After understanding all this, Yang Nai also seized the time to find Chen Feng to come out to play with. She is not an ignorant little girl. When Chen Feng is really busy, she will never disturb Chen Feng because of her own selfish desires. Wind work progress.

She is not a greedy person, but she is a sensible person, or because she has experienced too much and met too many people, her mind is different from that of normal peers.

Yang Nai understands how annoying it is to be harassed when she is very busy, and it is for this reason that she made today's itinerary decision.

"Mr. Feng, have you never been to Tokyo before?"

Sayuri asked in surprise.

"No, I only stayed in Chiba."

Obviously, the two cities are less than 50 kilometers away, and it is hard for Sayuri to imagine why a person from Chiba has never been to Tokyo.

But that's fine.

She laughed.

"Then let's take advantage of this time to walk around Tokyo. I don't know what kind of university Feng Jun plans to go to? Are you going to be in Chiba or...?"


"Wow, it would be great if you pass the exam!" Sayuri blinked mysteriously, "In that case, Mr. Feng will become my apprentice."

"Miss Sayuri, are you a student who graduated from Tokyo University?"

"That's right, I was specially recruited to study in the Faculty of Law. In the end, I went to graduate school intermittently, but because of some family reasons, I didn't continue my further studies."

When saying this, a ray of disappointment flashed deep in Sayuri's eyes, and this ray of disappointment was clearly seen in Chen Feng's eyes.

"I want to be like Afeng." Rachel clenched her fists and said very firmly.

Sayuri touched Rachel's head, smiled and encouraged:

"Tokyo University is not easy to take the exam, you have to work harder."


Rachel nodded vigorously.

She doesn't care whether the test is difficult or not, as long as Chen Feng goes, she will go there, and she will never lag behind!


The recent Komachi is a bit strange, not only the classmates and teachers around her noticed it, but even she herself felt that something was wrong.

I am in a state of not being able to get enough sleep every day, and every time I fall asleep, I will have some strange dreams, and it feels very real, as if everything has happened

Almost every dream can be continuous, and it will not be because one dream today will have another dream tomorrow. These dreams are connected as tightly as scenes in a story.

In her dream, she was a warrior who eliminates evil and promotes good. People around her respect her very much, and what she needs to do is to kill those demons who have been identified as 'sinners'.

When she had this dream for the first time, she still felt scared, because the blood would splash out after the person in the dream died, and sometimes it would even splash on her body. The strong stench made her have thoughts more than once. Feeling like throwing up.

But with more and more dreams like this, Komachi didn't feel anything unusual about the scene in the dream. Every time, she would kill those street hooligans with a sense of justice under the cheers of the crowd around her.

Sometimes she would soften her heart because of the pleading of the other party, but in the end the knife in her hand still uncontrollably slashed at the prisoner who should be executed.

'Their existence will cause more innocent people to be killed, and only death is their real destination. '

There will always be such a voice in her heart to remind her that what she does is for justice, for those civilians who look at her with admiration, admiration, and longing.

As time passed, even the pity in Komachi's heart disappeared completely.

Without the slightest hesitation, it is her job to behead the sinner directly.

More and more... Komachi began to like this dream, and the feeling of being surrounded by stars made her obsessed even more. A different kind of pleasure would appear when the sinner's head was beheaded.

Today, she was invited by her classmates to go shopping together. A group of girls with beautiful looks, good figures and beautiful smiles walking on the street is simply a scene that is eye-catching to others.

"Komachi, why do I feel that you have changed so much?"

A girl with shoulder-length short hair looked at the energetic Komachi. This was completely different from Komachi a few days ago, as if she had been baptized.

"Have it?"

Komachi touched his face, turned on the phone's front camera and glanced at himself, and murmured, "I don't think there's any difference."

"How should I put it..." The short-haired girl frowned and pondered for a while, and finally found a suitable adjective, "It seems that she has become more handsome!"

"Hey, hey, Kawako, handsome is not an appropriate word to describe a girl."

Another girl reminded: "But this adjective is really appropriate. By the way, student Bi Qigu, did you go to bed earlier last night? It feels like you are more energetic than a few days ago."

Komachi said funnyly: "Yes, I went to bed at eight o'clock last night, I was so tired after sleeping all night~"


A group of girls were amused by Komachi's words.

After shopping around until noon, Komachi didn't feel tired at all even though she had walked so much and drank a cup of milk tea along the way. Her legs should have started to feel sore in the past. right.

Just like the other girls, they were all exhausted and started looking for a place to rest.

"Student Bi Qigu is so amazing, I haven't even shed a drop of sweat after shopping for so long."

A girl sat on the lawn stretching her body and exclaimed, "Did you exercise behind our backs?"

"No, no, there are too many class hours, how can I have time to exercise."

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