But as soon as he came over, he saw Chen Feng, who was expressionless among the crowd not far away, and the scene that appeared at noon appeared in his mind again, and his footsteps were stuck in mid-air for a long time.

He was sure that he was not hallucinating, this man really pointed a gun at his head, if it was hallucination, he could go to the toilet to eat a hundred catty meal in the private room.

However, there is no evidence to prove this. Even the police had some doubts when they saw that he was so sure. There was no suspicious action at all during the whole process, so the police attributed everything to Thomas' delusion of being killed.

After a brief education, he signed a letter of guarantee to prove that Thomas was released.

'What to do, what to do...he looked at me...does he want to draw his gun again? '

Thomas regretted that he didn't wear a recorder on his chest, and at the same time looked down on Chen Feng's behavior.

What is the use of firearms?Come fight with your bare hands if you have the guts!

His calf muscles were trembling slightly, and his whole body was tense, ready to turn around and run at any moment.

'No...does he dare to draw a gun in this kind of place?If he really dared to take it out, Chen Feng would definitely be taken away by the police. '

Thinking of this, Thomas regained his confidence. Although he was still a little timid from the bottom of his heart, at least he was not so nervous.

But the next second he was angry, because Chen Feng just glanced at him briefly, what is that look?Look into the eyes of strangers? !Who do you look down on, bastard!

He stepped forward with dull steps, and smiled far-fetchedly:

"Student Chen Feng, I'm sorry about what happened at noon."

Chen Fengtou said in a low voice without returning:

"What are you worthy of talking to me?"


He finally understood that this person named Chen Feng didn't understand the world at all, and he only said things that would only be said with a low EQ. If a person with a little brain didn't he turn around with a smile on his face and be polite to him?

In the family, Thomas sees that all the adults in the family operate in this way, and his parents have explained the benefits of doing this to himself, at least it can take advantage of the reason, and sometimes it can confuse the opponent .

This is the criterion that he regards as truth.

But since the other party didn't want to deal with this matter coldly, and dared to flirt with him, there was no need for Thomas to pretend.

He said softly:

"You will regret this."


Originally, Chen Feng turned his back to Thomas. When he heard Thomas' words, an afterimage was drawn on his right leg. If he didn't use a high-speed camera, he couldn't even see clearly that Chen Feng's body, which hadn't moved at all, kicked back violently. .

Chen Feng used to wear thick-soled military boots very carefully. This kind of boots have thick soles and have been treated accordingly, so they are very practical.

Being kicked on the calf by this sudden kick, Thomas' eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, his eyes bulged, and the severe pain almost didn't make him suffocate on the spot.


Hearing the sound of falling from the back of the crowd, all the people who were still in line turned their heads one after another. Chen Feng also looked at Thomas who was lying on the ground hugging his calf with a surprised expression.

"Oh! What's wrong with you, sir? Huh? You're the one at noon?!"

Chen Feng began to hesitate, and struggled a little between his brows, but he still reached out and tried to pull Thomas up from the ground, and at the same time he turned around and shouted in a panic:

"Do you need an... ambulance? Did you fall to your leg? Is it serious? Come and help me!"

After speaking loudly, Chen Feng leaned close to Thomas' ear intentionally or unintentionally for a moment, and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people:


"You... you bastard!!!"

Feeling that his IQ had been humiliated and trampled, Thomas clenched his fists and slapped Chen Feng in the face furiously.


I don't know if it was a coincidence, but at this moment Chen Feng staggered, as if he couldn't support Thomas' weight and slid to the side, it was because a male student who was in front of Chen Feng just came over and ate With a fist, his eyes went black and he passed out.

Everyone could see clearly what happened at the scene, and people would generally believe what happened in front of them, and what caught their eyes was Thomas falling to the ground. Chen Feng, who had conflicts with him, hesitated and decided to help Thomas kindly. But Thomas, who was furious, didn't appreciate it, and punched another student who came to help.

Everyone's eyes became extremely unfriendly.

Some students went inside to inform the judges and teachers about the incident outside the house. They had already prepared and planned to let the students who lined up come in to draw lots one by one, but suddenly a student broke in and said that someone outside beat up other students. All the teachers and judges Not daring to be negligent, he rushed out in a hurry.

Outside the room, Thomas dragged a limp leg and walked towards Chen Feng, who was squatting on the ground to give emergency treatment to the unconscious student. At the same time, he raised his fist and planned to punch him directly on the back of the head. .

Three or four meters away, Ruijier didn't make any sound. She knew that she had better not disturb Chen Feng, but she still put her hand into her bosom unconsciously.

"Stop! Thomas, when will you be willing to lose your face?!"

A middle-aged woman shouted loudly, "Do you really want me to inform your father about what you did today?"

"But...but Teacher Bellina, it's him..."

"All I know is that I saw you knock out a classmate, and now you want to continue attacking another classmate!"

Thomas's teeth were about to bleed, he put down his fist very unwillingly, his strong chest was heaving and falling.

This teacher is not something he can provoke. When necessary, even the members of his own family need to show face to his teacher. No matter how stupid Thomas is, he realizes that he has been tricked by Chen Feng.

Of course there was Sayuri among the judges. She changed into a snow-white winter dress. When she saw what happened outside the door, she roughly guessed what happened. However, she didn't go up to talk to Chen Feng to prevent being caught by the judges. The handle of being acquaintances with the contestants.

Unbuttoning the collar of the fainted student, Chen Feng nodded towards Sayuri who was not far away. The two of them thought of something together, so this was regarded as a greeting.

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