With tears in her eyes, she said pitifully:

"Miko, you will believe me, right? Right?! Obviously we are all girls, you must be able to understand, right?"


Miko shook off Qianhua's hand, hid behind Chen Feng, pointed at Fujiwara Chika tremblingly, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

"Secretary Fujiwara, I... thought you were a good person, but... I didn't expect you... You actually wanted to tempt me to be like you! I misread you!"

"I really didn't, I just...just..."

Fujiwara Chika opened her mouth for a long time, but she didn't explain anything clearly.

Regardless of the farce he picked up beside him, Chen Feng patted the terrified Mizi and walked forward, walking in a row with Bai Yinyu.

"By the way, it's already the end of the term. Chen Feng, is it really okay if you don't plan to review? I remember that the exam in Chiba seems to be a few days earlier than in Tokyo."

Baiyin Yuxing seems to know all kinds of strange knowledge, even Chiba's high school exam time is clearer than Chen Feng.

He knew that Chen Feng would stay in Tokyo for 3 or 4 days, and he would take the exam directly after returning. Wouldn't he be worried about failing?

The Mizi under Chen Feng also recovered from the fear, and found that Chen Feng was rubbing himself like a small animal, and immediately slapped his hand away to lose control.

"Isn't the final exam quite easy?" Chen Feng shrugged indifferently, "Just take a random exam and you will be the first. Is there really someone who doesn't know that kind of knowledge?"

"Ah... Zongwu High School is said to be a very strong middle school, and the first place is not enough to pass the exam." Baiyin Yuxing scratched his head, because some of his classmates had passed the Zongwu High School before. , that school is relatively high-level, and not everyone can go there, "Speaking of which, I don't know how you study."

When Chen Feng heard this, he immediately broke down and said with deep resentment:

"The subject of ancient prose is a dead horse."

"What about other subjects?"

"It's very easy to get a perfect score. Last time I got a full score except for ancient prose."

If you say that the only class Chen Feng can listen to is ancient Chinese. After all, he really doesn’t know this thing, like other physics, mathematics, and chemistry subjects. To be honest, those teachers are not even qualified to teach him. , he does not teach them in turn that it is good.

But it happens to be ancient Chinese!He was so good at learning ancient prose that his head was about to burst, and now, even Rachel's grades in ancient prose were better than his. How could this make his old father feel ashamed? !

"Wow! The senior is so amazing. I don't even dare to think about such a thing as a perfect score." Sipping the takoyaki he just bought, Bai Yingui was shocked when he heard Chen Feng's majestic deeds. It proves that the teacher can't find a reason to deduct points for you to achieve full marks. Otherwise, in general, one or two points will be deducted and you will not be given full marks.

Mizi, who was swollen by Chen Feng's rubbing, also looked at Chen Feng in disbelief.

"You can really get full marks in the exam?"

Even in a place like Xiuzhiyuan Academy where there are a large number of talents, there are actually only a few people who can get full marks every year, and those who are particularly partial to the family plan to train them into professional talents, except for those who can get full marks Except for the subjects, the rest of the subjects can be said to be appalling.

Even Baiyin Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya, who have been in the top three for many years, have never achieved full marks in the exam. At most, the scores in each subject are very high, so that they beat the crowd and directly climbed to the top.

From this point of view, we can know how difficult it is to have a perfect score.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult at all. You just need to learn more, watch more and practice, and you will get a perfect score. Could it be that you can't even do the connecting questions in kindergarten?"

"But it's difficult to do it in practice. The school doesn't have so many equipment and experimental materials, right?"

Bai Yingui thinks it makes sense, but the objective limitations can no longer be solved, "Many experimental materials are very expensive."

"This is divided into people, and there are still very few people who can do it."

To be honest, Chen Feng has nothing he can do. Many of his physics practices are carried out bit by bit on the battlefield and on the test field. Chemical experiments can only be studied in various laboratories, and the most important point is that is……

Too much money!

In some experiments, each [-] million funds can't even ignite the spark, and the innovation experiment is a bottomless pit that is difficult to fill no matter how much money is invested.

Because of his previous experience, even if he sees some experiments that he has not done, he can use his experience to roughly estimate whether such an experiment is feasible, whether it will be successful, and what the final experimental data will be.

For many questions, he can estimate a rough answer by looking at the title. It is really simple for him, but for others, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

"Then I'll test you."

Mizi seemed to be on the right track with Chen Feng, and she began to test Chen Feng with some seemingly difficult science questions based on her memory.

As time passed by, Secretary Fujiwara was gray all over, cracks began to appear on his body, and he gave up explaining.

Fortunately, this woman's personality belongs to the kind of personality that is easy to forget things. Even if she suffers a heavy blow, she can recover in a short time. Perhaps it would be appropriate to describe her as Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

No, the woman whose scar was healed and forgot the pain rolled her eyeballs twice, and started to mess up again.

"Look, look, there is a new claw machine shop, let's go to the competition to catch dolls together!"

"Oh! I'm good at this, I'm super good at it!"

Ishigami has watched a lot of videos of catching dolls recently, and seems to have learned a lot from them.

"Does Xiaogui want to play?"

Baiyin Yuxing turned his head and asked his sister, he has always cared about his sister, and her opinion is his opinion!

"I can do it... how about you, senior? Do you want to play, senior?"

Bai Yingui was so impressed by Chen Feng's operation of oral calculations. If her reason hadn't told her to maintain her image, she would have announced that she was a fan of Chen Feng.

Big question, big question, and it's the finale question that is placed at the end. The senior can actually calculate it without paper, calculator, or thinking. The perfect score may be really easy for the senior.

Chen Feng just casually figured out the so-called "difficulty" that Mizi found out in 3 seconds. He just heard Bai Yingui's inquiry, and he nodded.

"Okay, just grab some souvenirs for the girl at home, let me see... the girl who grabs a fluffy bunny or something should like it."

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