"It's okay, I just think it's a coincidence, because I'm also one of the sponsors, so I have to go too."

"Ah?" Chen Feng was taken aback, how could he bump into acquaintances like this while traveling?

Sayuri blinked, and looked playfully at the fast food restaurant not far away.

"That's right, and you're still a member of the judges! It's been a long time since I saw you. The last thing was really thanks to you, Feng Jun. A sudden impulsiveness almost caused a catastrophe. Let's have a meal together. Going to buy some things for going out should not affect your work, Mr. Feng."


His good quality is ice-clear and jade-run; his gorgeous clothes are shining with articles.

I believe this is the subconscious thought of most of the girls who have met Sayuri Sawamura. Their temperament, appearance and name are [-]% consistent.

The brief chat conveys to people knowledgeable and polite, and after a long time of contact, another sense of distance begins to arise, as if there is an invisible wall in the middle that isolates most people's impulsive hearts from the root, and they would rather look at it from a distance. I will not take the liberty of profane by close contact.

This sense of distance stems from Sayuri's family background and acquired temperament. When most people see such a woman, they just keep their eyes on the other person for a while, and dare not take a breath. Come up to talk...

She has the appearance preferred by traditional oriental aesthetics, and she acts tactfully and reservedly.

Chen Feng couldn't help looking at Sayuri a few more times today, and Sayuri also noticed that Chen Feng's behavior was different from usual, she was a little happy for some reason, but she just smiled lightly on her face.

"Mr. Feng is in a good mood today?"

"I can't say it's good, but it's just the first time I saw Sayuri-san wearing clothes other than a kimono."

Looking away, Chen Feng explained unhurriedly: "I thought you liked vacuum, or is it vacuum now?"


Sure enough, every time he talked to Chen Feng, this man would always say something that others only dared to think in his heart but would not say, which reminded her that when the two met for the first time, he mistook her for the one with dyed hair Ying Lili, and said to himself something strange like 'If you refuse, I will beat you' with a serious face.

It was probably from that time that the two began to bond.

At first, it was also based on her own curiosity that she began to pretend to be her daughter to get to know this young man who looked young but was calm in his work. From time to time, some words would come out that could make people choke to death.

There is no one who can do such a thing except Chen Feng, who eats a lunch of about 100 yen by himself, but spends thousands of yen to buy a book to give to a person he has never met.

But the more you get to know him, the more you can find that there are too many differences between Chen Feng and his peers. These differences can be said to be different in acting style, or different in mastering skills, but the most important point is that Chen Feng has no life like his peers at all. In the campus, the eyebrows have not yet maintained the most primitive youthful feeling without wind and rain!

No matter what he said... The last time I met him in a bar, those words were not at all like what a high school student could say, the kind of words that seemed to have been weather-beaten, revealing the vicissitudes of life in the words, let her Subconsciously, he wondered if Chen Feng would be about the same age as himself?

But just think about this kind of thing, Chen Feng's age is there, he is ten years younger than himself...

What's more, his temperament is also a mystery, temperament can not be achieved overnight, when Chen Feng speaks, he often has a commanding tone in it, obviously the words are commands, but when he speaks, there will be a kind of magic power Tell the commandee that he must obey him.

Natural and full of confidence, with an obvious aura of superiority, even Sayuri who has not been in the top position for more than ten years would not believe it.

But then I thought about it, an 18-year-old senior high school student, you told me that he has been at the top of society for at least ten years, who would believe this?

A tinge of bitterness floated in Sayuri's heart.

Yes...he is 18 this year...

"Is it okay to eat fast food with me? It's cheap."

Chen Feng looked back at Sayuri who lowered her head. Can a lady like this who comes from a big family and has a career unimaginable by ordinary people really be able to eat such simple and cheap food?

It's not that Chen Feng thinks Sayuri is too squeamish, but that 99.9% of the rich people he's met won't eat this special 130 yen lunch.

Sayuri was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, straightened the beret on her head, and said with a soft smile:

"I have eaten, and I have eaten a lot."

She raised her head, looked at the gloomy sky, and said to herself:

"I have eaten a lot of cheaper things than this, and I am a little embarrassed to say it. I was hungry at the time... I quarreled with my family when I was specially recruited to university at the age of 15. At that time, my family took away my financial resources. All of them are broken, so I do part-time jobs in my spare time almost every day. I use the 2 to 3 yen earned from part-time jobs every month, and most of them are spent on studies. Finally, I took the remaining money to get a discount I went to the supermarket to buy discounted bagged ramen, bento boxes that were about to expire, and that’s when I realized that there are 98 yen ramen here, and they can last for two days.”

At the end, Sayuri couldn't help laughing, her frowns and smiles were full of indescribable charm.

"This is the life of most people. It's normal. There's nothing you can't eat. If you say you can't eat it, it just means you're not hungry enough."

"I also feel that when I was hungry, I even gnawed on the grass roots on the snow-capped mountains."



Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders. The two of them had already arrived at this cheap fast food restaurant. He threw away the topic just now, "Let's go, you treat me, I'll prostitute for nothing."

"Of course, I keep my word."

As for the money, Xiao Baihe had already taken it out of her wallet on the way here, she was more thoughtful about this.

After paying at the front desk, he and Chen Feng picked out a box lunch they liked and left the fast food restaurant.

The shop is not big and there is no place inside, so the nearby park seems to be the most perfect place if you want to eat. However, Chen Feng usually goes to his car and sits in the car to eat, but this time it is different. I can take Sayuri to a nearby park.

The two were silent for a long time, Chen Feng walked in front of Sayuri, and suddenly said:

"I thought you were going to ask me, like everyone else, how I eat this stuff."

"Is it strange?"

Sayuri tilted her head, "I think Lord Feng is very powerful."

I found a bench in the corner of the park. The place with the stone table nearby had been occupied long ago. Chen Feng sat on the bench and opened the lunch box in his hand.

"I don't have high requirements for food, as long as I don't starve to death, but other people may think this is stupid, you are not surprised, but it is a bit beyond my expectation."

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