"Me? I'm not thirsty."

"Ah Feng can drink mine."

Rachel was the first to recover, but even so, the white shirt on her body was still soaked with sweat, and she handed over the half bottle of water in her hand.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng still took Ruijier's water bottle, took a few sips and then returned it to her.

Inside the torii gate, a woman wearing a red and white witch costume and sweeping the floor in front of the door seemed to be aware of the situation here. She was stunned for a moment, then put the broom in her hand aside, and stepped forward to greet her.

"This is Sakurazuki Shrine, and I am Amoriha, the witch goddess here. Are you here to pay homage?"

Miss Miko bowed slightly and introduced herself.

"Miko sister, do you remember me?"

Komachi regained his breath, and asked excitedly.

Hearing Komachi's words, Miko-san smiled faintly.

"Of course I remember, you are Ms. Komachi, right? Usually no one visits the shrine, so I still have an impression."

"Okay, Miss Miko remembers me." Komachi cheered, and finally explained her reason, "I'm here to fulfill my wish~ The wish I made last time has come true, it really came true!"

"Congratulations, everyone, please follow me."

Miss Miko made a 'please' gesture and led everyone to the prayer box at the main entrance of the shrine.

Komachi skillfully took out a 500-yen coin from his wallet and put it in, closed his eyes and put his hands together, and finally clapped his hands and bowed twice.

Ms. Kato, who came together to fulfill her wish, naturally did not lag behind, but quietly took out coins beside Komachi, and made a set of movements exactly like Komachi.

"Are there very few people here?"

Looking left and right, he saw that the place was deserted, and there was no trace of anyone coming, Chen Feng asked.

"Well, the location of the shrine is very remote, so not many people come here. About five or six people come here in about a week. If there are more, there may be more than ten people."

"That's really a little less, haven't you considered moving?"

Miss Miko stood tall and graceful in front of Chen Feng. It seemed that this was not the first time she had heard someone ask such a question, so she gave a bitter smile and explained:

"Since my grandfather, Yingyue Shrine has been an immovable place. Except that the government will send people to repair it at a fixed time, it has never been moved here. My father told me that my grandfather said that Yingyue Shrine is connected to the earth. Strength can better gather aura, and it can also have the power to suppress some suppressed things."

"It's a demon sword, isn't it?"

"So you knew."

"I heard from my friends, but I'm actually not very clear about it." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Actually, Yingyue Shrine was established to suppress that knife, which is an extremely ominous monster. That's what my father told me, but it looks no different from ordinary knives in many cases. But after all It is a task inherited by the family, and I am also the heir, so I still have to inherit it."

While talking, Megumi Kato and Komachi had fulfilled their wish, but Komachi who was still thirsty stepped forward and asked:

"Sister Miko, can you give me some water? I still feel a little thirsty after drinking so much..."

As she spoke, she herself felt a little embarrassed.

"It's ok."

Miss Miko's eyebrows were crescent. She looked at the sky and found that it was still early.

"It's been half a month since someone came last time. I don't know how many of you are in a hurry. If not, would you mind taking a rest in the room?"

"I can do it, I just happened to be a little thirsty."

Miss Kato shook the empty water glass in her hand.

"Okay, okay, I still want to listen to the witch sister's story!"

"I don't care." Hikigu Hachiman raised his head, then lowered his attention and returned to the phone.

Anyway, it was still early, whether or not he would go back would not have much impact on Chen Feng, at worst, he would just go to the B&B down the mountain and stay overnight.

Seeing that Komachi was so interested, and considering the other party's kind invitation, Chen Feng seemed to have no reason to refuse.

He nodded.

"That would be troublesome."

Inside the shrine, the structure here is basically a wooden structure. The room is not too big. It may be spacious for one or two people to live in, but with so many people coming at once, the small room becomes crowded.

Miss Miko came from the inner room with cups of brewed black tea on a tea tray.

"Sorry, it's really small here."

"It doesn't matter~ Sister Miko, please tell me those stories, I only listened to half of them last time."

It seems that when Komachi came here last time, he had some exchanges with this lady priestess, but yes, it is rare to see such a sparsely populated shrine, and it is still built in the mountains. I am afraid that even people who know it There are very few, right?

As a clergyman of the shrine, this young lady seems to live here alone, and she will inevitably feel bored after a long time, so she will chat more with some pilgrims.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Miss Miko smiled.

Kato Megumi also looked at Miko curiously, and seemed to be more interested in some of the stories here. What she knew was only some small things here, and she didn't know some specific stories.

Every shrine has its own culture and stories. These stories may have some deviations due to the inheritance from generation to generation, but generally the meaning will not change too much.

Rachel was holding the teacup, her beautiful big eyes staring at the tea dregs floating in it, motionless.

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