"Huh-huh-coward, have you finally stopped hiding?!"


Chen Feng didn't reply, but made the exact opposite of the evasive posture just now. He kicked off the ground and rushed towards Thomas quickly.

Thomas also knew that something was wrong, so he quickly covered his face with his fist.

Do you think you can get points for such a raid?dream!

But Chen Feng didn't want to score points at all, because he had a way to end the game quickly.

boom! !

The red glove pierced through the air, cutting through the sound of shocking explosions, and finally landed on the glove with Thomas' arms protecting his face.



As soon as the overwhelming force came into contact, Thomas realized that something was wrong, but he was powerless at this time. He only felt that his whole body flew upside down in an 'L' shape when his eyes went dark, bounced on the side rope, and then bounced back In front of Chen Feng, he lay on the ground and never moved again.

The audience's laughter stopped abruptly. This scene made all the third-grade boxers in the school sweat heavily, including Ive, who originally wanted to use Chen Feng as his opponent.

At this time, he has gone to his teacher to make his request.

As long as he faced Chen Feng in the next game, he would choose to abstain and admit defeat.

It's just admitting defeat, it's not shabby, and the traditional skills must not be lost.


ps: When I wrote this chapter, it reminded me of the famous scene of Ali, it’s so good

Chapter 77 Sad nightmares come across thousands of miles

Thomas' physical examination weight was 80 kilograms, which is the so-called 160 kilograms. Although he is only about [-] meters tall, he is undoubtedly a very strong person in terms of figure and muscles.

However, such a strong player couldn't even take Chen Feng's fist.

Just like the sluggish expression of the referee in the ring, it was the first time in his more than 20 years in the industry that he saw a player being punched from the middle of the ring to the side rope, and finally bounced back by the elasticity of the side rope.

Didn't he fall straight down the moment he was hit by a huge force?

When everyone was stunned, Chen Feng didn't show his willingness to pursue, but signaled the referee to continue what he should do now.

Smacking Thomas into the air was an action that Chen Feng didn't want to kill him, because it might seem like a powerful blow to hit a person, but in fact the damage caused to the person is far less than the damage caused by knocking him down in place. It's not a big problem for Chen Feng to punch Thomas through directly.

The referee was in a trance, realized that the game was not over yet, and hurriedly counted the fallen Thomas 10 times. This is also a rule in boxing matches. If a player is knocked down and fails to get up within 10 seconds, the referee will The downed contestant's request to lose the match will be submitted to the referees in the audience.



Ding Ding Ding!

The bell rang, and all five referees in the referee's seat agreed that Thomas, the blue player, would lose. one round.

The audience present had never seen such an interesting boxing match, and they couldn't help standing up and cheering loudly, not to mention how the force of the last punch sent Thomas flying out and then fainted, they just danced while fighting Cossack dancing satisfies these local residents who love 'native dances'.

At most, they had seen butt wiggling before, but this was the first time they had seen a boxing match where they were dancing Cossack dance while avoiding the opponent's attack. The live effect was simply not very good.

Without any pressure, this game is not too simple for Chen Feng. If he didn't suddenly have a bad taste and wanted to play this guy with a serious illness, maybe Chen Feng would have let Thomas know what life is like at the beginning of the game. The fastest race ever.The only thing that Chen Feng needed to worry about was controlling the strength of his punches so as not to beat the young man to death with one punch. Probably this was the most troublesome part of Chen Feng in this round.

The leading teacher of Shodak Art High School had a dark face. He thought this would be the safest championship event among all the competitions in his school, but suddenly a Chen who had already separated countless streets from Thomas suddenly appeared in the middle. Feng, losing the game is still a small problem, but in the game, he was dodged by the opponent and couldn't hit a punch. Thinking of the various glory of Thomas introduced by the commentary just now, he felt even more humiliated in an instant.

Glancing at the ID badge on Shizuka Hiratsuka's chest, the teacher leading the team said with a blank expression:

"Mr. Hiratsuka, you are such a good student!"

Who wouldn't be eccentric?At most, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't dare to be yin and yang, and she had the final say on whether other people could show face or not, so she responded mercilessly:

"How can it be, Mr. Smith, your student is not bad, and he was able to play a full round with my student! And the flopping is too obvious, thank you for letting me know."


The two teachers here are still on the line with each other. Thomas has been briefly checked by the on-site medical staff and sent to the hospital. A total of three phalanges were fractured and the lunate was dislocated. After diagnosis, he suspected that he still had a slight concussion. See It looks like Thomas needs to recuperate in the hospital for a while.

With Chen Feng's appearance in this match, the subsequent boxing matches were no longer worth watching for the audience and referees.

Time soon came to evening.

Far away in the suburbs of Chiba, in a large two-story house, there are three people here... no, it should be four people to be precise, but one of them is watching on his mobile phone, but without exception, they are all staring at A courier on the table, wrapped in layers of foam paper, foam, cardboard, and cushions, remained motionless.

Outside the door, a handsome young man walked in helplessly.

"Misaki, I'm still very busy outside, and I recently took on a production project, if I can't finish it, I'm finished. What are you going to do to urge me back?"

"Jin--! Come on, come on, come on and see this!"

Umigussa Misaki grabbed the package on the table, raised it high above her head, and yelled loudly.

His childhood sweetheart was not so energetic in a day or two, Mitaka Jin even hoped that she would be a little quieter, covering her forehead, Mitaka Jin looked disgusted.

"Isn't this a courier? Just because of this you asked me to come back?"

"Um... Senior Mitaka, Teacher Qianxun asked us to open this express delivery, but... I think it's a little controversial." Aoyama Nanami struggled.

"Listen to me~" Misaki said excitedly: "Jen, you don't know that the person who delivered the express delivery yesterday morning looked very powerful, and there were bodyguards protecting him. Time really scared me!"

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