In the physical education class of Zongwu High, except for the time when everyone is required to do activities together, the rest of the time is trained by different physical education teachers for different elective students.

Students in the first year of high school seldom have electives, and most of them take compulsory courses together. However, in the second and third years of high school, there are elective options in physical education courses, which are used to provide students with free choice according to their hobbies.

Chapter 24 Don't think I'm afraid of you

It is said to be a free choice, but many students who have joined the sports club will take courses related to the sports club, such as choosing basketball for the basketball club, volleyball for the volleyball club, and robes for the track and field club.

Chen Feng's physical education class is also a class that gives him free activities, because his elective project is karate...

On the first day of class, he beat up the physical education teacher who taught karate in sparring, because these movements were too performative, and the movements were changed from practicality to performance. Can't look down on this kind of stuff.

If you really want to learn the real thing, you have to find a professional aikido teacher to teach actual combat skills like Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Yono. If you break your wrist and give you a shoulder throw, it is a shoulder throw, and you will not be confused at all.

But most people can't meet the conditions of Yukinoshita's family, so they can only learn one more way to strengthen their body through physical education classes.

The physical education teacher of karate also found that the strength gap between himself and Chen Feng was too large in that battle, and they were not on the same level at all, so he simply gave up managing Chen Feng.

That teacher also graduated from a professional sports academy with a major in martial arts. After he was defeated by Chen Feng, he took the video of Chen Feng's battle with him and asked his former teacher. Finally, he found out through various information searches. The techniques used by Chen Feng and him in the battle belonged to the ranks of Krav Maga.

No wonder this guy either punches his eyes or pokes his throat and kicks his crotch. This is simply beating people to death!

In the beginning, most of the teachers just regarded Chen Feng beating the students as ordinary street gangsters fighting, but when the video of Chen Feng often defeating the enemy with one move was recorded by an unknown student, everyone knew that this person was not themselves at all. The existence that can be provoked, so there was a scene when Chen Feng walked into the office swaggeringly and no teacher dared to scold him.

Under the huge banyan tree, Chen Feng leaned against the trunk and played with his mobile phone.

There was still a large group of people urging him to do it on Twitter, so he just replied "I'm doing it, I'm doing it" to fool the fans who are staring at his Twitter every day.



A message was sent on the line, and it was none other than Miss Kato who sent the message.

"(*^▽^*) What do Mr. Weird think of puffs? The ice cream kind."

"I think it's okay, ordinary puffs are very greasy. By the way, don't you go to class?"

"I'm taking a cooking class, but because I finished it too quickly, I have nothing to do."

Ms. Kato's cooking level is very high. For her, the cooking class in high school can only be said to be pediatrics, and it is not surprising that she does it quickly.

Chen Feng's phone vibrated again.

"Since Mr. Weird thinks that ice cream puffs are delicious, then make some. I have the materials around me. I'll come find you after school~"

Ice cream puffs...the weather will definitely melt!

"You take this thing and it will be cleaned up, so don't let it go."

"Hey (???), in fact, I brought an insulated box, and it is still cooled by USB charging."

"What are you doing with this thing at school?"

"Well—because my mother insisted on giving me an ice cream she made, but I haven't eaten it all the time, so I can make ice cream puffs. It's settled. After school, I will go to Zongwu High to find Mr. Don't run around."

Are you coaxing a crying child?

Chen Feng thought with black lines.

Kato Megumi did not reply to the message Chen Feng sent next. It seemed that he was going to make puffs. He shook his head because he really wanted to tell Kato Megumi that he could drive there.

He closed his eyes and took a nap, and after an unknown amount of time, Chen Feng felt as if someone beside him sat down as well.

A gentle breeze picks up a faint scent of yuzu.

Hmm, the smell of orange-scented shampoo.

"Want to eat?"

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes, and saw the sweaty Xue Nai holding a popsicle and asked.

"If I don't eat it, can you finish it? Also, eat it later after exercising, be careful of catching a cold."

After receiving the popsicle, Chen Feng tore open the packaging bag and said.

"It's been 10 minutes since I bought it, that's enough." Xue Nai bit the popsicle in small bites, like a kitten eating.

Probably sensing Chen Feng's gaze, Xue Nai blushed pretty, turned her head aside, and whispered:

"I won't catch a cold."

"I'm not talking about that, I just think you look like some kind of small animal."

Thinking that Chen Feng was making fun of her with what happened yesterday, Xue Nai gave him a vicious look, and finally asked quietly:

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?"

"I've always kept my mouth shut, and I don't need to be so vigilant when I go to that kind of place, right?"

It’s just going to a cat-themed restaurant, not a cowherd’s shop, so you’re afraid of social death?

"If my sister knows, she will laugh at me again, that idiot."

"Actually, I can laugh at you if you want."

"How dare you?!" Xue Nai caught a glimpse of the half-eaten popsicle in Chen Feng's hand from the corner of her eyes, and said with a stern face, "You can't tell if you took a bribe."

"Huh? You call this a bribe?"

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