"I don't think it's possible for me to have that speed in my whole life."

Shaking his head, Hikigu walked into the milk tea shop first, and the others followed.

At the big round table not far away, a bunch of acquaintances were sitting there, including a certain... Yang Nai.

Seemingly aware of the strange look in Chen Feng's eyes, Yang Nai stopped joking and waved the receipt in his hand showing off.

"Are you unhappy seeing your sister? Or...surprised?"

"No, I just think you should be busy with work now."

Due to work reasons, Yang Nai hadn't been home for several days, and Chen Feng was also worried about disturbing the other party's work, so he didn't mention it to Yang Nai.

"Xiao Xue Nai told me, and the ticket was also given to me by Xiao Xue Nai, didn't you expect that?"

"Sister, you are ashamed, please sit down and talk."

Xue Nai ordered her own milk tea, and the corners of her mouth twitched, she couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Besides, I just think it's too pitiful for you to be excluded alone."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so I'm so touched by my sister. If I don't have my good sister, I will be excluded. She is Yang Nao's great savior!"

"Can you...don't be so disgusting? There is still an hour, just pass the time here for a while."

After Xue Nai put down her words, she completely ignored her sister's teasing, and played with her mobile phone on her own.

Because there were a lot of people, the seats seemed a bit crowded when sitting down. It took a while for everyone to make room for Chen Feng, so Chen Feng sat next to Sanjiu.

The girls resumed their previous conversations, only Chen Feng, Yukino, Hachiman, and Sanjiu, who were silent, were particularly conspicuous.

Chen Feng still frankly perfunctory some degree of "reminder" on Twitter. His figurine fans saw that Chen Feng did not want to act at all, and their teeth were itchy, but there was nothing they could do.

But when it comes to this, he has a headache. He has not forgotten the warning Lianhua gave him. He urgently needs to find a way to obtain californium. Even if he needs to spend money to buy californium, he does not have enough money. .

what can he doIs it possible that he is still going to grab it?

"Chen Feng... looks very distressed."

Just as he was thinking about how to obtain californium, a soft voice sounded in his ear.

Raising his head, Chen Feng saw Sanjiu wearing earphones looking at him, and it seemed that what she said just now was also said by her.

This girl was originally introverted, but when she realized that Chen Feng was looking at her, she lost her balance for some reason, her big eyes flicked from side to side in a panic.

"No... I'm just talking casually..."

"It's no big deal, I'm thinking about how to rob."


Sanjiu was directly confused by Chen Feng's words.

robbery?Is it because of lack of money?

In fact, she didn't know that what Chen Feng wanted might not even be able to buy it with money. After all, it was an extremely scarce material for experimental research.

She took off her earphones, handed them to Chen Feng, and said softly:

"Would you like some music? Maybe to relax a little."

Sanjiu thought about it carefully, Chen Feng may have encountered some troubles recently, but she has no ability to help, the only thing she can do seems to be to temporarily contribute her earphones.

For a person like her who is addicted to earphones, it is a miracle that she can hand over her own earphones.

"Is that so? Thank you."

Feeling that it might be inappropriate to refuse the other party, Chen Feng took Sanjiu's earphones and put them on.

A heavy metal song was playing in the earphones, but it was switched to pure music within two seconds after Chen Feng put it on. The sound like mountains and flowing water really calmed Chen Feng's restless heart a lot.

Just ...

Chen Feng glanced at Sanjiu quietly, and found that the girl was squatting quietly on the sofa with her legs tucked up.

Well, now it seems that the metal music that was playing at the beginning was kind of weird.

Time passed by, Chen Feng leaned against the sofa with his eyes closed, taking a sip of fruit juice from time to time.

I don't know how long it has passed, but two words suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind


By the way, isn't this family quite powerful?The top family in Tokyo, then the family network should be good, and from the many conversations I heard on the way when I went to the banquet last time, the members of this family seem to be spread across all walks of life, so there may be many in the scientific research field. To californian exists.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

In this case, it's better to 'rob' them. It just so happens that this family has a bit of a festive relationship with Yukinoshita's family, and there is a high possibility that they will have something they need.

Then arrange it!

Chen Feng made up his mind, intending to make a plan when he goes back, and then let them do it for him, right?Anyway, he didn't want much, only 0.1 micrograms. Even if the Sigong family didn't dare to do it for him, as long as he knew which research institutes had this stuff, Chen Feng could get in and get some out.

Sanjiu, who was squatting next to Chen Feng, suddenly felt that something was wrong with Chen Feng's eyes. She thought that there was something wrong with the music she was playing, so she hurriedly checked whether she had accidentally pressed some metal rock music, but after checking, However, she found that there seemed to be no problem with the songs she played.

Chen Feng took off the earphones, and put them on Sanjiu's head under Sanjiu's shocked gaze.

"I have a solution, thank you for the headset, it's great."

"No...it's okay..."

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