"This is even more excessive, hey!"

These two people usually look like this.

It was almost time to eat, Chen Feng suddenly asked:

"Any ideas about developing the market in Tokyo?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yang Nai spread his hands.

"The base camp is here, and Tokyo can't get in. The leaders there won't allow this kind of thing, and most of the Yukinoshita family's business is capital investment and real estate, and a small part of it is new materials... Eh? Small Feng, why do you ask this?"

This was the first time that Chen Feng asked her about business. Before, Chen Feng didn't ask her about such things at all.

Yang Nai's smile became subtler, and while pushing towards Chen Feng, he asked:

"Do you want to make something? Really? My sister can help here!"


However, Chen Feng denied it outright, but turned around and asked, "What is the main business of the Sigong family?"

"Hey...isn't that the case? The Shinomiya family is very famous. They mainly focus on automobiles, shipbuilding, military industry, and research and development of new materials... In short, they are involved in many industries. It can be said that they are a family that has grasped the lifeline of the economy."

Yang Nai raised his fingers and counted one by one. It is not a joke that the Sigong family can become the four major neon families. They can even use this to manipulate politics.

Looking at it from another perspective, the Yukinoshita family is also operating similarly. The industry under their hands is also the economic lifeline of Chiba. Coupled with the prestige of this century-old family in the local area, it is not a problem that politics and business can mix well. .

"All in all, this is a huge family. If you want to go to Tokyo, this leading family will not allow it."

Yang Nai said bitterly: "Such a big piece of cake should not be underestimated if it is divided up, let alone fighting for it. I feel like I will be beaten out before I have time to fight. Losing money is a small problem, and losing face is a big loss." gone."

"Oh, it was quite unpleasant last time, and I seem to have troubled you a few times."

"This is still the territory of Yukinoshita's family. They didn't just reach out to grab it, but poached a few business partners. During that time, there was a shortage of raw materials, and the problem was not too big..." Yang Nai said While talking, he suddenly looked at Chen Feng, his words froze, he squeezed his eyes, and joked, "Hey——is Xiaofeng jealous? Is that right?"

"No, stay away from me, you haven't showered for a few days?" Chen Feng moved the stool with a look of disgust.

"No, obviously I just washed it this morning... Good guy, change the subject, right?"

"You guessed it right, congratulations."

"Then you should give me some rewards!"

"Reward? Do you want Tokyo's real estate and new material market share?"

"No...huh? Wait."

Yang Nai narrowed his eyes, "What did you do in Tokyo?"

"I replaced the master of the Sigong family with my friend."

Yang Nai: "???"

Yang Nai was shocked and asked:

"Do you know the eldest lady of the Sigong family?"

"Well, I just met in the past, Ishigami introduced it to me."

"Ishigami... Ishigami... is Mr. Ishigami's second son? I remember the two of you talked about it last time."

"Yes, I also met a troublemaker named Chika Fujiwara."

"That lady from the Fujiwara family!? Are there any more?"

"I met a silly boy named Iino Yako and Baiyin Yuyuki."

"Ah? Is it the daughter of Judge Iino?!" Yang Nai was at a loss, and always felt that the people Chen Feng knew seemed to be of a higher rank, which shouldn't be the case... Logically speaking, wouldn't this group of people be more xenophobic?

She thought again.

"Baiyin Yuxing, I don't seem to have heard of this person."

"A very nice young man, the president of the student union of Xiu Zhiyuan, very aggressive as a man, not bad."

The only person with a high evaluation was a man, Yang Nai immediately felt relieved.

Ruijier on the side tilted her head, not quite understanding what the two were talking about, let alone why Yang Nai was so excited, she simply said:

"Ah Feng is awesome."

Yang Nai recalled it for a while, recalled the news some time ago and some news in the industry, and asked cautiously:

"If that's the case, then the fire..."

"I let it go."


"I'll ask someone from the Hayasaka family to contact you when it stabilizes over there. Are you going to Tokyo to do something?"

"There is this way, don't you make it yourself?"

Obviously with the resources of the Shinomiya family, Chen Feng can completely get his hands on the market that Tokyo can intervene in. Yang Nai also believes that Chen Feng has this ability.

"It's cool for me to deliver food, but I'm so busy doing that, don't do it."

"Fortunately, I'm used to it. If someone else heard you say that, I'm afraid I'd be so mad..."

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