I asked you to be euphemistic, not so euphemistic! ! !


In the whole school, it can be regarded as finding someone who can fight with Chen Feng, but this confrontation lasted for more than ten minutes, during which Xue Nai was on the side talking to each other, otherwise the duel was obviously not for a while can be solved.

It was at this time that Xue Nai understood how terrible it is when two people with fierce personalities fight each other, and if one doesn't let the other go, in fact, it's okay, what she is more afraid of is that these two people are in the playground When it comes to fighting, don't think that Chen Feng will show mercy to people of different genders. He belongs to the kind of existence that either fights directly or doesn't fight.

Fortunately, what she was most worried about didn't happen. The two of them just moved their lips, and they haven't reached the point of doing it yet.

"Just give Yukinoshita a face, otherwise this matter won't end."

"If you are not happy, then continue."

"You two shut up!"

When Xue Nai saw that these two people started to quarrel again, her face darkened in an instant, "Kawasaki-san, Chen Feng also needs your help, please give him the contact information."


Seeing the face of Yukino who was originally friendly and suddenly darkened, Saki Kawasaki hesitated in an instant, but she seemed to feel that it was embarrassing to say so, so she said: "It's for Yukinoshita's sake, don't worry about it." Send me a message."

"You don't have flowers on your face, so don't worry, I won't send you." Chen Feng recorded Kawasaki Saki's line, and said lightly: "If you encounter similar things, please send me a message, sometimes luck It won't last forever, if the other party has a weapon, it will be troublesome."

"Then disarm."

"You can be faster than looking at the gun and who you are."

"It's just some gangsters. How could there be such a thing? If caught, they will be locked up for decades."

Kawasaki Saki muttered in a low voice, and Chen Feng and Yukino could naturally hear her words clearly.

Yukino, who knew more, sighed.

"Kawasaki-san, actually firearms are not difficult to get even in this country. If you are in danger, you'd better contact Chen Feng, even me."

Drug dealers themselves are a group of extremely high incomes. Thousands of times the profits are obtained through violating laws and morals. They will also face countless dangers, even if the dangers do not come from the anti-drug police It may be other underground forces from the transaction.

It is not uncommon for some forces to take risks for a large amount of profits and engage in a wave of gangsters. They need to protect themselves and naturally obtain weapons through many means, such as bribery, threats, and drug trade.

Not to mention the gun, even if someone from the drug cartel took out the anti-armor explosive Xue Nao, they wouldn't be overly surprised.

One of the most important factors is that even in the Yukinoshita family in the Chiba area, almost all members of the direct line have their own firearms, and Yukino herself is no exception, but she never carries such things.

As for Chen Feng...



"Original God?Servant! "

The ever-changing master show of the servant system + some different plots of the original gods

Chapter 25 Strange Lucky Beads

Xue Naiguang could infer from many clues that this man was holding... No, he was carrying something similar. The gun he took out in school when he entered school last year was definitely not the water gun confiscated by the police, but A real gun.

Among the people present, only Kawasaki Saki, a relatively ordinary person, could say such stupid things.

Pointing to Xue Nai beside him, Chen Feng said: "You'd better listen to her, it's also for your safety, after all, that kind of organization usually has a revenge mentality, if conditions permit, you can bring some self-defense recently." Anything to use, even anti-wolf spray."

Seeing that the two people in front of him became more serious, Saki Kawasaki was not a fool and nodded.

"Okay, I'll pay attention, since I won't bother you two, I still have two kilometers to run."

Hearing his companion not far away calling him, Kawasaki Saki raised his hand and ran towards the direction he came from before.

"Cough cough..."

Xue Nao didn't know what strange thing came to her mind, but she quickly regained her composure, and looked at Chen Feng, "Did Nakano-san tell you about her filming?"

"I said it, but it's tomorrow evening, so there's no rush now."

Xue Nai raised her head and said slowly:

"Sometimes I really envy her. She can let go and pursue her dreams, and she still does it."

"If a trick is considered a dream, then this dream is too worthless." Chen Feng denied Xue Nai's words, "Besides, will anyone stop you now from what you want to do? Your mother probably won't interfere. ?”

"I won't interfere, but I can't lose to my predecessors."

Born in a family, it is difficult for everyone to stay out of things. There will be comparisons between each other, and there will naturally be comparisons in career. Not the face of one person, but the face of the whole family.

Growing up in such an environment, I have to say that it is really full of pressure.

"Then have you thought about what you're going to do in the future?"

Before Chen Feng's question, Xue Nai also shook her head.

"Actually, I'm not even sure about the major I want to study now, because I was still thinking about doing things that my sister didn't do, but thinking about it now, I'm so stupid."

"Indeed, it's okay to be stupid." Chen Feng couldn't deny it, "If you really want to not widen the gap with those in your family, in short, there are only few options, either to get famous, to make money, or Both fame and fortune."

However, Xue Nai's personality is there. From her own point of view, she is a very talented person in many things, but because of her personality, she doesn't like to compete for fame and fortune. This is very similar to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng now wants to gain fame and profit. It is not too simple. As long as he announces his information and announces that he is looking for cooperation with companies, I believe that a lot of companies who are interested in his design and production capabilities will come to find him. come to your door.

The last tweet that was tried out because of lack of money was an example, and private messages were directly exploded by various companies.

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