"I don't think you would like a murderer, goodbye."

The engine roared, the wheels splashed water stains on the ground, and disappeared into the Tokyo night.

Ai Hayasaka looked at the remote control in her hand, remembered what Chen Feng had warned her just now, and murmured:

"It won't be a few days, I think I will too."


It was late at night, and the sky after the rain was still shrouded in clumps of dark clouds. The humid air was gently driven by the night wind, bringing people a deep-rooted chill.

Fortunately, Tokyo is not far from Chiba, and there are not many vehicles at night. It only took Chen Feng an hour to reach Chiba.

Finally... back!

He stayed in Tokyo for five full days. During these five days, the school festival at the end of the Sobu High School also came to an end. Judging from the photos Yukino sent to himself, everything was still in order, because everything had been dealt with before. work, so it did not cause the so-called work accumulation and increase the burden on this group of managers.

After parking the car in the garage, Chen Feng glanced at the time, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning.

Putting the things he brought from Tokyo, Chen Feng took the elevator and headed straight to his home, but when he opened the door, the room that should have been dark was flickering with light.


Da da da--

There was a sound of footsteps in the hall, mixed with a faint voice of questioning.


This person was none other than Ruijier in home clothes. This girl looked sleepy, but when she saw Chen Feng, she immediately regained her spirits.

"I made supper, it may be a little cold, I'll warm it up for you."

Turning on the light in the hall, Rachel walked towards the kitchen in the next second.

"Why aren't you asleep, girl?"

"Because Afeng said to go home today, so... I think Afeng may be hungry after driving for so long, and he can't sleep...I will get up early!"

After rubbing Ruiji's head vigorously, Chen Feng put his hand under Ruiji's arm and lifted her up.

"I didn't talk about you, but did you eat well in the past two days? Why do you feel thinner again?"

"?" Ruijier tilted his head, as if he was puzzled by this, "I ate fish and beef these two days, sister Yang Nao brought several boxes of wagyu beef and a few salmon over here, it's in the refrigerator, but it looks very It looks delicious, I want to make it when Ah Feng comes back."

"There's no need to be like this, come here, I'm giving you a gift, I don't know if you like it or not..."


"I haven't taken it out yet..."

Gently tapping the girl's forehead, Chen Feng took out the cute little doll from the bag, and explained: "I went to the claw machine shop to catch it, but I think it's pretty pretty."

"..." Holding the little puppet in her arms, Rachel didn't speak, and seemed to be stunned.

Perhaps it was because Ruijier's reaction was too flat, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling a little flustered, he hadn't taken the initiative to give a girl a gift, besides, Chen Feng was very aware of his own aesthetic level, so he chose this doll because of Mizi. Picked with help, worried that Rachel doesn't like it.

"Uh... don't you like it?"

Seeing that Chen Feng was in a hurry, Ruijier's face, which was still paralyzed than Chen Feng's, changed slightly. She smiled gently and nodded vigorously.

"I like it, I like everything Ah Feng sent me!"

"That's good……"

Fortunately, the worrying thing did not happen, Chen Feng was relieved, "What did you do for supper?"

"I cut two pieces of bread and made a poached egg. I wanted to fry the beef at first...but the muscle fibers will harden if I reheat it on the stove, so I plan to wait until Ah Feng returns."

"Want to eat?"

"it is good!"

She hadn't had dinner with Chen Feng for several days, and of course Rachel would not refuse now, she kept nodding her head.

Carefully put the gift Chen Feng gave her back in the room, and Rui Jier went downstairs to help Chen Feng make supper, because she only got the list from Hayasaka Ai in the afternoon, so Chen Feng didn't have time for dinner He was busy slaughtering people after eating, and he is still hungry.

But when Chen Feng came to the kitchen, he found that there were more refrigerators at home?

Rachel explained from the side:

"Since there are not enough things to store, sister Yang Nai ordered two sets."

"Not enough?"

"Well, there's a lot of that beef."

"Let's see... Hiss - maybe she just bought a few hundred catties?"

The refrigerator was full of wagyu beef sealed and packaged with plastic wrap. Chen Feng took a cursory look at it. Even if Yang Nai would come to eat every day in the future, he doubted that the beef could be eaten for half a year.


Rachel is still a ruthless nodding machine today.

With a speechless face, he took out two boxes of beef and made a simple supper. At the dining table, Rachel and Chen Feng chatted about what happened in school.

The school festival was held perfectly. On the day of the school festival, Rachel also took a good look around the school and was taken by Komachi to play a lot of things.

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