"Really?" Chihiro Qianshi didn't understand such things, but aren't people made of clay and metal just hand-made?As a neon person, she is more or less aware of this, but she is a little curious about how much Zhenbai spent, "How much did you spend?"



Upon hearing this number, Chihiro Qianshi was stunned. After she realized it, she quickly peeled her fingers and came to an extremely exaggerated conclusion, "Nine...ninety million yen?! Hiss——"

Her one-month after-tax salary is 20 yuan, and if it is 40 million yuan, she needs to save it for nearly [-] years without eating or drinking. However, with such a large sum of money, my cousin actually bought a... manage?

"I basically sold all the paintings I could. That teacher is very good."

Qianshi Chihiro froze, her expression became a lot more dignified, and she said solemnly:

"Zhenbai, you are absolutely deceived. How could the hand-made models be sold at such a price? I also know some friends who like this aspect. The hand-made models they collect are only hundreds of thousands of yen no matter how expensive they are."

If you lack social common sense, you will be easily deceived by others. Fortunately, you heard the news, and you may be able to recover some losses after calling the police.

It's just a pity...

Zhenbai cherishes her paintings very much. She has never sold a few paintings since she was a child, and most of her works are kept in the exhibition room of her home. This girl is uncle's treasure, and her paintings are also things that uncle valued very much. But my uncle may never have imagined that Zhenbai would sell all the paintings he worked so hard to cherish in order to buy a figure.

"Hey... I'll ask my students to call the police for you, and hand over the things to the police. The police will definitely pay attention to such a large amount."

Upon hearing that Chihiro Qianshi was going to hand over his belongings to the police, Mashiro stared and shouted anxiously:

"don't want!!"

Zhenbai's negative voice was so loud that even the teacher leading the team in the front row looked behind, and the team continued to move forward after Chihiro Chigoshi signaled that there was nothing serious.

"My little ancestor, I beg you to keep your voice down, you have been cheated, you have been cheated! No model would be sold so expensive."

"No... no, the teacher's work is perfect, and her value cannot be compared with money!"

It is very rare that Chihiro Qianshi gets angry when she sees her cousin, just like her own work is "worthless" after being watched by others.

This was the first time Chihiro Qianshi saw his cousin angry. Although his expression didn't change, his eyes were terrified.

Chihiro Qianshi supported her forehead, feeling more and more impatient. When she thought of her cousin spending as much as 40 years of her salary to buy a figure, she felt that she was going to be pissed off.

Chapter 75 Looking at the unreachable true meaning

"That's... mine!"

Zhenbai looks like a golden retriever protecting food at this time, if she doesn't teach her a lesson, the ghost knows what stupid things she will do in the future.

"It's so white! Listen to me, no one would sell such a meaningless figurine to such an inflated price. The bubbles are just huge bubbles, and there must be someone behind them!"

"It's not meaningless, and it's not a figure, it's art!" Zhenbai argued with her eyes wide open. She was born in an art family, and she is very good at distinguishing whether an object has artistic value.

Works of art cannot be defiled in the slightest, not to mention the teacher who has never met himself, but has always respected the teacher, belittling the artist into a despicable liar, which is undoubtedly a great insult to Zhenbai.

Her friend Rita, who was Mashiro's roommate in England, was the first person to see such a wonderful artwork.

One day, Rita was very excited and showed her something, saying that she bought it from a neon teacher for 5000 pounds, and because the price was too low, she asked her roommate Rita felt uncomfortable, feeling that she was taking advantage of others, and she was still holding a grudge in her heart.

At first, Zhenbai didn't take it seriously, because Rita would always show herself some weird things, especially that time when she was still stuck in a bottleneck, and she had always been sluggish.But this time is different. In the 80cm-tall model, whether it is from the portrayal of the character's bitter smile, the resentment in his eyes but he can only make up his mind to retreat, or from the simple sandbags and broken eaves and broken walls behind him With such a background, a tragic battlefield suddenly appeared in Zhenbai's mind.

The girl's resolute cheeks were covered with blood, and the resentment and despair in her eyes were vividly displayed, but because the retreat could only leave the wounded behind, she couldn't take away the resentment of her comrades-in-arms, resenting her own incompetence, resenting the existence of war, and resenting that friends would leave. Go away by yourself, resentful that everyone has become a tool of war...

There has never been any work that allows Zhenbai to complement the background of the entire work so completely at the moment of seeing it. Whether it is the depiction of the expression or the layout of the background, it skillfully blends everything together, using the simplest The collocation elicits the sympathy of the viewers. This work can be called a masterpiece, and it can even be called a kind of human salvation!

What kind of person can create such rich and perfect works?

She is pursuing the ultimate, and she is constantly breaking through herself. Just because she saw this thing, she felt that the shackles that had troubled her for half a year were broken, and her mind was clear, as if she had come to a new world.

At that time, she still clearly remembered that she grabbed her friend's shoulder excitedly uncharacteristically, and asked who the other party was in an irrefutable tone.

This is the case in any field. It is important to pay attention to the person who has achieved it first, not to mention where it is, but without exception, it is an existence worthy of respect or awe.

Even if he has never met the other party, but only has seen the other party's work, Shiina Mashiro has already admired the creator of this work.

The reason why Zhenbai didn't have much rebellion when she learned that she was going to live in Nihong and had to leave her friends she had known for many years was because that place was the residence of the "teacher" she respected.

She wants to meet... No, she wants to be a teacher!

This is a very serious topic.

Ever since she was a child, Zhenbai's talent is awe-inspiring. Even the teachers who taught her will be quickly surpassed by her, and even left behind mercilessly. Those teachers taught her the most basic art knowledge, and she also I respect my first teacher, but I can't respect it so much that there is such a strong yearning!

He (she) must be found.

This is Zhenbai's wish, a very simple but unattainable wish.

How hard is it to find someone in a country who hasn't shown up?Moreover, the other party does not have any specific information, which is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

But Zhenbai will do this, and she will not give up.

But now that someone belittles his respected teacher as a liar, how can this not make Zhenbai angry?The anger in her heart was raging, if it wasn't for the rationality in her head telling her to calm down, maybe she would have left here at this time.

"Do you try again?"

Hearing this sentence from the always docile Zhenbai, Chihiro Qianshi was dumbfounded.


"By... why!?" Qian Xun Qianshi retorted: "A figure that sells tens of thousands of yuan to a high price of nearly [-] million yuan, isn't it a liar, it can be..."

"That teacher was a great artist."

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