Chen Feng turned off the car, opened the door and got out of the car, and handed the takeaway to the middle-aged man.

"This is your takeaway, I wish you a happy meal."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng returned to the car and drove away.

And the middle-aged man holding the takeaway opened his mouth wide, looked around suspiciously, finally rubbed his eyes, looked at the takeaway in his hand and muttered:

"It's strange, it feels like something is wrong..."

Ten minutes later, he and his wife were eating the takeaway in the box. Their eyes lit up and they said in unison:

"Delicious (o?▽?)o!!"


The conscientious Ms. Kato is busy in the store, wearing work clothes, with spots of sweat on her delicate forehead, but still running between customers and the kitchen...

Inexplicably, Chen Feng saw a kind of love for life from Ms. Kato. Such a person probably can overcome difficulties continuously without forcing himself.

From time to time, Chen Feng would order a drink or two and sit on his seat quietly watching the busy scene in the store. If he found an order nearby on his mobile phone, he would also send a dozen or twenty orders.

Well, a bit much, but nothing to him.

Not enough for him to stay in the store most of the time, quietly waiting for Miss Kato to get off work.

Time passed quietly, and the sky outside the window had gradually turned black. Even though it was spring, it was still much darker than in summer.

The short and rainy summer is about to usher in. The rain in Chiba seems to be very frequent, but the duration of each time is not particularly long. For example, the light rain just now disappeared after only one or two hours.

"Sorry Mr. Weird, it's been a long wait."

Probably after getting off work, Ms. Kato put her hands behind her back and changed into her school uniform again, with a faint smile on her face, giving people an illusion of peace of mind.

"I'll pay for today's meals."

Taking out a small wallet from her pocket, Ms. Kato said, after all, if she hadn't wanted to work part-time, Chen Feng wouldn't have eaten and waited for her here, so in her opinion, these expenses should be counted on her head. .

"No, it's not easy to make money as a part-time job. I eat all the food. There's no reason for you to give money."

Knocking on Kato Megumi's little head, seeing the girl in front of him sobbing cutely, Chen Feng complained: "You are the same as that little girl in my family, you have to calculate everything clearly, let's go. "

"—Well, but Mr. Weird's money is also earned by himself..."

"How can there be so much nonsense, isn't your money earned by you? Is it possible that the sky will drop your credit card?"

Seeing Chen Feng's resolute expression, Kato Megumi also put away his wallet.

"Then let's cook a few more dishes tonight~"

Chen Feng remembered Kato Megumi's home. After all, he had delivered a lot of food there, and he was familiar with that community after going back and forth. He drove the car into the community with ease.

Looking at his empty hands, Chen Feng stroked his smooth chin.

"Should I buy something and come back?"

After getting in touch with Yang Nai more, Chen Feng also gradually began to value this kind of communication method of giving gifts. He always felt a little embarrassed to be a guest at someone's house without taking something...

It's like... come here for dinner?

But it's true that it's right to come to eat.

"No, if you really want to do this, my family is the one who should come to visit and give gifts."

Smoothing the hair on her shoulders, Ms. Kato chuckled and said, "And dad must be the hardest person to be. After all, he never accepts gifts."

"Can't accept gifts?" Chen Feng was taken aback, "Is it a political person?"

"Probably. After all, there are many people who usually come to ask Dad for help, but Dad refuses."

Taking out the key, Megumi Kato gently opened the door.

"I'm back."

"Xiao Hui, that..." A middle-aged man wearing a pair of wool shoes happened to walk through the corridor with a cup of tea, and he opened his mouth after seeing Chen Feng behind Kato Megumi, but he didn't make any sound.

"Good evening, Dad. This is Mr. Weird. Didn't you say you wanted to meet Mr. Weird?"

I don't know if it was Chen Feng's illusion, but he always felt that Kato's father breathed a sigh of relief. He saw Kato's father walking quickly. It can be seen at a glance that Kato's father should be a professionally trained person.

"Hello, classmate Chen, I have heard that you have helped my little girl a lot before, and my little girl has been taken care of."

Chen Feng looked at the palm in front of him, held it after being silent for a while, then quickly pulled it out again, and said lightly:

"That should."


Although he knew from his wife and daughter that the other party's personality was rather strange, but Kato's father never expected to receive such an answer, and he didn't know what to answer for a while.


He looked at his hands, then raised his head to look at Chen Feng.

The feeling just now seemed to be a bit wrong. How could this young man have such thick calluses on his hands?And just now he seemed to vaguely see a thicker layer of calluses on the side of Chen Feng's thumb.

But these discoveries were well hidden in his heart, he just hoped that this young man was not a bad person.

"Father, it's impolite to let guests stand at the door."

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