"This Yotsuba... definitely did it on purpose!"

"Ahaha...Maybe Yotsuba asked a stupid question again, and started to popularize science after being taught by Chen Feng."

Yihua smiled sarcastically, and turned her head guiltily.

In fact, Clover had such a problem because she induced it on purpose, but she couldn't let Nino know about it, otherwise she wouldn't be able to blow up the pot.

Not long after, passenger cars drove slowly from a distance, loaded up the students, teachers and tourists who had landed on the island, and headed to the nearby foothold.

On the bus, Chen Feng and Clover sat together, criticizing Clover's carelessness incessantly, and returning to the state of being their teacher when they were tutoring.

Clover was also very upbeat, and in a daze brought the topic to atomic energy research, and Chen Feng also gave her a superficial science popularization around this topic.


Yihua in the back row poked the sisters beside her and suggested in a low voice:

"Chen Feng, who doesn't have a headband on Clover, can recognize it in a blink of an eye. Do you want to come to the one you haven't seen for a long time?"


"It's the quintuplets game!"

Playing with her mobile phone in May, she tilted her head.

"Why? Why did you mention this suddenly..."

"Okay, come on!"

Er Nai said with full fighting spirit: "The stinky rascal is not my father and the others, so I'm sure I won't recognize him, so I have to make a good laugh at him then."

Sanjiu shrank back, and glanced at Er Nao quietly.

"Ernai... will definitely be laughed at by Chen Feng. I feel that Chen Feng is very powerful, so I shouldn't be able to hide it."


Yihua clapped her hands and said with a smile:

"Then it's decided. Take some time to play a quintuplets game with Chen Feng. Now our tacit understanding is not comparable to before!"

【The rest is not important, as long as the five of you are together...】

Playing around together, taking exams together, transferring schools together... In the end, they were picked up by Chen Feng to study together, and now they are at the top of the grade together.

I don't know if you don't have this tacit understanding?

With a smile on his face, his eyes turned to Chen Feng who was still talking about knowledge in the front seat.

If not...it's actually not bad.

The hotel is a homestay with hot springs. This place is located on the volcanic seismic belt around the Pacific Ocean, and it is also a place full of earthquakes and volcanoes.While enduring the disaster, the benefits brought by the disaster did not stay here at all, and the hot spring is one of them.

The competition is divided into four days. There are four events in total. Every day, each event advances to one team. Each team member sends 1-2 representatives for each game. The third grade group can only send one representative for each game and cannot repeat .

There are a total of 12 teams, all from 4 different schools at home and abroad, and the competition item Hiratsuka Jing has been distributed to the participating members of all grades.

Chen Feng looked at the simple words on the form and fell into deep thought.

Artistic and literary creation, mathematics competitions, knowledge of world history and culture, and boxing.

Chen Feng and Ruijier were still holding the form, and two people who also held the competition form had already come outside the door.

Everyone gathered together, Hikigu Hachiman touched his chin and said:

"That... I can do world history and culture, but I'm not very good at the rest."

"Ray, what do you choose?" Xue Nai handed over the second choice to Rachel.


Rachel didn't choose directly, but looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said without thinking: "Ray, you go to mathematics, Xue Nai, you are not good at science, right?"


Although I really don't want to admit it, Xue Nai is indeed not as talented as Ruijier in science, or it seems that Chen Feng can take any of the four subjects.

"Then I will choose the first one, the last one..."

Xue Nai looked at Chen Feng, she felt that Chen Feng might be the most suitable for fighting, after all, a person who can beat Shizuka Hiratsuka violently will not be weak in any way.

After all, the last competition rule clearly states that there can only be one contestant, and there is also a detailed rule book. Chen Feng looked around briefly, and it probably means that there are only 6 men in the men's group and 6 in the women's group.That is to say, no matter which group it is, only one person can enter the martial arts competition ring in the end.

The distribution of the quintuplets was almost done, and Yotsuba stared at her sisters closely, even her hands were trembling.

"I...I don't want to box..."

"It doesn't matter, Yotsuba, you are the best, your motor nerves are also the best among us, and you have the foundation of various sports, your physical strength is guaranteed, you will definitely be able to do it!"

May said cheeringly, even though she herself has no confidence.

In terms of motor nerves, since junior high school, the four-leaf foundation in various sports club activities and competitions is stronger than the few of them who were caught and practiced by Chen Feng. I don’t know where. Yotsuba, who had an overwhelming advantage in physical strength, was defeated.

However, Yotsuba's hand holding the competition list was exhausted. With a mournful face and dim eyes, she said:

"Student Chen Feng must also be the fourth project, I am still young, I don't want to die..."

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