Pulling up the window again, Chen Feng took a nap in the driver's seat and waited for Hayasaka Ai's arrival.

About half an hour later, Chen Feng's cell phone vibrated.

[I'm here. 】

He raised his head and saw Ai Hayasaka who was looking around not far away, so he edited a text message.

If Hayasaka Ai is not nervous, then she is naturally very nervous. On the way she came to meet Chen Feng, her mother called her and warned her to be safe.When she asked her mother why she said that, the answer she got was

——A fire broke out at the Shinomiya main house, and everyone inside is now missing

Has he even been to his home? !

Ai Hayasaka's heart suddenly jumped up. She finally knew why Chen Feng leisurely let her come over to meet her. It turned out that Shinomiya's family had been stolen.

It has only been more than an hour since the conflict broke out between the three young masters, and everything is as if by magic. The Sigong family, one of the four top neon families, has suffered countless heavy blows in just one night.

Three young masters died, more than [-] high-ranking members of the Sigong family committed suicide, the Sigong main family caught fire inexplicably, and the whereabouts of the head of the family are unknown...

How on earth did he manage to move so quickly and find everyone with such precision?

This question has become the biggest question in Ai Hayasaka's heart.

"Is there some mysterious organization behind him..."

Only this explanation can answer the doubts in Hayasaka's heart, otherwise how could a person have such energy to do so many things, and each of these things is more difficult than the other.

A passing car blew a gust of cold wind, Ai Hayasaka smelled the bad smell from the car, and the street that had become deserted due to the vigilance of the police had a strange smell.


The cell phone she held tightly in her hand vibrated, and Ai Hayasaka saw the text message from Chen Feng.

[You are 30 meters ahead, a black Audi. 】

Because there were not many vehicles parked on the street, Ai Hayasaka saw the car mentioned in the text message at a glance. She gritted her teeth and strode over.

Chen Feng would not have any ill intentions towards her, otherwise she would have died in that park long ago, since Chen Feng would let her come here, it must have his own ideas, the general situation has already been guessed by Ai Hayasaka.

Silently walked to the co-pilot's seat, opened the door and sat in. At this time, Hayasaka Ai simply tied her side ponytail, her face was cold.

"I'm here, what do you want to talk about?"

"No hurry, I'll ask you a question first." Chen Feng waved his hand, motioning Hayasaka Ai to calm down, and said, "What do you think Shinomiya Kaguya will encounter in the next period of time?"

The Sigong family has lost the head of the family with a high probability now, and three young masters who could inherit the position of the head of the family also died in the fighting, so it seems that only the young lady is left in the direct line of the family...

Ai Hayasaka worked very hard to piece together the information she knew.

The Sigong family that has lost its throne, the Sijo family that is about to move, and... the high-level officials of the Sigong family who are eyeing you? !

Wait, could it be that...!

Thinking of this, Hayasaka Ai's eyes widened, and her small mouth opened inadvertently.

"You said the eldest lady would be in danger?"

"Nonsense, when the news spreads, there will be a group of people targeting Shinomiya Kaguya. Desire, after all, is an endless drive." Chen Feng turned his head lightly, "Can you protect Shinomiya Kaguya from inheriting the Shinomiya family?" ?"

"Impossible, even with the help of the Hayasaka family, it will at best become basically impossible."

Very decisive, Hayasaka Ai is very aware of the bottom line of these chaebols, the position of the Patriarch of the Shinomiya family is a favorite, and now that such a thing has happened to the Sigong family, those people will definitely not let go of this great opportunity, the final result It's very likely...

Shinomiya Kaguya evaporated from the world.

"I can make those people shut up obediently, and finally surrender and continue to be a dog. But I have a little condition here, do you want to consider it?"

If possible, Hayasaka Ai didn't want to put Shinomiya Kaguya in danger, but now it was no longer a question of whether she wanted to, but the trouble was already ahead, and they had to face it.

Ai Hayasaka could tell what Chen Feng said, and she could also tell from the facts that he was not joking. He could mess up the Shinomiya family in one night, which proved that he really had the ability to intervene in the whole process.

Concentrated, Ai Hayasaka bit her lip.

"If the eldest lady can survive, I can agree to any conditions, even if you want me, I will not have any opinions."

"Survive? That's not enough, Shinomiya Kaguya still needs to succeed the Shinomiya family." Chen Feng looked disdainful, as if he felt that Hayasaka Ai's position was too low, "I'll help her sit in that position, At that time, you will use your influence in this incident to influence the power of the Shinomiya family, and then continue to do what you should, but I like obedient people, and things that are not obedient will have no value."

If Chen Feng used a teasing tone before, then he is blatantly threatening now.

"Okay, I understand."

"Of course, I generally don't need you to do anything. At most, I need you to help me get some things that are not easy to get. Personally, I am tired of the troublesome struggle for power. My butt hurts after sitting in one position for a long time. "

"That's...that's it?"

"What else? What do you want from me?" Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I don't mind if you want to be my servant."


Ai Hayasaka nodded expressionlessly, "Even if you want to have a room with me now, I won't refuse."

"Are you a bitch?"

"..." Ai Hayasaka twitched the corners of her mouth twice, and answered with difficulty: "No."

"Then don't say such unselfish words, it will lower my evaluation of you."

Ai Hayasaka tilted her head suspiciously.

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