"thank you very much!"

In the distance, Chen Feng's pace paused for a moment, and soon disappeared without a trace.

On the side of the school motto stone tablet at the bottom of the teaching building, Yi Caiyu stood here while playing with her mobile phone while paying attention to the people coming from the front and rear. Her trembling calves showed that she was still a little nervous at this moment.

"Shouldn't it be time to go back to the classroom at this time...? Why don't you come?"

As soon as the words were finished, the only one among the many students who was not wearing a school uniform immediately attracted her attention, and her eyes lit up.



Chapter 9 Why do you want to open a room?

The hem of the clothes was neatly arranged, and the bangs on the forehead did not become too messy because of what happened in the morning. Girls in high school have already learned to pay attention to their own image. ignored.

She sorted it out afterward!

Seeing Chen Feng who was not far away stubbed out his cigarette butt and put it in his portable ashtray, Yi Caiyu bouncing up to meet him.

"Then...that senior."

The girl stood in front of Chen Feng until Chen Feng raised his face and shouted.

"Is something wrong?"

He didn't know this girl, but he still had a little impression in terms of impression.

"Thank you very much for your help. My name is Ishiroba, and I am the current president of the student union."


Chen Feng seemed uninterested, and just nodded slightly. Compared with the girl in front of him, he felt that the mobile phone in his hand was more attractive.

Seeing Chen Feng like this, Yi Caiyu was shocked. To be honest, he looks pretty good, right?Not to mention why the shoe cabinet is filled with confession letters every day, but at least it is the existence that can make boys put down their work and talk to themselves actively, so I am afraid that they will not be so disgusted...

But the man in front of him was the legendary 'that adult', and it seemed that everything could be explained again.

As if guessing the thoughts in Yi Caiyu's heart, Chen Feng put one hand into his trouser pocket and said expressionlessly:

"If it's something to thank, it's waived, and I still have to go to class."

"But I heard that you, senior, don't listen to the lectures."

"Who said that?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, he will still listen to the ancient Chinese class, okay?

Young people should not always listen to the wind and the rain. The credibility of the rumors is not as high as imagined. If the rumors of Zongwu Gao are true, he is afraid that he will be recorded in the history of this school.

"Actually, I'm also skeptical..." Yi Caiyu scratched his hair, looked at Chen Feng with eyes full of energy, and said, "Judging from what happened in the morning, it's impossible for seniors to be as serious as those rumors say. Terrible, but on the contrary, he is quite a nice person."

The seemingly sincere smile was full of reluctance, and Chen Feng could easily deduce that the girl in front of her was the type who was looking for something to talk to, and he didn't have much thought to entangle here.

"Then it's up to you to think about it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng walked towards the stairs, and he was still busy building the buildings on his desk.

"Wait a minute, senior!"

"I'm not your senior."

"You are in the third grade and I am in the second grade. Ethically speaking, I am a senior. I just want to thank..."

Probably because of a series of things that happened to Ms. Kato, Chen Feng felt his back go numb when he heard this word, and the expression on his face changed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't go in and sit down, I don't want to take a shower, and I have someone I like, I don't like shopping, I don't need anything, I'm busy after school, you are a good girl My child, the money in your hands should be used carefully, and you will eventually find your own support, goodbye."

The words in Chen Feng's mouth were endless, directly blocking Yi Caiyu.

He didn't want to stay here for a minute, he had to hurry back to the classroom, it was the safest place.

Walking like the wind, Chen Feng disappeared in the hall on the first floor of the teaching building after a few seconds, with his hands still stretched in the air, and he froze on the spot.

a long time……

"Ah...? Why does this scene feel familiar?"

Do you still need to think about it?This is exactly what she said to reject the other party just before receiving the confession, this senior is too skilled...

"Isshiki, you are here."

"Huh? Teacher Takagi."

"I'm here to ask you how the planning of the school festival is going, how is the progress?"

"This... this we are almost at the end of the day, and it is expected to come out next week."


Looking behind him, Chen Feng was relieved to find that the girl hadn't chased after her.

He was really afraid that he would be entangled with some weird excuses from the other party again, and he would not be able to get out. The lesson learned from the past was not long ago, which made him have no time to work hard in the near future, wasting a lot of time on food delivery.

So women will only hinder the speed of his food delivery.

Simply doing nothing, Chen Feng even said what he said during the period when his charm was not recovered, in order to embarrass the other party so much that he didn't want to see him again.

It seems to be working well, and he has learned a new method.

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