"I just kicked him quietly, but I didn't use much force. His reaction is not very good, it's too bad."

"You're sneak attacking..."

"I only talk about winning or losing, not martial arts."

"Okay... What happened next? Why did I hear Mr. Hiratsuka say that another student was knocked out by him?"

Xue Nai sighed lightly, and then asked.

"Oh, normal operation, I did it on purpose." Chen Feng muttered, "I don't really want to cause any trouble, it's a simple warning, but it seems that his brain is not very good, next time I will simply As a punishment, break his leg."

"Simple punishment...but that's right, it's something you can do. It doesn't matter to the students who were beaten, right?"

"I've checked it, and there's nothing wrong with it. I guess I've woken up a long time ago. Oh, you can order a box of mashed potatoes for me, it's delicious."

Xue Nai with black hair, replied lightly:

"Do it yourself."

However, Chen Feng gave Xue Nai a blank look.

"If Yang Nai knew what happened yesterday, would he talk to you about it with a smile when you go back?"


After a long time, you are still threatening me?

On the contrary, Yang Nai's Xue Nai didn't want her to know about it at all, that woman has always been annoying, if she found out, wouldn't she hold her stomach and laugh in front of her for half an hour?

No one knows better than her what her elder sister is like, especially when it comes to herself, Yang Nai always likes to do some ironic things.

If she hadn't known her character for a long time, and what her original intention was, Xue Nai would have exploded in anger, pointing at the door and shouting 'get out'.

Of course, even if she plays her temper like this, it's completely indifferent to Yang Nai's thick skin, and even makes fun of herself in a roundabout way.

She is not afraid to scold people directly, because she will praise each other eccentrically.It's just that this operation is obviously not suitable for dealing with Yang Nai, because Yang Nai's yin and yang anger is more than a few grades higher than hers, and the thickness of his skin is not comparable to that of Xue Nao, who will blush after a few words.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Nai kept hinting to herself that "it's okay, it's okay", and finally suppressed her inner urge to curse, and dialed the front desk service number.

The judges and sponsor representatives have already taken another car to the destination, and they will definitely not eat the hotel buffet like the students in terms of treatment, and there are other more important communications between them that need to be carried out.

After simply gathering, all the students of the school took the rented bus and headed all the way to the nearby town. In the gymnasium of this town, all the contestants will compete here.

Includes a live boxing match.

Chapter 74 'Artwork' and con artists

The bus is driving on the road in the small town, and the exotic buildings always have a wonderful sense of freshness. Many students have basically stayed in the hotel since they came to this small island to prepare before the game. Naturally, they didn’t go out much to hang out. There was heavy snow falling outside, and it was obviously not suitable for going out in such weather.

It is obviously rare for students from three or four countries to hold such a small competition here, and the government seems to intend to absorb part of the financial funds from it, so it has already made great efforts to the town before the competition publicity.

As a small northern island at about 70 degrees north latitude, the flow of people here is not large, even if the scenery looks really good, but there are many cold places like this in the whole world. How to attract a large number of tourists?

This small island develops fisheries and tourism. Because it is rich in sturgeon species, many residents here will go out to fish, catch sturgeon in the right season, and then transport these fish to the country to process them into caviar for export. It is a major source of financial revenue.

But relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and relying on the sea to eat the sea will always face the situation of overfishing. The sea alone is not enough to make the residents of the small island rich, so the rulers thought of tourism, and this small island There is no factory that discharges a large amount of sewage and waste gas. The environment looks good at first glance, but there are no eye-catching features.

Attracting tourists always needs some gimmicks, so this small town near the sea on the island built the first large-scale stadium, and while accepting competitions at low prices and high services, it also organized various competitions to attract traffic .

Sobu High School is considered to be the first school to eat this cheap crab. After the competition, it can also ski in the ski resort and enjoy the snow scenery on this beautiful island. It can be regarded as forming an industrial chain.

There are many passers-by on the street, and most of them have official viewing tickets in their hands. On a small island with relatively simple entertainment methods, being able to watch a game for free seems to be a kind of spiritual pastime, and for the sake of To allow the locals to understand the words of the contestants, the official is also equipped with a translator and two commentators, which can be regarded as spending a lot of money to gain fame from this aspect.

Return return, then there must be investment before there can be return.

Clover in the car was very nervous, because she had never participated in a boxing match. Although she had been in contact with the practice room prepared by the school for the past two days, if she hadn't fought, she hadn't fought. Accident.

The temperature at this time was below zero, but Sanjiu, who was sitting next to Yotsuba, saw that there were beads of sweat on Yotsuba's forehead, and she couldn't bear it, so she pursed her lips and grabbed Yotsuba's hand.

Feeling a little hot and humid in the palm of her hand, she comforted her:

"It's okay, Yotsuba, come on...!"

Few people have played sports like boxing in most high schools. Most of the clubs that Yotsuba helps are related to endurance. She is really worried about her actual combat ability.

Clover's face was bitter, but she managed to pull a smile, but this smile was rather stiff.

"No...it's okay! I'm not nervous at all!"

"But your palms are all sticky with sweat."

"Maybe I'm wearing too many clothes!"

"Hmm..." Sanjiu pouted, she thought of another way to make Clover regain some confidence, "Clover, do you think Chen Feng is good at boxing?"

As soon as Chen Feng's name was mentioned, the scene of being practiced at that time flashed through Clover's mind, her body trembled unconsciously, and goose bumps appeared all over her back.

"There is absolutely no chance of winning..."

He was so depressed that even the hairband on his head fell down.

"That's right."

"Huh? For what?"

Clover looked puzzled, she didn't understand why Sanjiu suddenly mentioned this.

Sanjiu took off the earphones on her head, pointed to Chen Feng who was meditating with his eyes closed in the front row, and whispered: "Shouldn't we mourn for the third-grade sports players of other schools? Think about us At Chen Feng's house... when lifting weights in the gym!"

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