"I know, are you annoying, you stinky bitch? Why would I beat someone to death in such a public place when I have nothing to do? If I want to do it, I will do it in private. I can't even find your body, so you don't need to worry about it."

Hiratsuka Shizuo: "..."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the more she communicated with this brat, the more she felt that he was even more gangster than the members of her family.

"I said Xiaobai..."

Sighing softly, Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to ask about Sayuri and him, when a voice came from outside announcing the end of the match and the next event was boxing.

Chen Feng also heard the sound, and directly flicked the cigarette butt into the ashtray 3 meters away, and walked out.

"I'm going to change my equipment, it's over soon, don't worry."

Who the hell is worried if you can end it anytime soon?

The irascible elder sister Hiratsuka saw that Chen Feng had disappeared, and the bold guesses in her mind the day before yesterday could only be pushed back.

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt irritated when she thought of this brat's unreasonable popularity with women.

Chapter 76 Traditional Performing Arts

Boxing is a highly dangerous sport. Even if it is included in the regular sports, with proper protective gear for protection, injuries are not uncommon.

Even in professional games, there are many cases of sudden triggering of some physical diseases while playing.

Hand bandages and boxing gloves are the most common equipment. Most people know the effect of these things even if they have not been in contact with similar events. Especially hand bandages can effectively treat the tendons of the wrist and multiple cartilages in the hand, reducing the degree of injury. .

Chen Feng was changing team uniforms in the backstage room at this time. He said it was clothing, but it was nothing more than a pair of blue shorts with the school emblem of Zongwu High School printed on it.

Not everyone was as busy as Chen Feng. When many people heard that the boxing match was about to start, the first and second graders also entered the locker room to change their equipment and warm up.

Not warming up before exercising can easily lead to cramps and chances of injury during exercise. The people here are not those who have weird sexual fetishes and do not enjoy the strange hobby of being beaten.

The crotch protector is a very important piece of protective equipment, because some people punch very low, and it is easy to hit the opponent's crotch by mistake when hitting the abdomen. In the case of full output, a punch hit the crotch hard It's not a good thing.

The protective gear to be worn has already been prepared by the contestant. Of course, this kind of amateur boxing match requires wearing a helmet and mouth guard, which can be regarded as trying its best to protect the safety of the players.

As for the clothes... Of course they don't wear them. One is to let the referee see whether the effective part is hit, and the other is to prevent some players from hiding cheating props in the clothes. No one wants to miss a straight punch. He hit a muscle, but he hit a hard steel plate.

Before each event, there will be a period of preparation time. This period is also for the commentators and translators to explain the detailed rules of the next game to the audience in the auditorium. This is very comprehensive.

Chen Feng simply put on a long sleeve and came to the preparation area to wait, let the referee enter the field and Gong explained the information of the players.

"Next up is Thomas Watson from Schodak High School of the Arts! He is a member of the British Boxing Association and has excelled in a whopping 15 amateur bouts, most recently in the national 81kg amateur boxing competition Won the third place!!"

Few people would delve into boxing like Thomas. Naturally, few people would have many titles to introduce. Among these 12 players, there are only 2 people who can introduce the honors they have won, and they are both high-ranking generals. students from other schools.

Hearing Thomas' series of honorable deeds, many third-year students turned green. He had won the third place in the amateur competition, but he was not even qualified to participate in the amateur competition!

They originally thought that the sports would be long jump, gymnastics, shot put, and long-distance running, but the result of the lottery was boxing, which most students had never played before. The teachers who led the team also said that this was beyond their expectations. , so it doesn't matter even if you can't beat it, you just need to pay attention to safety.

Another honorable student named Jacques Yves is French, he is not as outrageous as Thomas, he is only a player in the regional competition, and he cannot even be selected to enter the national competition, but even so, there are not many students Feeling that there is a chance of winning in their hands, each of them has already made plans to be beaten and eliminated.

The student named Yves looked at Thomas, who had many honors, with a nervous expression.

It seems that the player I need to pay attention to most may be Thomas, and the trembling looks of the others show that he has no interest in the game at all.

"Dude, you are strong."

Yves approached Thomas and said, "I hope you are a worthy opponent. I am looking forward to the match with you."

Someone who can speak normally deserves Thomas' serious response, and this person is also the only third-year boxer who trains like himself, and he is also a player he needs to face seriously.

"I am also looking forward to the game between us, but I hate that some people who have no combat effectiveness need to be eliminated."

"It doesn't matter, the two of us will have a match sooner or later. If we don't get a match this time, we will go to the next match. If we don't get a match in the next match, we will continue to divide until we stand in the same ring!"

"Of course!"

Thomas raised his head proudly, "I'm looking forward to that day!"

After the commentator finished introducing all the students, the contestants had already been assigned last night, but the order was messed up. The match between Chen Feng and Thomas was in the fourth match.

Considering the time issue, the score of the game is still 10 points, but the round has become 4 rounds, with 3 minutes in each round and a one-minute break in between.

To be honest, such an irregular match full of loopholes is really not much to watch, especially since most of the students on the field have no boxing experience.

Of course, there was also a serious foul during the game. A student hit the head, and even the referee who blocked him was punched a few times. Of course, he was directly judged as a loser.

Of course, a fighter like Ive who practiced boxing easily defeated the opponent. The overall suppression of strength and skills made the game boring.

Chen Feng simply moved his joints. Although he looked down on his opponent, he should be vigilant. Chen Feng would not discard it for no reason. He liked the attitude of killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

Because Ive's match ended too quickly, the next match was between Chen Feng and Thomas.

Thomas, whose upper body was bare, looked at Chen Feng coldly, walked over and said:

"I will give you 5 points every round. If you seize more chances, you won't lose badly. It's a way to save face for that lady, and I'll take it easy."

Chen Fengli doesn't even want to pay attention to this proud guy. If he needs to bother about any idiots, then he will never live a long life.

Seeing Chen Feng as if he couldn't see himself, Thomas snorted softly and said in a low voice:

"Don't think that your attack on my leg last night can make me weak in the game. I have endured any pain. This small injury can't affect my performance. Just wait for me to be beaten! Despicable Small……"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng took off his long sleeves on his own. The hideous scars on his body made Thomas stop abruptly.

In fact, it wasn't just Thomas, the other players who were still warming up looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with large scars on the front and back, and most of the timid people's legs were weakened by fright.

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