
Chen Feng turned his head suddenly, looked at Miss Kato who was smiling and relaxed, his face twitched a few times involuntarily, and finally he said helplessly: "If you want to know, just ask directly, routines are very boring."

"Because, Dad seldom tells me about his work, but it's dangerous to hear from my mother, so I want to know more about it."

"It is indeed dangerous. His occupation itself is destined to not be too ordinary. He should have experienced a lot of life and death..."

"But isn't Mr. Weird very familiar with it? Mr. Weird has a similar experience?"

"No." Chen Feng sternly said, "I guess."

"Eh—this is very distressing."

"It's not that I said...Miss Kato, you always do this, and I feel distressed."

"Didn't you say all this, Mr. Weird? I didn't even ask any questions."

Ms. Kato smiled slightly, and gradually retracted her gaze, moving her energetic eyes up without too much fluctuation, and said calmly: "But if everyone is safe and sound, everything will be fine."

"Will everything be fine..." Chen Feng raised his head in deep thought, and asked, "Isn't Miss Kato going to work?"

"Because the part-time job is a bit long, I asked for leave today with the store manager uncle. The students who are about to graduate are very busy to some extent."

"Do you spend your time studying again?"

"Well—how should I put it, it doesn't seem to have any effect. Every time I take the exam, I always feel that the ranking has not changed, and the fluctuation is within 2, and they are all in the middle. I calculated...from the first year of high school to the present... 29 times?"


Vaguely, Chen Feng always felt that this girl took the test like this on purpose, or else she was lucky enough to be in the middle of every test.

The two walked to a doll shop without knowing it, and Miss Kato suddenly cast her eyes on a small doll in the shop.

[Shopping over 5000 yen can win a lucky draw and a random hat as a gift]

"It seems... to be doing an event, but it's a pity, I just bought the hat not long ago, and it seems that I don't really need it."

While talking, Miss Kato stopped and looked at Chen Feng.

"I think Mister Weird might be more interesting with a proper hat."

"Hat... why don't you give me a steel helmet."

"Actually, it's okay. An uncle gave me a steel helmet on my birthday before. He said he asked a friend to buy it from Russia. Do you want Mr. Weird?"

"Why do you really have this thing..." Chen Feng complained silently, but he just shook his head and declined politely: "In a sense, a birthday present is something more commemorative than practical, so it won't attract people's liking. "

"Then let's go in for a stroll. It's been a long time since we've seriously visited a store."

"Okay... um?" Chen Feng was in the middle of speaking, his whole body was shocked, and he grinned stiffly: "But Miss Kato, didn't you say that you just bought a hat recently?"

"mo——" Ms. Kato suddenly puffed up her face, and the cute look made people want to poke her rosy white face with her fingers, "The problem is that this is a doll shop, and it doesn't conflict with the hat thing. , it's obviously normal for girls to like fluffy dolls."

It made sense, but Chen Feng still felt that there was a big logic problem in the middle, but his sixth sense told him that it was best not to argue with the girl in front of him, otherwise he might be drawn into circles.

She is obviously a well-behaved and obedient girl, but every time she talks, she always feels that she is always playing tricks on herself, and under the calm smile, it is another feeling.

How should I describe it in the words of those dead houses?Black belly?

What a nerd, fortunately Chen Feng doesn't look at those nerdy things.

As for his knowledge of similar knowledge, it is really thanks to the almighty sand sculpture netizens, whose knowledge supplements are really comprehensive.

It is now spring, and the cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter goes by. The arrival of summer is only a blink of an eye. Many merchants have done a lot of research on marketing. For some innocuous activities that can return costs and reduce inventory operations, they It's even more familiar.

Chapter 26 The girl who can't understand

In fact, Chen Feng was also brought to this doll shop by Rachel. The things in it are not expensive. Many small and delicate puppets are less than 2000 yen, and even many large dolls are only 7000. 8000 yen, but after entering the store this time, Chen Feng already found some changes in the price tag in the store.

A small price increase hides an activity that can attract more guests. Sometimes the lottery will form a gambler effect, especially this kind of lottery with a collection orientation.

There are not many customers in the shop, but compared to the surrounding shops, this place may be called a 'huge crowd', some are couples, some are brothers and sisters, some are men and women together, and some are accompanied by women and men.

It seems that buying dolls is just a sideline for them to enhance their relationship with each other. The real main purpose is the random gift and lottery when they buy all the dolls.

"A lot of people..."

"The flow of people is indeed very large."

Ms. Kato slowed down, helped the beret on the top of her head that was squeezed and crooked by the crowd, "Don't get lost, Mr. Weird."

"You are coaxing the child here..."

The waiters in the store obviously can't meet the needs of customers here, and most of the customers are in a state of seeing themselves.

The rough estimate of the shop where the goods are sold is about 120 square meters, which is considered a relatively large shop. Near the cashier, Chen Feng can see paying customers lined up in a straight line, and he can also hear some people drawing a lot of lottery tickets but repeating their orders. A lament when something is smoked.

After lamenting, some customers who just wanted to collect all the things continued to browse the store with the shopping bags that had already been paid, and the whole person had fallen into a state of irrational frenzy.

Probably... that's the money he earned.

It's just that because of the resistance of some customers, Chen Feng couldn't see what the so-called lottery prizes of this store were, but he thought they were things that would attract otaku groups. After all, he saw a customer who seemed to be holding a hand-made The same thing went out.

So we say rational consumption, rational consumption.


Miss Kato's voice made Chen Feng, who was thinking, dazzled, and then turned his head to look, and saw Miss Kato holding a little blue Stitch doll, and he staggered for a while. , fell towards Chen Feng.

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