At this time, Xue Nai also saw Sayuri who was seated with Chen Feng clearly, but because she didn't often attend the banquet at home, she still only felt familiar, but didn't recognize it directly. After Hiratsuka Shizuka found Sayuri in surprise, the two started After talking, she knew the identity of the other party.

Of course Sayuri knew the second lady of Chiba local snake Yukinoshita's family, so she took the initiative to say hello:

"Hi Yukinoshita sister, I really didn't expect you to be a member of this competition."

"Hello, Aunt Sayuri..."


"Hello, Sister Xiao Baihe." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Xue Nai hurriedly changed her words.

"That's right~~" Sayuri was elated, and happily took Xue Nao's hand, and said, "I'm only ten years older than you, so I should call you sister."


Xue Nao is not good at dealing with such situations, she was just curious why Chen Feng knew Sayuri.

Clearing her throat, Yukino asked seriously:

"Sister Xiao Baihe, do you know Chen Feng?"

Chapter 65 Are you...too pampered?


The eyes looking at Xue Nao were dull for a moment, and in an instant, Sayuri seemed to see something, her eyes rolled around, and her heart felt bitter, but her face was still full of smiles, and she joked: "That's right, Mr. Feng and I are considered old friends." We got acquainted, and the acquaintance can be regarded as an accident within an accident. But the relationship between Feng Jun and your sister seems to be quite good, very interesting~"

"As far as my sister is concerned... except for being not good at doing housework, there are basically no obstacles in communicating with anyone. This can be praised."

Xue Nao responded neither humble nor overbearing.

In most cases, her words are very cautious, even stingy, because of her own character, as long as it is not a curse, it can be regarded as a compliment.

Some people are indeed like this. Cursing people has always been beating around the bush, pointing fingers and scolding others. When they praise others, they will feel shy, and then they will use more words to praise others, which is more or less a characteristic.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is organizing the gathering of students and teachers, and downplaying the incident just now on the plane to avoid affecting the state of the students due to things during the journey.

Standing outside the airport, Sayuri smiled and played with the fan in her hand. Her fan was rarely used to fan the wind, because it was originally a decoration. Compared with practical use, she preferred to hold it in her hand and play with it.

The spout of the folding fan tapped lightly on the palm of her hand. Sayuri turned her head and glanced at Chen Feng, who was putting on gloves for Rachel. This place is at 60 degrees north latitude. It's not going anywhere high.

She has seen Xue Nai sitting behind Chen Fengxie since she took the seat. She has seen this girl several times. According to Sayuri's analysis, Xue Nai is generally relatively solitary and rarely actively observes others. The situation was just observed intentionally or unintentionally from the plane. Sayuri found that Yukino would look in Chen Feng's direction many times. question!

What's more, in Xue Nao's answer just now, Sayuri smelled a strong sour smell. It would be much more interesting if this kind of answer appeared on a girl who was rigid and serious in her work.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the smile looked subtle.

"Can I call you sister Yukino?"


"Sister Xue Nai, you seem to be very concerned about Feng Jun's appearance. Are you worried that she didn't bring thick clothes? But it doesn't matter, there are many clothing stores nearby."

Near the Northland Airport, shops selling thick and warm clothes are everywhere. After all, not everyone likes to pack a lot of thick clothes across the border and travel to a northern country for fun. I like to wear a set, and buy a new one as a spare when I get to the local area.

Sayuri's tone was up and down, sometimes tense and sometimes soothing. People who didn't know it thought she was reciting the text, not talking to others.

Xue Nai lowered her head, subconsciously took out her mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at the time, and said calmly:

"No, if an adult can't even think of preparing for such a thing, he needs to suspect a problem with his IQ. Obviously, his IQ is not a problem."

But who is Sayuri?

She is a talented girl who was specially recruited by the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo at the age of 15. She graduated with a graduate degree in law at the age of 20. At the age of 21, she founded the current company and developed the company to a point where even Yukinoshita's family cannot be underestimated. How could such a rough dodge move be hidden from her eyes?


Sayuri sighed softly in her heart, the truth seemed to be not much different from what she had imagined.

Anyway, it's impossible for me, so it's better to match up the two people in front of me, so that I can be more calm and calm, so that I won't do anything that has no way out.

"But there is still a scarf missing, a scarf full of warmth—"

Under the cover of elegant temperament, the unwilling words in Sayuri's mouth turned into kind reminders, and she began to encourage: "The shop 50 meters to the right sells scarves. It's also a good choice to give gifts to friends occasionally. It’s like sending charcoal in the snow.”

Looking along Sayuri's finger, Yukino saw a shop displaying scarves, and the styles looked very beautiful.


She said firmly: "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first. Hiratsuka-sensei is gathering."

"Okay, anyway, we just happened to meet each other, so I'll go there with you. By the way, I'm one of the judges for your competition."

Slowly waving her hand, Sayuri smiled softly, not feeling lost or angry at Yukino's cold words.

Spotted snowflakes fell on the scarf on Sayuri's shoulders, and the snow-white embellishments made this oriental beauty even more charming.

In the crowd, Wuyue rubbed her hands that were sore from the cold, breathed out continuously, and turned her gaze back from Sayuri who was not far away.

"Yihua Yihua, look at that girl who seems to be sitting with classmate Chen, she looks very mature."

Gently touching Yihua's waist with her elbow, Wuyue sighed.

"Really? I didn't pay much attention."

Hearing May's words, Yihua glanced at Sayuri and said:

"But it seems that I know Yukinoshita, Chen Feng, and Hiratsuka-sensei. Could it be that they are temporary companions?"

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