"By the way, how do you know?"

Chen Feng remembered that only An Yilun was broadcast on TV, and even An Yilun's name was not revealed, let alone Ruijier's name.

Since there is no relevant information on TV, even if Ms. Kato and that guy are from the same school, some things can be deduced from it, but this is not enough to deduce that this matter has something to do with me, right?

"Because Dad is the person in charge of this case."

Ms. Kato's voice was gentle and quiet, and she slowly explained the reason that Chen Feng didn't know, "Later, Dad told me the matter, but he didn't mention the names of the relevant people. But I guess it might be a little bit different from Mr. Weird." It’s related, now that I’ve confirmed it a little bit, it seems that it is indeed the case.”


I always feel that this natural-looking girl has more problems than that guy Yono!

Inexplicably, he was scammed out of the news again, when did he feel so insecure?

Chen Feng, who suddenly fell into a sluggish state, felt that there was something delicious and crunchy in his mouth, and instantly reacted and looked at Miss Kato who was withdrawing her hand. Her calm appearance made people feel a little annoyed.

"There are too many faux pas, let's eat the first cookie for Mr. Weird first."

Ms. Kato looked around, "Mr. Weird must have other friends here too, can I give them some?"

After chewing the cookies in his mouth, Chen Feng felt that the taste was really good, so he nodded, took a few pieces out of the bag in Kato Megumi's hand, and distributed them to Komachi and Ruijier in the last row and Dai Hikigaya Hachiman, who seems to be addicted to TV dramas, is wearing headphones.

The car passed a few more station entrances, and there were fewer and fewer people on the car, and Shunan Town was the last stop.

Someone was chatting with him, and the time began to pass quickly. It felt like it hadn't been long before we had arrived at the last stop, Shunancho Station.

When they got under the car and watched the bus go away in front of them, they were liberated from the small space.

Miss Kato put her hands behind her head and pulled her arms.Vaguely, Chen Feng saw the girl's flat and smooth lower abdomen, but he was not a pervert controlled by lust, he just glanced at it plainly and then turned his head.

"Where are you going from?"

This was still on a country road, and besides the whole view of Shunan Town in the distance, Chen Feng didn't see any signs of shrines. He had never been here before, so he naturally set his sights on Komachi.

"Here, but senior, why don't you introduce your friend...?"

Komachi pointed to Miss Kato who was following behind Chen Feng.

"She's Megumi Kato, a third-year student at Toyosaki Private School."

"Hi, you guys." Ms. Kato waved her hand gently, "Because I met Mr. Weird on the road, I didn't expect to go to the same place, so I made the decision to go together without authorization, I hope it won't bring trouble to everyone .”

Kato-san's words directly blocked Komachi who wanted to speak, Komachi just pouted.

"My name is Hikigaya Komachi, and this is my old brother Hikigaya Hachiman, a lonely pet."

"Did you say that about your brother and me..."

"Is this child the sister that Mr. Weird mentioned last time?"

Seeing that Rachel had been sticking with Chen Feng since getting off the car, and considering her age, Ms. Kato asked.

Chen Feng nodded.

"Rachel Gardner..." Rachel whispered back.

After getting to know each other for a while, everyone followed the path pointed by Komachi.

On the way, Komachi would look at Chen Feng with strange eyes from time to time.

After a long time, she complained:

"Senior, you are so good at flirting with flowers and grass, you obviously have sister Xue Nai."

"What do you mean I have Yukino..."

"What about sister Yang Nai?"

"Oh my friend."

"Hey... I'm afraid senior knows not all girls."

"Those men will be scared to pee even if they talk to me, I can't count on them?" Chen Feng has black lines, do you think he doesn't want to make friends of the same sex?

Most of the friends around him are women, what can he do? !

Miss Kato, who was walking in front, glanced behind curiously, and then continued to walk forward. No one saw the expression on her face, and all they could see was the scenery of the surrounding mountains and forests that were slowly receding.

Chapter 4 The Inheritance of the Yamada Asemon Family, the Blood Blade That Slashes Thousands of People

Climbing a mountain is far more tiring than walking on a daily basis. It is like an inclined plane. The greater the inclination, the greater the work done, and the physical strength required is greater than that of walking on a flat road.

The trails in the forest seem to have been opened up by people, and people often come back to clean up the vines extending from the jungle. Clear machetes can still be seen on many nearby branches and leaves.

After walking along the mountain road for a short while, everyone saw a concrete staircase leading directly to the top of the mountain.

The stairs are very long, with a buffer zone several meters wide in the middle. There are many stone lanterns with stone moss on them standing beside the stairs. The structure of these stone lanterns is slightly different from the stone lanterns that can be seen in front of other shrines. .

These stone lanterns are not only short and small, but also carved with some strange human faces, not the carved lion heads of other shrines, which look ugly and weird from the front.

"Why does this lantern give people a gloomy feeling..."

Hikigu Hachiman, carrying a backpack, walked to the nearest stone lantern, bent down to examine the patterns and human faces on the stone lantern carefully, and uttered such a sentence after deliberating for a long time.

It’s no wonder that he would make such complaints, because he has been to dozens of shrines since he was a child, but there are at least ten, but the stone lanterns under these shrines will not carve out a human face what……

Although the shrine is a place to enshrine the gods, modern shrines still need to make the shrine beautiful, so that more people will come to worship. Otherwise, who would go to a dilapidated shrine to worship?

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