Probably...someone got in the way.

Having been the head of the family for decades, Sigong Yan'an is not a fool. He immediately understood that someone with ulterior motives must have provoked this dispute, and then he did not know what method was used to prompt the outbreak of the battle, and finally succeeded in killing it. own several sons.

However, the sad news still didn't stop there. Shinomiya Yan'an kept receiving calls from members of the family, but the news reported by these calls had only one thing in common, that is... a family member committed suicide at home.

Some of them hanged themselves, some took sleeping pills, some jumped off buildings...

What's even more outrageous is that these behaviors seem to be done voluntarily by no one forcing them.

Most of these family members are people around his age. Apart from having relatively high prestige within the family, they also hold many pillar industries in their hands.

The main thing is... they are not very quiet.

Standing and waiting in front of him is a bodyguard he has been cultivating, who can be regarded as one of his confidantes. All this happened too quickly and outrageously. Can't let go.

As a result, dozens of armed men spread all over the Sigong family's manor, completely surrounding the place. From Sigong Yan'an's point of view, there may be no safer place than the Sigong mansion.

Three successive heirs died in succession, and then a large number of powerful family members committed suicide bizarrely.

If there is no accident, then the other party's next target is very likely to be me. I must not die. If I die, the Sigong family will be completely finished!

It's not that Sigong Yan'an didn't think that all of this was done by her little daughter who she didn't pay much attention to and cared about all the time, but judging from her little daughter's various situations, she should be completely ignorant of this.

Due to the sudden occurrence of the incident, a lot of information could not be investigated in time, so he could only selectively investigate some relatively useful information by distinguishing the primary from the secondary.

in the end……

what happened?

Who is it again...

Want to attack the Shinomiya family?

With such an enemy hiding in the dark, Sigong Yan'an didn't dare to relax at all, and he even made preparations to hide in the dark room at all times.

But the current Sigong family is like a hedgehog with its sharp thorns stretched out. Sigong Yanan judges that the other party will probably not dare to attack in the near future, and he can relax after tomorrow and investigate what happened.

Is it that the Shijo family is operating behind the scenes?Is it because the Hayasaka family is making trouble internally?Is it some family member coveting the position under his ass?

As long as you investigate carefully, there will always be clues!

It's just a pity...Chen Feng never liked to keep his tail. He liked to kill the enemy with one blow, making it impossible for the enemy to turn over.

Outside the fence of the Sigongjia Manor, three cameras suddenly lost their images due to poor signal. The monitoring team quickly notified the patrol team, and a group of five members went to check the situation.

They were equipped with rifles that they were not qualified to equip, and even put on anti-riot helmets and hoods, because the entire Shinomiya family had an unprecedented crisis. They did not know the specifics, but when they thought about it, something must have happened.

"Be vigilant on all sides, I will repair it."

The only member wearing a bulletproof vest gave the order, and the members gradually separated by about ten meters, guarding the ditches and bushes, watching for movement around.


"It's safe here too!"


The members of the team gradually reported the situation, and the armed man who was repairing also started repairing with peace of mind.

In the hole of a ditch, a pair of eyes were looking through the obstruction in front of them, and saw a red shadow turning left and right.

A team member guarding the ditch was still on guard, but suddenly a black figure flashed in the ditch beside him. He only felt a chill on his neck, and then a pain in his chest, and he lost consciousness.

Ten seconds later, a person dressed exactly like him jumped out of the ditch and said in the same voice as him:

"There's nothing in the ditch."

"It's just because of a short circuit." The armed men who climbed up the ladder fiddled twice and came to a conclusion.

Waiting for the corresponding maintenance personnel to come to repair, several people slowly walked into the manor again, they did not realize that one of their team members had turned into another person.

The armed personnel in the manor patrolled various routes in a non-interval arrangement. Chen Feng, who mixed in, deliberately reduced his words to prevent exposure. He was observing how many people were in the manor.

About half an hour later, Chen Feng followed the team to take over the shift. He used the time to go to the bathroom to kill several people in the monitoring room. At this time, the Sigong family had become blind.

At the moment when the two teams were handing over, Chen Feng silently took out his Beretta from behind, and fired several shots at the back of the last man passing by.

At this time, everyone turned their backs to Chen Feng and the team members who were hit. When they heard the sound of someone falling, they all turned their heads to look over, only to find that Chen Feng had nothing on his hands, and another armed man He fell to the ground, with several blood holes on his back, and steaming blood gurgled out.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!!!"

Continuous reports came from the intercom, and all the armed personnel of the Shinomiya family were mobilized.

At this time, in the chaos, how terrible would it be to have a pistol that no one else could see and ammunition that was silent and flameless?

Many armed men were shot and fell to the ground for no apparent reason. Some were lucky and passed out after triggering the body's emergency response, while some were unlucky and were directly hit in the head and lost their breath.

But no one heard the gunshots, and no one found out who shot them.

A person who is able to remain calm and rational makes the least likely, but only possible judgment

- sniper

Behind the bunker, people were constantly shot and fell to the ground. This kind of ghost-like attack shocked everyone's hearts, and many people had already begun to be unable to think calmly.

Chen Feng handles human weaknesses very steadily.

Imagine that when you are on patrol, your teammates suddenly fall to the ground without warning, there will always be some bullet holes in his body, but you can't hear any gunshots.

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