.

"It's nothing unexpected." Chen Feng touched his ears subconsciously, and suddenly remembered that he didn't need to wear his mask a few days ago, because the system had reawakened, and he was full of troublesome 'charm' I took it back.

Putting his hands down in embarrassment, Chen Feng said: "Komachi is admitted here, even without our help, she can still do it."

The tone is decisive, with a feeling that no one can doubt it.

"Then it seems that we have thought about it together. Since we are seniors, we still have to send blessings to the younger generation."


Chen Feng nodded, and then stopped talking, just walked forward slowly with his eyes on the front.

After a while, the two arrived near the school gate, and saw Komachi and Rachel waiting here.

"Senior, senior! Komachi has succeeded!! Ranked 79th, this ranking is totally unexpected for Komachi..."

Before Chen Feng and Yukino could speak, Komachi rushed over excitedly like an octopus and clung to Chen Feng's body tightly. After a while, Chen Feng felt his chest was wet.

This girl cried with excitement...

Seeing Komachi's appearance, Chen Feng who was hugged tightly couldn't laugh or cry, Yukino also looked at Chen Feng helplessly, and the two reached a tacit understanding at the same time

— Let's wait until she calms down...

Komachi, who was on Chen Feng's chest, was crying with snot and tears, and even the words he said didn't have any logic, they sounded like gibberish.

Fortunately, Komachi finally restrained herself, her face was flushed with red mist, and she jumped down from Chen Feng's body with dodgy eyes.

"I'm sorry, senior, I'm really... I'm so happy, I couldn't hold back for a while..."

The voice of speaking became smaller and smaller, and finally it was almost the size of a mosquito flapping its wings.

"It's okay, just come in."

Feeling the broad palm gently pat on the top of her head, Komachi suddenly wanted to cry again for some reason.

She shook her head and stammered:

"Senior, you really look like an old father. If you are too old, it will be difficult to find a girl as a partner."


"But an understanding girl like Sister Yukino must be able to tolerate it."

"Hu... what nonsense are you talking about!" Yukino's ears blushed imperceptibly, while Komachi stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Cough cough."

Xue Nai cleared her throat and sent her blessing with a smile.

"Congratulations Komachi, you have successfully fulfilled your wish. I hope you will continue to work hard in the future and get admitted to the university of your choice."

"Remember to eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins and folic acid, have you stayed up all night during this time?" Chen Feng pinched Komachi's face, "Even the skin tone has become a lot duller."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Komachi cast a strange look.

"what happened?"

"If the senior hadn't known you for several months, I would even wonder if you were the father of the family, even the words you said were exactly the same."

"I don't think it's a problem..."

Scratching his head, Chen Feng felt that what he said seemed normal and scientifically based. Does it have anything to do with the old father?

"Hmm..." Komachi looked at the classroom building, which was still busy with people, and muttered, "Why isn't the idiot brother here... Forget it."

She raised her head and said:

"Sister Yukino, senior, do you have time on weekends? I would like to ask you to go to a distant shrine with me to fulfill my vows. I visited some time before the exam. Since I succeeded afterwards, it would be better to go to a shrine to fulfill my vows. "

Chen Feng pondered for a while, and gave his own answer.

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