"That has to be done with life."

Chen Feng said calmly: "Every large group in Tokyo must have problems. I don't believe that there are not many lives under their hands. There is no place where there is no crime. If there is no protection from your father, you can punish them and try to punish them." Try it and see if you will evaporate directly in place."


"Ah! This fish is cooked, Mizi, come and taste it, I really like this brand of fish!"

Should it be said that he is the child of an old politician?Fujiwara Chika's EQ is really ridiculously high in a certain sense. Seeing Yako's depression, she didn't know when she took a piece of fish out of the pot, and trot directly to Miko's side to change the subject.

And the effect is not bad?

"Senior Fujiwara, I...uh...so hot!"

"Is it? Is it? It's delicious even if it's hot!"

"Unexpectedly... still okay?"

Yako's attention was quickly diverted to other places by Chika Fujiwara, she was really too innocent...

"I heard that it is more delicious to eat fish in this posture."

Fujiwara Chika gave Miko another piece of fish, and then directed Miko to pose in a very weird pose.

"This... like this?"

Mizi had a question mark on his face, "But I feel that there is nothing wrong with it other than being a little tired..."


A flash of two eyes flashed, and accompanied by the sound of the phone taking pictures, Yako looked at the smiling Fujiwara Chika in front of her, and suddenly realized that she had been tricked.

"Wow, Xiao Mizi's pose is so cute. After I develop this photo, I will put it in a frame."

"Please don't do such a thing!!"

"Then put it in a museum."

"Deleted, quickly delete the photo for me!"

On the side, Chen Feng watched the interaction between the two with a speechless face, while Baiyin Yuxing smiled slightly and sighed:

"Secretary Fujiwara is still as naughty as ever."

"I think it's a malicious mental attack."

Chen Feng included that cancer-like woman among those who needed attention. He felt that there was a big problem with this woman's brain circuit.

Even after learning that Chen Feng would not really tell the truth, Mizi stopped eating hot pot, and just sat on the sidelines drinking the drinks she bought.

About half an hour later, everyone had already filled their stomachs, the rain outside gradually stopped, and the sun began to emerge, even though it might be the last sun of the day.

Some students appeared in the campus again, some of them were walking, some men and women were walking side by side, and each of them looked like they had an unusual relationship.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Chen Feng got up and said:

"I'm going out to get some air."

"Senior, do you want me to show you around?" Ishigami Yu asked.

"No, I'm right at the door."

After all, he walked out of the student union, laying quietly on the fence smoking a cigarette, looking at the students below who were exuding youth hormones, wondering what he was thinking.

"Smoking is generally not allowed in schools."

"Since when did the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family know how to obey the rules?"

Smiling, Chen Feng turned around, looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who walked out of the student union alone, and asked mercilessly.

"I am me, not like them."

Hearing the name of the family, Shinomiya Kaguya pursed her lips, and soon returned to normal.

"I heard that classmate Chen Feng came to Tokyo with the young lady from Yukinoshita's family last time."

"Oh?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, "Indeed, but I only saw Ishigami and Fujiwara at that time, it seems that I didn't see you, Ms. Kaguya?"

"I went, but before I showed up, I learned that something happened to my elder brother, and the banquet was quickly disbanded."

"That's a pity."

Shinomiya Kaguya stared closely at Chen Feng, and asked word by word: "Then I heard that Chen Feng seemed to be nearby when my brother had an accident."

"Do you want to say that I poisoned them?"

"I didn't mean that, but I just want to remind you, Chen Feng, that because of that incident, someone in the family has already been eyeing you and the members of the Yukinoshita family. After all, you were the only ones who had close contact with you when the accident happened."

"Is that so..."

Of course Chen Feng knew that he was being followed. Since he entered the range of Tokyo, it didn't take long for 3 vehicles to follow him alternately, but he didn't deal with it directly.

"Miss Kaguya, you don't seem to have a good relationship with your family, do you?"

"That's my family's business, and you don't need to worry about it." Shinomiya Kaguya paused and asked, "Is your gun real? Although I don't know why there is no sound when you shoot, but the feeling tells me it is true."

"Indeed, do you want to play?"

"No, it's just that I don't think the purpose of the person with the gun is pure. What do you want to do?"

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