
The shoulder armor of the armored warrior was also cut open by Chen Feng in the confrontation with him just now, but there was no sign of blood flowing out.

The armored warrior and Chen Feng turned around at the same time, but this time the armored warrior did not rush over, but turned to look at his shoulder, and a strong male voice came out from under the mask.

"Very crude knife technique, but very effective."

Whether Chen Feng was defending or dodging, he would always look for opportunities to stab the armored warrior's vitals with the sharp weapon in his hand, forcing him to dodge.



The eyes under the mask glowed red, and the armored warrior regained his posture. This time, he didn't rush around like before. He became more cautious, and his attitude gradually became serious. "I will fight you, Out of respect, I will let you die happily."

"Then let's see if you have the ability."

The Great Armored Warrior has a more terrifying strange power than him. With that level of power, Chen Feng doesn't mess around at all. If he is really hit, he will lose everything.

Squinting his eyes, Chen Feng simply didn't use the remaining wakizashi around his waist, and rushed towards the armored warrior with his bare hands.

"Come, nameless warrior."

The samurai in great armor was shocked, and the samurai sword in his hand retracted into the scabbard at his waist.

For a moment, fists and feet met, and the dull sound spread throughout the yard. Two pairs of bloody hands soaked in rain and blood collided together, making a thrilling sound of flesh and blood.

Regardless of any civilization, the original essence of martial arts is to kill people. Chen Feng's killing skills are learned systematically and only after countless actual combats on the battlefield can they be fully mastered. The offensive of hands and feet is extremely powerful. They didn't see each other for half a sound.

Chen Feng had never seen the big armored warrior's move before, but it was extremely strange and deadly. In the moment just now, Chen Feng was almost pierced by four fingers through his throat.


Feinting to force the armored warrior away, Chen Feng took two steps back.

He no longer felt any pain in his arm, and his hands didn't feel hot from the fierce fighting, but instead became colder and colder.

Chen Feng knew very well that this was a symptom of his excessive blood loss.

The two confronted each other maintaining their fighting postures. Chen Feng was silent for a moment, and said:

"I don't know why you want to kill me, but my footsteps will never stop here. I like this place, everything here, and many people here are existences that I value. I don't like relying on violence to solve problem, but I will never give up using violence to protect myself!"

"This is my duty. To execute the criminals. I respect your strength, nameless warrior, but those who come into contact with you are all criminals and must be executed!"

Although his voice was dull, it echoed throughout the garden, "Before execution, please allow me to state my name, Yamada Asemon Hongming!"

"Chen Feng, just an ordinary delivery man, not to mention...you can't kill me, let alone them!"

The figures of the two turned into a phantom again, and they began to fight each other.

In the dormitory area, many people had heard the sound in the yard and looked through the windows.

"Then... what is that...?!"

A few minutes after Chen Feng was attacked, a woman in a bathrobe looked at the black shadows in the yard in surprise. After notifying the hotel, she took out her mobile phone and recorded the scene in front of her...

The two people who fought together gradually learned about each other's strengths and weaknesses as they fought for more and more time.

In terms of strength, the armored warrior is superior; in terms of skills, Chen Feng is superior.

Chen Feng tried his best to avoid being attacked by the armored warriors, but he was still punched several times inevitably.

The fist with whirring sound hit Chen Feng's side face firmly, and the armored warrior was also hit by Chen Feng's fist hard on the chin at the same time.

Dressed roughly, the two separated again...

Half of Chen Feng's mask had fallen off, and blood was continuously flowing from his cheeks exposed to the rain.

Although the armored warrior had the upper hand, he didn't feel very comfortable after being hit by Chen Feng's viper-like attack.

His chest kept going up and down.

"The execution time has come. Sorry, I have to execute." He said slowly: "I regret this duel, it needs to end like this, but...! The mission is the mission, even if it violates the spirit of Bushido!"


The warrior in great armor pulled out the samurai sword from his waist again. At this moment, Chen Feng finally recognized the samurai sword in his hand.

Isn't this the knife that I despised when I went to the shrine last time? !

Yamada Asemon... Isn't it the family that has been executed for more than a hundred years? !

Chen Feng was astonished, because this family actually no longer existed, not to mention that there were descendants who inherited the family inheritance.

Facing the bloodstained samurai sword on the blade, Chen Feng remained unchanged.

"If you think it can end like this, then go ahead and try!"

He raised trembling fists and said, the mask dripping with a mixture of blood and rain, the wind howling in the yard.

In modern warfare, such melee combat is rare. Many people were either wounded by a single shot and sent to the hospital, or were killed instantly. It is impossible for such close combat to occur. bloody scene.

Compared with the first two, cold weapon combat is the most tormenting existence.

Knife versus fist, a completely unfair fight, and firearms had no effect on the armored warrior in front of him.

In the end...what should I do...

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