What is this?

The waiter explained:

"This is a special new product that our store has just launched recently, and the praise rate is also very high."

"Then please give me a piece... and give me another chiffon cake."

Some worried about whether she could eat this strange food, Xue Nai made sure to order a dessert she liked.

Anyway, she was here to pet cats, and eating was just incidental.

As if traveling in heaven, Xue Nai's heart was about to be melted by the little guys who kept meowing beside her.

You could tell she enjoyed the place.

The timidity in my heart gradually subsided, as long as I didn't meet acquaintances, everything would be fine.

This thought came to mind, and was thrown out of the sky by Xue Nai in an instant.

How could Qianye be so young, and he had no acquaintances, the probability of this was simply ridiculous.

The single seat is close to the door, and Xue Nai can even see the passers-by outside the door while petting the cat.

But just as she was about to take a bite of the chiffon cake that was served first, a voice came from outside the door.

"Takeaway orders, from the 11th to the 28th, I'm in trouble."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The next moment, Xue Nai's movements froze, because she saw a tall figure wearing a very familiar red jacket trotting in from outside the cat restaurant.

She originally thought that she would not be shy, and a blush appeared on her face, and her heart began to beat faster.

How to do how to do……?To be seen!

In fact, she didn't even know why she was shy, since the other party had accompanied her to a similar restaurant last time.

Thinking silently in her heart not to be discovered, Xue Nai began to bury her head in eating the cake, her small face was almost stuck on the cake!

One of Murphy's laws perfectly described the situation at this time. Chen Feng took the takeaway and started hanging on himself. When he turned to leave, she saw a familiar person.

"Hi Yukino, good evening."

"Ah this..."

If you worry about something happening, it's more likely to happen.

No, Chen Feng saw Xue Nao who was buried in the cake at a glance, and even took the initiative to say hello.

When Chen Feng called Xue Nai's name, he clearly saw the girl at the table trembled obviously, and then she raised her head expressionlessly, her small mouth opened slightly, as if surprised.

"Good evening, Chen Feng, are you still working? I passed by here so I came in for a meal."

Chen Feng didn't know that Xue Nai was being discovered by him because of his shyness, and he squeezed out a subtle smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, no serious person would eat here - I'm going to deliver the order, I wish you a pleasant meal."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng rushed out of the restaurant, and he couldn't see that Xue Nai's face was so pink at this time, she seemed to be holding back something...

In the end, Xue Nai became calm, um, except that her legs kept shaking up and down, everything was calm, there was no difference.

However, she also found that Chen Feng seemed to be in a good mood, so he would take the initiative to make such a joke with her.


A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Xue Nao simply smashed the can, since they have been discovered anyway, so it's better to continue playing here openly.

Anyway...he wouldn't say anything.

Because of the third year of high school, everyone will graduate next year. People with dreams start to go to the battlefield for their own ideals. Some people start to learn technology in some places, and some people start to enter some enterprises to study and work. Some people join the university exams in order to continue their education.

The choices are different, but it does prove that a fork in the road that they will experience in their lives lies ahead.

Learning and academic qualifications are not always useful. In some jobs that test qualifications and skills, people with rich technical experience are often the most powerful workers in the entire enterprise. Very few lucky people can seize this opportunity to rigidly carry out class mobility , to improve living conditions for yourself and your family.

It is impossible for life to be exactly the same, but the ending may usher in an unremarkable end.

Xue Nai hopes to continue to improve her academic qualifications, at least to complete university studies, but her grades are still far from being able to be admitted to the school she wants to go to, so she has been desperately making up for her shortcomings.

The university she wants to go to is a national university, which is very different from a private university, because the entrance examination of a national university basically covers all the subjects of arts and sciences, and it is far more difficult than the pure arts and pure science examinations of private universities. Much bigger.

The long-term high-intensity study made her physically and mentally exhausted for a while, which is why she wanted to come here to relax.

After playing until 9 o'clock in the evening, Xue Nai went to the front desk to check out and leave.

Before returning to the apartment, she also needs to go to the convenience store to buy some daily necessities.

Accompanied by the cashier's farewell sound of "Welcome next time", Yukino walked out of the convenience store carrying a shopping bag.

She needs to walk about one kilometer to the bus station. Even if she has money, she is unwilling to spend money on expensive taxis at such unnecessary times, because taxis are too expensive.

However, as she was walking, she suddenly heard a cry for help from a nearby alley, which made her frown.

Because the voice calling for help was obviously a woman, the fear in that delicate voice was too obvious, so she called the police and walked in.

In the alley, a girl with several boxes of desserts in her hand was cornered by bad Sanming youths. One of the youths was constantly forcing the girl in the corner to smoke. Xue Nao also thought the girl looked familiar.

"You bastard, we give you cigarettes because we think highly of you. After smoking, we will ignore the matter of you staining my clothes for the time being. Don't be too complacent for a mere bitch!"

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