"Didn't you bring A5 wagyu beef here? Why do you think the snowy sauce is all for money?"


Moving her shoulders away silently, Xue Nai muttered: "A luxury with diminishing marginal utility to the extreme, IQ tax."

"But the taste is much better than ordinary beef."

"That's not as good as just adding this bit of taste, but the price has increased dozens or even hundreds of times!"

Seeing that the two sisters were arguing again in some strange places, Chen Fengxian began to guide Rui Jier who was doing point conversion beside him.

Ever since this child found out that she could skip a grade, she has always felt that her knowledge reserve is not enough. Apart from painting, she is studying crazily every day. She doesn't know that her knowledge has already reached the level of many sophomores...

Anyway, Chen Feng was happy to be at leisure, and these questions were extremely simple for him, and it would be effortless for him to guide them casually.

Many people find it difficult to learn these things. The main reason is that they can’t find a place where they can practice. They just stare at the theory and topics every day and learn there. Boring will become difficult in the end.

Chen Feng has practiced a lot, and his level has naturally improved. Even if he studied so-so at the time, in the end, it is not something that many people with seemingly high grades can match.

At home, Chen Feng would take Ruijier to use the advanced mathematics she learned to play modeling and image cutting, and Ruijier also enjoyed it.

Fortunately, Xue Nai didn't forget why he called Chen Feng and Ruijier over here. Yang Nai also knew that Xue Nai was preparing for the exam. Saying 'that's right' and saying 'that's right' made Yukino have no temper at all.

Chen Feng and Ruijier's level of ancient prose is actually about the same. One is basically never used, and the other is completely uninterested and has low sensitivity to language. This is also a headache.

Speaking of Chen Feng's level of science subjects, Xue Nai often has the idea of ​​"does this person often do academic research", but after thinking about it, it seems that it is not right. If Chen Feng really does this, how is it possible? Still going to high school?

In Chen Feng's eyes, the difficult problems that have plagued Xue Nai day and night are equivalent to finishing after reading the questions. She has never seen a peer who can do this to this extent. Even the teachers who teach them still need to think hard when facing difficult problems. For a period of time, if the topic is difficult, it will even become a discussion with a dozen teachers in the office.

Xue Nai has seen a female teacher who teaches mathematics. After using the test papers of other schools to test the students of her school, because she couldn't find a way for a certain question, she finally held the test paper and asked the students who never took the mock test. Chen Feng.

As a result, Chen Feng casually glanced at the question and said the result. In the end, he was worried that the other party would not understand, so he kindly clarified the train of thought for the teacher. It was like saving the image in the teacher's mind of beating people up at the slightest disagreement. .

Even so, there are still many teachers who are still afraid of Chen Feng. After all, the prestige is there, and all kinds of tragic incidents tell them that all this is not an illusion. Maybe it was because Chen Feng was in a good mood at that time that he patiently answered the questions.

But after this spark-like incident was ignited, there was originally a so-called "Chen Chui Party" among the teachers of Zongwu High School. Some people understand that as long as they don't deliberately provoke this person, they can actually get along well.

I remember that not long ago, several female teachers asked Chen Feng to go out for dinner, saying that they wanted to discuss some teaching methods, but they were all rejected by Chen Feng, saying that if there were any problems, just talk about it, and the incident would come to an end.

But one thing is for sure, that is, more teachers will come to Chen Feng.


Xue Nai on the sofa let out a long sigh, while Chen Feng next to him was taking out a cigarette, he raised his eyebrows, slipped one out of the cigarette case, and asked:

"You want to smoke too?"

"If you smoke, you will die quickly, if you don't smoke."

"Then why are you sighing?"

"Because I remembered something very bad." Yukino turned her head and said.

"That's not as bad as your physics. You see, Rachel is great. You can see that there is no problem in doing this kind of mechanical wave problem."

As he said, Chen Feng rubbed Ruijier's head, and Ruijier raised his head in confusion, not knowing what happened, but he still said something.

"Feng is even better!"

Xue Nai has black hair, are these two people talking about cross talk when they sing together?And a 14 or 15-year-old girl is okay if you ask her to learn mechanical wave needle?

"Ahem... In short, I already know the general situation. The subjects of this semester are not difficult. After all, most of them are learned in the first and second grades. There is really not much new knowledge in the third grade."

Xue Nai paused, squinted her eyes, "Now let's start your ancient prose."

Chen Feng: "..."

If human beings had the same hair-frying system as cats and dogs, Chen Feng would have already had their hair fried by now.

Xue Nai saw Chen Feng's reluctance, so she asked:

"Aren't you going to be admitted to the Faculty of Medicine of Dongda University? If you make up your grades in ancient prose, you should be more confident."

"I just wanted to go in and fish."

Xue Nai really doesn't know what's going on in this man's mind.

Anyway, as long as this man is willing to learn, she should be fine with a little lying.

Stroking the hair on her shoulders, Yukino said:

"Then in order to relax in the future, work hard now."

"But according to my calculations, my GPA is completely sufficient."

"Sorry, there is Chinese in the written entrance examination, and there is an ancient part in Chinese."

Ruthlessly piercing the reality, it is obvious that this man has always been... straightforward and brave, why does he become shy when it comes to ancient Chinese?

After persuasion for a long time, Chen Feng was still reluctant.

In the end, Ruijier took Chen Feng's finger and said in a serious tone with a deadpan face:

"Afeng, you must study ancient Chinese well, and I will study with you!"

"Okay, then I will learn!"

I promised so simply...

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