
"I really want to report it. Anyway, I'm not a student here, so I'm not afraid at all." When Chen Feng spoke, he glanced at Mizi's expression with the corner of his eyes, and found that the little girl's face suddenly became very frightened.

Holding the thought that it was almost over, Chen Feng muttered in a low voice before the child collapsed:

"I want to drink orange juice, but maybe I won't want Gaomi after drinking it."

"I'll buy it for you, please don't tell the story!"

Miko seemed very afraid of being punished by the school, and almost cried, pleading: "I apologize to you for what happened before, I am very sorry!"

Looking at Yako Iino who suddenly started bowing in front of him, Chen Feng always felt that he was being too funny, but after thinking about it, he was too funny anyway, at worst, he would give her a small gift as an apology later, and now he simply teased her to the end okay.

It is rare to see such a child with a sense of justice, and Chen Feng is also rarely playful.

"Ah~ I'm so thirsty, are you all thirsty?"

"Thirsty! I want a Coke thank you!"

Secretary Fujiwara raised his hand in an instant and said his request loudly, but he didn't seem to want to thank him at all.

"What about you? What do you want?"

With a helper to help buy water, Chen Feng asked the others.

"My words... it's also Coke."

"I don't want it anymore..." Baiyin Yuxing quietly glanced at Mizi with tears hanging from the corner of his eyes, and said incredulously.

"I am the same as the president."

Shinomiya Kaguya said lightly.

"One can of orange juice and two cans of Coke, okay, I'll buy them right away!"

"and many more."

Chen Feng stopped Mizi who was about to rush out, and added cruelly, "The hot pot that everyone eats together naturally has to be drunk neatly, otherwise I will tell the truth, including you, you have to buy your own."

"President..." Mizi looked at Baiyin Yuxing aggrievedly, and begged: "Please let me buy you a can of drink..."

"Ah this..."

This operation was obviously not expected by Baiyin Yuxing. He looked left and right, and finally said with embarrassment: "Then... buy me a small can of coffee."

Small cans of coffee are the cheapest drinks. Even the vending machines in Hideno-in can buy small cans of coffee for only 100 yen.

As for Shinomiya Kaguya... She is the same as Shirogane Yuyuki, so it's no need to think about it, she must be a small pot of coffee.

After carefully writing down the drinks that everyone needed in the notebook, Miko quickly rushed downstairs and went straight to the vending machine in the lobby downstairs.

"That...Chen Feng, isn't this good?"

Baiyin Yuxing said worriedly: "Mizi is actually a very nice person, a very honest person, I feel that she shouldn't be bullied like this."

"I did it on purpose. If her character keeps like this in the future, she will probably be bullied." Chen Feng said calmly, "This child is too brainy, and she needs to be taught flexibility first."

"Indeed." On the contrary, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded acquiescingly, agreeing with Chen Feng's statement, "Could it be that President, have you forgotten the laughter at that election meeting?"

As soon as Shinomiya Kaguya mentioned this matter, all the people present except Chen Feng lowered their heads. It seemed that something that was not good for Miko happened at the "election meeting" they said, and Chen Feng was not interested in knowing about it. Anyway, he just does it easily, and it doesn't matter if he really wants to be hated, but since he is a friend of his friend, he just advocates a little help on his own.

Otherwise, with that child's personality, there is no need to talk about justice and law enforcement in the future. If he really wants to enter the society, he will be eaten by people without any bones left.

Chen Feng looked at Baiyin Yuxing.

"Baiyin, does your school have welding torches?"

"Yes!" The answer was not Baiyin Yuyuki, but Fujiwara Chika, she said as if she was doing her best: "What...there are two in the Ten Thousand Physics Club!"

"Then please borrow one for me, and then bring a pair of pliers, a small sander and some plaster. I'll prepare a gift for the child."

Although I am indeed correcting a little bit of Iino Yako's rigid character, but I have added a little bit of my own bad taste in it, but it would be better to make up for it a little bit.

"I'll go."

Ishigami Yu put down the dishes and got up and walked out of the student union.

Seeing Yu Ishigami leaving, Chen Feng took out a [-] yen note from his wallet and put it on the table.

"Give the money to the child when you come back later, and treat it as my treat."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng took out a pistol from his pocket in full view of everyone, and walked slowly to the window. It was a spare pistol he bought.

"Ah, is it a gun?" Chika Fujiwara asked curiously.

"This gun..."

"This is a toy, I'll take something out of it."

Chen Fengtou replied without looking back, but Shinomiya Kaguya at the side silently took two steps back, she always felt that the thing in Chen Feng's hand was a real thing.

Unlike Shirogane Miyuki and the stupid and cute Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Kaguya has often come into contact with firearms at some domestic and foreign shooting ranges since she was a child. The color of this gun does not feel like a fake to her.

Opening the window, the rain from outside came in. Chen Feng glanced downstairs and found that there was no one below, so he loaded the gun and pulled the safety. The crisp sound of loading echoed in the sound of rain. He hesitated to pull the trigger.

Ding Ling Dang...

Apart from the sound of a shell being thrown into the floor of the room, no shots were fired.

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