"No, I'm also worried about how to use it."

The slightly lowered eyes, the absent pupils, seemed like she was really lost in thought.

Er Nai was taken aback for a moment, could it be that he had guessed wrong?

Forget it, it's too troublesome to think about something, so don't think about it!

In this way, Yihua managed to perfunctory her second sister, and she was relieved.

Sister, I really just want to stand behind you.


In Chen Feng's room, he smelled himself, and there was indeed an unpleasant fishy smell, so he took a shower after Rachel took a shower.

Xue Nai came over to urge them, but Chen Feng told them to eat first, and he would come back later.

It was already dark at six o'clock in the places with higher latitudes, and Chen Feng took Ruijier to the restaurant.

The price of the ticket may be more expensive. The food on this passenger ship is obviously much better, whether it is in the room or in the restaurant, and if it is a buffet, the chef will continue to deliver freshly baked food to the front desk in the back kitchen, which will not cause food shortages. .

At the small khaki-colored table, Rachel tilted her head, looked at Chen Feng who was eating fast in front of her, and asked:

"Ah Feng likes... mashed potatoes?"


"Because Afeng ate a lot of mashed potatoes, I wondered if Afeng liked this kind of food very much."

"How should I put it down..." Chen Feng put down his spoon, stared at the creamy mashed potatoes in the bowl, and responded, "This stuff used to be very filling, except for the lack of fat that can't be digested, I think it's a perfect dish." food."

If you want to ask Chen Feng what he ate the most in the past, apart from simple portable dry food, it might be bread and potatoes.

He even had no high-calorie food when he was on a mission, so he burned a potato and took it away. When the fire stopped temporarily, he took it out and gnawed on it, which can well replenish the physical strength consumed by the action.

But...that was all in the past.

"It's decided, I will buy potatoes when I go back!"

Ruijier saw Chen Feng's nostalgic look, so she made up her mind and said.

"Learning can be learned, but don't buy too much."


Just as the two were talking, a calm voice came from behind.

"It's obviously not morning yet, why do you have to get up?"

"Because... I have to finish my meal! I suddenly regretted my promise to my uncle. Why do I have to come with me after a good holiday..."

The girl didn't seem to understand the complaints of the woman in front of her, she just ate her food on her own, the scallop crumbs in her hand covered her arms and the clothes in front of her.

Seeing this appearance, the woman in front of her covered her forehead.

"Be careful not to stain your clothes when you eat for nothing, and put it on your own plate like this."


"Because it will stain the clothes, and if it is dirty, it needs to be cleaned, which is very troublesome!"

Chen Feng finished his mashed potatoes and planned to get some other things over here, when he accidentally saw two people not far away from them.

Um?Isn't this the girl I met this morning?

However, Chen Feng didn't intend to take the initiative to talk to others, because he insisted on asking others for rewards after helping others. That was not his style, and he usually made decisions based on his mood.

It looked like they were in some trouble, but they could handle it themselves, so there was no need to intervene in the past.

He passed the two of them with a plate and walked towards the dining area not far away.

Mashiro Shiina, a student at Hepsted School of Art, and an auditor at the Royal College of Art, was born in a top art family and is very talented in oil painting and artistic sense. This time, he came here to represent the high school for the last competition. After the competition He will transfer to Neon's high school to study and live in Neon.

She didn't know the specific reason, but she knew that this was a decision made by her parents together, and she had no right to interfere.

And the person next to her who has been taking care of her is her cousin, who is also the first cousin she met in her memory, Chihiro Chihiro.


Zhenbai recognized Chen Feng in an instant. She wanted to turn around and call out to the man, but before she could turn around, she was grabbed by her cousin.

"Hey, what do you want to do, Zhenbai? Look at your clothes are full of crumbs. I don't know how uncles and aunts taught you..."

Looking down at her clothes, she imagined a sky full of stars and an ocean reflecting starlight in her mind, but there were still some elements missing...


"My little ancestor, please keep your voice down, what can't you do?"

Chihiro, who was cleaning up Zhenbai's clothes impatiently, looked up, only to see Zhenbai who was in a daze, and felt a burst of irritability.

When the time comes, find someone to push her out to take care of her. This job is really not for humans.

Neither of them noticed, but Rui Jier, who was sitting in Chen Feng's seat, had already turned her head and looked at the two with a calm expression.

After wandering around, Chen Feng, who came back from the other side with a bunch of things, put them down. Before he could sit back, Rachel picked up a shrimp and began to shell it, and finally handed over a clean shrimp. Tiger shrimp.

"Feng, eat."

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