Silently withdrawing her gaze, she seemed to be in a tangle once again, as if the waves were turbulent and chaotic.

Chapter 64 Let You Damn Disturb My Sleep

Outside the crowded airport, there are people who are about to go to all over the world, and tourists from all over the world who come to travel here. They have different skin colors and different national languages, but they all have a smile on their faces. The sky, which was not very clear, brought joy.

The air in the morning is still slightly humid. Because this trip needs to go abroad, and the time is half a month, there are not many people traveling together.

Now, Chen Feng, who has a malignant tumor in the third grade but has brought countless buffs, Xue Nai, who used to be the first in the grade but fell to the second in the grade this time, is unknown in the liberal arts group but has a good understanding of article writing and historical knowledge Hikigaya Hachiman and Rachel Gardner, who is about to skip a grade and enter the third grade.

There is no doubt that the third grade of Zongwu High School is an extremely luxurious super lineup. On the other hand, other first and second grade teams do have very powerful presences in them, such as the rising rookies of the five Nakano sisters. The teachers who were really promoted were in the third grade team. Their level is high, but they still haven't reached the point of inhumanity.

One of the important reasons why these five people agreed to participate in the competition was that their credits were actually not much higher than Chen Feng's, and they were also facing an urgent credit crisis...

Of course, Komachi is also in the first-year team. Although she doesn't have any outstanding projects, the important thing is that she has high scores in every subject, which is relatively balanced.

Chen Feng and Hiratsuka Shizuka drove here together, and the two went to pick up people who were closer to their residences. Chen Feng picked up Ruijier and Yukino, and Hiratsuka Shizuka went to pick up Hachiman and Komachi.

All the way to the airport, I parked the car in the underground parking lot and dealt with the relevant handling fees. Naturally, Chen Feng did not need to pay the fees, but Shizuka Hiratsuka paid with the funds given by the school.

Chen Feng knew that Hiratsuka Jing was a rich woman, but he didn't expect to see this guy driving for a few days, and this time she actually changed to an Aston Martin DBX to pick him up.

"This car sits very well, but it looks ordinary."

Hikigaya Hachiman scratched his head, recalling the SUVs he sat in before, none of them could compare to Shizuka Hiratsuka's.

Chen Feng, who just got out of the car, pointed to Shizuka Hiratsuka's orange SUV and said:

"If you're willing to spend 4000 million on a car, I don't think it's a problem to run through it."

"Sorry, I'm too young!"

He had also seen Shizuka Hiratsuka's sports car, but he didn't expect that he would be lucky enough to get a car that was even more ridiculously expensive than that sports car.

Throwing a cigarette to Chen Feng, Hiratsuka Jing stared.

"You talk too much! I think your car is similar."

"Why? Audis aren't that expensive."

Chen Feng knew Che Hikigu Hachiman, so he asked subconsciously.

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, Hiratsuka Shizuo said slowly:

"As for the car modified by this brat, it might not be a problem if you play an RPG, what do you think?"

"Sorry, I choose Komachi."

"Hey bro, you're so disgusting."

Everyone came to the open space in front of the airport noisy all the way, this is the meeting place for Zongwu Gao before boarding the plane.

It didn't take too long. Everyone was punctual. After all, it was boarding. If you were late, you would offend people. No one would do such a stupid thing.

I simply counted the number of people. There are 6 people in the first grade, 6 people in the second grade, and only 4 people in the third grade. This is selected according to the regulations of the competition party. The upper grades need to use fewer people. To accomplish more things, this way can significantly increase the difficulty, and it is more fair to the game.

The air tickets are purchased by the school, and those who get the tickets come to compare their own seats. However, because the tickets are randomly selected, only a few people are seated together, and others are seated separately.

"Okay, wait for boarding. The flight time is 4 hours. If you haven't slept enough, you can get enough sleep on the plane. Don't run around while waiting for boarding. If anyone delays the flight, I will definitely tell you what is called 'the price of being greedy'!"

Hiratsuka shook her fist and told all the students warmly. After all, there are about 20 people including a few teachers who lead the team. It ruined my good mood.

Soon it was time to board the plane. Everyone took their boarding passes and began to line up in the crowd. After entering the cabin, they searched for their seats according to the numbers on the boarding passes.

Chen Feng also found his own seat. He was near the aisle. After he sat on it, he pulled down the hat on his head to take a nap and so on.

About 2 minutes later, a voice with a hint of astonishment rang in his ears.

"Sorry to bother you, it's my place inside... Eh? Lord Feng?"

Sayuri, who was wearing a white down jacket, watched the man in front of him pull up his hat, and suddenly found this acquaintance whom she had met yesterday.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised, but he quickly got up and let Sayuri in, so as not to block the people behind him.

"Why don't you fly economy class instead of first class..."

Chen Feng had black lines on his face. He originally thought that Sayuri was flying in first class or business class. After all, people with her status would hardly choose economy class unless they didn't have an air ticket.

Unexpectedly, Sayuri smiled, and said as a matter of course:

"Because the economy class is reimbursed at public expense, and you have to bring some staff with you, you can save a lot of money."

"Forget it, as long as you are happy..."

"By the way, Mr. Feng, do you know the time it takes to go there?"

Maybe it was because she was bored, Sayuri asked proactively.

"The time for the official competition is the day after tomorrow. I have checked that the nearest airport takes more than four hours to fly there, so I must go by water. I guess it will take a lot of time there, but it should only be a day and a night at most."

"Ah... so I understand."

Like a child who lost the opportunity to express herself, Sayuri lowered her head regretfully.

Xue Nai, who was diagonally opposite, was still reading a book, and vaguely heard that Chen Feng seemed to be chatting with someone, but as far as she knew, Chen Feng didn't sit with people he knew, and Chen Feng usually wouldn't take the initiative to talk to people he didn't know. , I was a little curious in my heart for a moment, and slightly raised my head to look over.

a little familiar...

She could only see Sayuri's side face, but she still felt that she must have seen this person somewhere, but she couldn't remember for a while.

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