Yang Nai trotted over wearing a beige dress, with a bright smile on his face, as if he had forgotten the danger in front of him.

However, Chen Feng knew that Yang Nai was all pretending, and it was part of her social character, a way to suppress her depression to the bottom of her heart.

Looking at the hand holding his arm, he could clearly feel the coldness and trembling coming from above.

Against a behemoth, perhaps this is an unprecedented experience for her.

Such a huge pressure may really be fatal to her.

Patting her on the back, Chen Feng said in a voice that only the two could hear:

"It's okay, it's better if there is a problem."

The best way to solve the problem is to completely solve the person who raised the problem. Whoever is the decision maker is dead, and all strategies will not be able to be implemented normally.

Chen Feng is different from Yang Nai, he has fought against the state apparatus of the whole world, and this level of crisis is not even enough to be called difficult.

He really dares to implement some things that others dare not think about.

"It's okay, sister, do I look like such a fragile person? Not at all, okay."

With a smile on his face, he hammered Chen Feng's chest, and Yang Nai relaxed a lot.

Anyway, no matter how dangerous it is, she will definitely not take a step back.

She has even experienced more dangerous life threats, so what else is she afraid of?Could it be that the Shinomiya family could make another armored warrior for her?

She has a high degree of trust in Chen Feng, and... is at ease.


Beside the brightly lit street, there are non-stop luxury convoys speeding past here, most of them are politicians and businessmen who have accepted the invitation of the Shinomiya family.

However, among these people with different identities, they all have the same destination, which is another hotel under the name of the Shinomiya family, where densely packed police are restricting the flow of people. Neon is an extremely important existence, and they don't want anything to happen during the time they are in charge, otherwise they will all become so-called sinners through the ages.

Leaving the commercial area, Chen Feng quickly drove to another sparsely populated street according to the location given by Yang Nai. There are even more policemen than passers-by here.

Except for the outermost policemen, there are special security personnel at the entrance of the hotel to handle it. The security personnel are all patrolling inside with live ammunition, and they can quickly deal with any accidents.

The Shinomiya family invited a lot of people, and the parking lot in front of the hotel was full of cars of guests who came to the banquet.

After submitting the invitation to the inspectors for review, Chen Feng handed over the car to the parking officer.

"Isn't this Miss Yukinoshita? Long time no see, business is booming recently?"

As soon as she got out of the car, Yang Nai heard a voice behind her, she turned her head, and immediately responded with a smile on her face.

"You, too, Minister Fujiwara, have a bright career. It's hard to imagine anyone like you who can become a provincial minister at the age of 45." Yang Nao nodded politely: "The last bidding was really troublesome for you."

"Hahaha, there is no way. I and Ling Ci are also good classmates for many years, and they can be regarded as your uncles. Naturally, the elders should take care of you. It's easy to do." The middle-aged man laughed heartily, "But this Everything is still up to Miss Yukinoshita, you have the ability, that project has received rave reviews from my side, and the quality has completely exceeded expectations."

"Thanks to your trust, all this can be done as scheduled, Minister Fujiwara, are you here with your family?"

"No, I brought a few juniors here. My brother has been busy with some diplomatic affairs recently, so I came here for him."

The two were talking all the time, but Minister Fujiwara's eyes frequently moved to Chen Feng. Standing across from him, there would always be an inexplicable pressure in front of this young man. You must know that he usually sees some very high-level young people. character, why does this feeling appear now?

Is it an illusion?

Keen perception is a necessary skill for an old fried dough stick. Seeing this, Yang Nai didn't know that it was time to introduce Chen Feng, so he said:

"Chen Feng, he is my very good friend. If there is a chance in the future, I hope Minister Fujiwara will take care of him."

"In this case, it is naturally necessary. Hello, Mr. Chen, my name is Fujiwara, and I am currently the Minister of Labor."

"Hi Mr. Fujiwara."

The hands of the two were just loosened after a casual shake. Fujiwara Fuji was also aware of the situation of Yukinoshita's family. The family of a female clan, the so-called "good friend" introduced by Yukinoshita Yoshino may be He is the son-in-law of this generation, and he is not very interested in it, so naturally he won't waste his time talking.

After a brief chat, although Fujiwara Fujiwara was still very curious about why this young man named Chen Feng always gave him a very dangerous feeling, but now it was time to enter the arena, and the rest of the Fujiwara family They also put down the conversation at hand and rushed over.

"Uncle Uncle~! Huh wow!"

Fujiwara Fujiwara heard the voice behind him, but before he realized what happened, he saw Chen Feng hanging in the air and grabbing the unsteady girl like a chicken.

"Hey hey, I accidentally ran too fast." The girl with pink hair was still wearing a black bow tie in her front bangs, she didn't take the extremely dangerous action just now seriously, she just scratched her head and said with a smile .

"Qianhua, pay attention to etiquette!" Fujiwara Fujiwara reprimanded the girl for her disrespectful behavior without any pain, but spread her palms to Xiang Yango.

The girl should have gone through a lot of similar things, and soon understood what her uncle meant, and she nodded gracefully to Yang Nai after flashing the laughing expression just now.

"Sister Yukinoshita, good evening."

"Xiao Qianhua is also the same. The older she grows, the more beautiful she becomes."

"Hey~ No matter what, they are all the same."

He said so, but Fujiwara Chika had already covered her face and twisted her body, as if she was about to be praised to the sky.

Soon, Chika Fujiwara turned her head, looked at the expressionless Chen Feng, and thanked:

"Hi, my name is Fujiwara Chika, thank you very much for your help just now."

"Chen Feng."

Chen Feng just nodded, he didn't seem to care about the girl's actions just now.

"Nah, nah." However, Fujiwara Chika didn't seem to want to let go of Chen Feng who didn't want to talk to her, but approached curiously and asked, "Excuse me, are you sister Yukinoshita's boyfriend?"

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