Ruijier really used her comics to contribute, which Chen Feng did not expect, "Do you need to sign a contract?"

In most countries, minors or persons with limited capacity to act are generally not allowed to sign contracts directly, and their behavior needs to be supervised by guardians, and Chen Feng is now Rachel's guardian.

He guessed a little bit.


"No problem, which company is it?"

"It's a small company, and it hasn't been around for long." Rachel's eyebrows curved into a crescent, "Because there is relatively little competition there, so it can be used as a test of the water, and it will make money."

"Actually, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

Rubbing Ruiji'er's head, Chen Feng said.

"No." Ruijier shook her head, and said seriously: "Ah Feng must be short of money now, right? It cost a lot to buy a car and modify it."


Indeed, as Ruijier said, the money Chen Feng spent on the car was acceptable to him, but because of the modification problem, Chen Feng left a small part of the money on hand, saying that he was short of money but actually Not too much.

But he obviously didn't tell Rachel about it...

As if seeing through Chen Feng's thoughts, Rachel said:

"Ah Feng's time in the studio... is relatively late recently."

More than once, she saw Chen Feng designing new figures in the studio until five or six o'clock in the morning. This kind of situation was rare before, even once or twice, but most of the time Chen Feng would be punctual to come out before three o'clock.

Working continuously for such a long time... It's hard for Rachel not to notice.

Now that everything has been guessed, Chen Feng did not pick up the topic or lie like most parents. He felt that Rachel did have the right to know.

"That's right, I don't have much savings in my hand, but it's still okay to maintain life and some entertainment."

"But if I can make money, can Ah Feng... go home earlier? It doesn't need to be so wet in rainy days, and it doesn't need to be so tired from sweating profusely. It can be a lot easier, right?"

After a moment of hesitation, Rachel said.


His schedule is very tight, even on weekdays, he will start delivering food after school to 11 o'clock, and start designing new figures after returning home; weekends are even more busy, from waking up in the morning to going home at night, he is at home The time is generally not more than 8 hours.

It seems that it has been a long time since I have been with this little girl properly.

This girl really cares about this...

Looking at the eyes full of anticipation, and the corner of the clothes on the hands that kept rubbing because of the restlessness in my heart.

Looking back, Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then this family is also entrusted to you."

Never underestimate anyone's determination, nor underestimate a child's efforts to make their wishes come true.

The word "family" is a wrapped existence. Holding up an umbrella can always block the unobstructed sky, but this does not only require the efforts of one person. It's not just about putting your hands on it.

Perhaps, there is another hand?

After receiving Chen Feng's affirmative answer, Rui Jier looked extremely happy, her petite body threw herself towards Chen Feng, and hugged Chen Feng's waist.

"Then make an appointment and go home early."

"Is there anything I promised to break my word?"

"If it rains, don't get caught in the rain."



The next morning, in Sobugao's office, a pack of cigarettes was thrown in front of Shizuka Hiratsuka who was writing a lesson plan. She was stunned for a moment, and then furious.

"Brat, you fucking want to ask for leave again?"

Another pack of cigarettes was thrown.


"And Ray's."

Looking at the two packs of cigarettes on the table, the veins on Hiratsuka Shizuka's forehead twitched, and the white coat was pulled back, and the two looked at each other closely.

"She's in the first grade. It's useless for you to find me."

"I'll talk there."

"Hiss—" Hiratsuka grabbed her head and sat back on the chair, raised her legs and looked at Chen Feng, lit a cigarette and threw one to Chen Feng, "reason."

"I'm going to take that little girl to sign a contract. You know, I'm her guardian."


Shizuka Hiratsuka asked suspiciously: "What contract."

"She drew a comic and passed the review. After a while, I heard that there is another big prize. If she can enter the top three, she can publish it."

Pulling over an unoccupied chair next to it, Chen Feng explained.

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