After listening to these recordings carefully, Si Gong Huang Guang's face became more and more ugly.

His two younger brothers actually formed an alliance, trying to pull him down from the position of heir, and there is still a lot of evidence in his hand that he embezzled the project funds, and finally mentioned that if it doesn't work, he will kill himself directly.


Sigong Huang Guang smashed his fist on the computer in front of him, the light on the computer screen went out immediately, he clenched his teeth.

Originally, I was worried about the authenticity of this recording, but the recording mentioned a lot of specific news about my embezzlement and scapegoating after murder, which made Sigong Huang Guang believe that his two younger brothers wanted to attack him .

But fortunately, at the end of the last recording, Shinomiya Huang Guang listened to it several times, and I heard clearly that Shinomiya Yunying and Sigong Lingkong agreed to meet in a five-star hotel in Tokyo. As for the just happened to be today morning!

Everyone of these three brothers knows who and what temperament they are. As for the opponents in the battle for succession, Sigong Yunying can barely compete with Sigong Huangguang, and Sigong Lingkong is a waste, not worth it Mention.

Therefore, it seems reasonable for Sigong Yunying to want the inheritance of the Sigong family, but...

Who made me so lucky to just catch someone who has evidence of your conversation?

Sigong Huangguang grinned, and the service staff who noticed the sound of Sigong Huangguang's hammer's notebook just now felt cold, and they dared not say anything or go forward.

Then dial Hayasaka Ai's cell phone.


"I received the things, you did a good job this time."

"Oh." Hayasaka Ai who was in the room was taken aback, what did she send over?But remembering that Chen Feng asked her to pretend she didn't know everything, then she could just say haha, "It should be."

"Where's that person? Did you catch him?"

"He was taken away."

"I see, you have worked hard today, and I will give you a bonus."

After finishing speaking, Sigong Huang Guang hung up the phone and made another call.

"Get me with everyone and weapons, I'm in..."

At the same time, Sigong Yunying and Sigong Lingkong also received news from undercover or cronies that they sent out in different places, saying that Sigong Huangguang wanted to get rid of them to prevent them from interfering with Sigong Huangguang's succession , and he will do it tonight. At this time, Shinomiya Huangguang's location is Boyue Hotel in Shinjuku.

After inquiring, Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Lingkong also knew that Sigong Huangguang was dispatching his own people, and deliberately ordered them to carry weapons, and the rest of the details were exactly the same as in the news.

"Sigong Huangguang... You forced me to do this."

Sigong Yunying and Sigong Lingkong also began to dispatch their own personnel to concentrate, and the three groups were rushing towards this innocent five-star hotel.

In the quiet courtyard, the lingering moonlight shines on this seemingly ancient house, and the water from Jingluli sprinkles vertically into the pool, making a crisp sound of water flow.

This is the inner courtyard of the Shinomiya family head family, and also the residence of the head of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Yanan.

This is an older man. Although he looks very energetic, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes tell the age of his body.

In front of the exquisite tatami, the old man's eyes were slightly closed, but his hands kept moving on the rice paper in front of him.

Calligraphy, as a science to cultivate the body and mind, every night the old man would write a picture, and then quietly appreciate the works he wrote.

At this moment, he is criticizing his own shortcomings and admiring his own excellence. He really likes how many things can be shown in a single word.

thump -- thump -- thump --

The sound of footsteps on the wooden board came from outside the door, Shinomiya Yanan stopped what he was doing, and raised his head slightly.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door soon.

"Master, I have something to report to you."

"It's already night."

"About the three young masters."


Sigong Yan'an narrowed his eyes, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."


Following Sigong Yan'an's consent, a middle-aged man walked in outside the door, and he saluted when he saw Sigong Yan'an.

"The eldest young master, the second young master, and the third young master transferred a total of nearly 40 people from the main family and the branch family, and ordered them to bring weapons. I'm afraid..."

"Bastard!" Sigong Yan'an frowned, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm not dead yet, how could it be their turn to mess around and bring everyone back!"

"The subordinates have asked people to come back, but until now, no one has come back."

Sigong Yan'an had a gloomy face. What he was worried about really happened. He thought that everything would end with the eldest son succeeding to the throne, but he didn't expect that one of the three could not sit still after all.

The succession of big families has not changed since ancient times, and fighting for power has always been the simplest and crudest way to select outstanding successors.

It's just...Sigong Yan'an didn't expect this day to come so soon.


With a long sigh, Sigong Yan'an ordered: "Notify the people who are separated from the family to prepare, and you also lead the team to watch over, and finally report the specific situation to me."

If the Patriarch's orders are not obeyed, then there is only one possibility for this group of people who will not come back, and that is the people who have been bought by his three sons, who have bet everything on them.

It's just that Sigong Yan'an doesn't know why the three brothers who were originally in harmony suddenly started fighting, and even dispatched their own private soldiers without saying a word. Could it be that the three of them have gone so far that only force can solve it? Is the final battle of the dispute over?

He is optimistic about Sigong Huangguang, and the heir he chooses is also Sigong Huangguang. He has already entrusted his eldest son with many affairs, and he has handled them very well.

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