But what Chen Feng said was the truth, she had no way to refute it, so she had to keep apologizing.

"I am very sorry for the trouble you have caused, and I hope you can understand."

Then she looked at the big man who was inspecting Chen Feng, and the big man shook his head.

"This guest only has a mobile phone, a necklace, a watch and a bracelet. I have checked them all and they are all right."


Of course, Ai Hayasaka believed in the inspection capabilities of the professionally trained security personnel of the Shinomiya family, and after scribbling on paper, she said:

"Both of you can go, thank you for your cooperation."

Apart from Chen Feng and Yang Nai, there are still many people who are being checked. These people are all guests passing by or already nearby, as well as service and security personnel, so she still has a lot to do.

After going downstairs, Chen Feng found that there was a person dressed as a guest following behind the two of them, so he signaled Yang Nai not to speak, and the two just waited quietly.

"Senior, are you alright?"

After a while, Ishigami Yu, who was also taken away for inspection because of being too close, came down from the second floor and trotted to Chen Feng for questioning.

"Isn't this Xiaoshishang? How did you two know each other?"

Yang Nai looked quite surprised.

"Hi, Miss Yukinoshita." Yu Ishigami scratched his head, "I saw you and your father had been discussing business before, so I didn't have time to say hello to you."

"It's okay, Xiaoshishang is also good, you can talk to Xiaofeng so easily."

Chen Feng glared at Yang Nai.

"Am I a monster?"

"Hee hee, who knows."

Giving Yang Nai a shudder, Chen Feng turned around and looked at the dumbfounded Ishigami Yu, and asked, "Why were you brought up, Ishigami?"

"Me? I just came over to pick up a drink... I passed by."

"Forget it, it's fine."

Chen Feng nodded, but it was impossible for something to happen.

The inspection was very quick. After a while, Ai Hayasaka came down with people, and the door of the banquet hall was opened immediately. A gray-haired old man also rushed over.

According to Yang Nai, this person is the ruler of the Sigong consortium and the head of the Sigong family.

The reason why the other party came to this place was that anyone present could guess with their butts.

What a shame that a poisoning incident occurred at a banquet held by his family, and the poisoned people were his three sons?If nothing is done, it will surely discredit the Shinomiya family.

Patriarch Sigong came here to apologize to the people present, and promised that they could ask the Sigong family for help if they had any problems at home. It was considered as a favor to everyone, but the price was not to publicize what happened tonight.

And such good things?

All the people present were ecstatic, they could reap a favor from the Sigong family by keeping an insignificant post-dinner conversation secret, what a sure-fire business this is!

Anyway, it's not his own accident.

Needless to say, the guests responded one after another, promising that what happened tonight would rot in their stomachs.

The patriarch of Sigong seemed to be going to the hospital to check on the condition of his three sons, and he left with someone after a while.

Such a vicious incident happened at the banquet, and everyone didn't want to stay any longer, and left one by one.

Ishigami was also taken away by his father, and before he left, he reminded Chen Feng again so that Chen Feng had time to come to Tokyo to play with him.

The night sky was full of stars, the waves beat against the coast, and the salty sea breeze blew into this azure city. Chen Fengye and Yang Nai drove back to the hotel.


"Well, I did."

Yang Nai didn't have time to finish asking, Chen Feng answered very simply.

The reason why I didn't mention this matter in the banquet hall was because I was followed and eavesdropped by people from the Sigong family, but now Chen Feng didn't find that anyone was following him and the two of us, and there was no monitoring equipment in the car, so He readily admitted.

"Ah?" Yang Nai was full of doubts, "That waiter is you?"

"Yes, I have a little makeup skills and some physical skills. It's not difficult to change to people who don't recognize me."

"Didn't they find nothing? Where's your make-up props?"

Chen Feng took out a small box the size of a fist from his pocket and threw it to Yang Nai. It was just a simple cosmetic box. As for other props still hanging on some places on his body, he didn't bother to take them out.

"Hehe... I don't want others to find things, even if I strip them naked, he won't be able to find them, let alone do you think they have the guts to offend people like this?"

Chen Feng said disdainfully that he had killed a lot of people in assassination missions before, and when he was at the highest level, he was even a political figure in the country. It was enough to deal with a small family.

What's more, he even showed his real skills. If this can't be solved, he will really lose his face.

But it seems that the Sigong family can only do so much, especially the security guard who checked his belongings did not realize that he was being played by Chen Feng as a monkey. His body kept changing positions like magic, and every time he missed the position of the prop.

"But it's too dangerous." Yang Nai said with lingering fear: "There should be something wrong with the red wine, right? What did you add to it?"

"Digoxin or Cardiac Stimulant, it's not fatal if you overdose, it's just a warning to them, if they trouble you again in the future, remember to tell me, understand?"

"Hi~Hi~" Yang Nai giggled, and didn't bother to worry about why Chen Feng had this thing on his body, "So do you want my sister to warm your bed tonight? Reward."

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