"Crime... yes!" Mitakaren grabbed the mobile phone on the table and asked excitedly: "Tell me, how many years will I be sentenced for destroying nearly [-] million yuan of personal property? Am I already old after I come out? "

"Okay! How panicked are you two going to be?"

Qingshan Qihai on the side saw that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, so she stood up and shouted loudly: "Things have already happened, and the result is nothing more than compensation or being taken away by the police, not to mention that everyone does not need to bear all the responsibility, and who is responsible for part of it?" Have you forgotten there?"

How can my seniors still handle small things, but panic when they encounter big problems?

Kanda Sorata suddenly realized.

"Teacher Chihiro?"

"So everyone only needs to lose money at most. We also need to take responsibility for unpacking, but it's not a big deal. Now call the teacher and talk about it... Forget it, let me talk about it."

Shaking his head helplessly, Qingshan Qihai walked into the yard with his mobile phone, leaving the others here looking at each other with only one feeling in their hearts.

Qingshan Qihai seems to have changed a lot?

That's not true, Qihai never liked to take advantage of others, and her kindness was reciprocated, and she had already obtained information from the doctor about the full cost of her treatment.

7000 yen!

What a huge sum of money?This money is probably enough for her to live in peace and stability for the rest of her life, but such contributions from others are just out of affection, and it is her duty not to help. There is nothing that must be accepted or rejected for granted.

Money is earned through hard work. Some people may have better family backgrounds and are working hard to make money through their backgrounds. Some people may have average family backgrounds and can only make money through their own efforts, but they are all mixed with possessions. The sweat of the reader is not pie in the sky.

She wants to save as much money as possible on the premise of being able to attend the Seiyu University, and return the money to the good person who helped her advance the medical expenses. This is her goal.

From the sudden death last time, Qingshan Qihai has vaguely noticed that there seems to be a problem with the direction of her efforts. Working hard to fulfill her dream does not have to be at the cost of most of her life and health. A disease that requires a lot of money to treat, all the effort...is it really worth it?

The news of her sudden death due to overwork also reached the ears of her family members. Her parents, who had quarreled with her and had been in a cold war until now, learned of this incident, and hurriedly put down their work and rushed to Chiba.

The doctor chatted with her parents for a long time, Qihai didn't know what they were talking about, but she must have told her family that she was helped to pay for all the medical expenses.

That night, she also told her parents about all her original plans, and the various completed plans and unfinished plans recorded in the notebook were also browsed by her parents. If these plans can be completed before graduation , she might be able to get into a seiyuu university to realize her dream.

Then my father also asked me what I want to do now, and Qihai answered her own thoughts, trying her best to take the seiyuu test, and earning money to save and return to the kind person who has not yet been found.

In the barbecue shop, it was the first time that Qihai saw her father, who was always serious, showing a shameful expression, and bowed his head to apologize to himself, planning to use his own money to pay for his daughter's training and college expenses.

However it was rejected.

Qihai doesn't want to rely on her family to realize her dream. She wants to use her own hands to support her feet so that she can stand on a higher position. The necessary effort is a kind of experience, a kind that cannot be bought with money. There are some things she has to experience in her life.

It's better sooner rather than later, if it's later, you may lose more.

After some disputes, Qihai only accepted the living expenses paid by his family. No matter how Qihai refused, his father's attitude was still very tough, so that he was about to cry in the end.

It seemed that the doctor had told them that Qihai's sudden death was largely due to malnutrition. When Qihai's mother saw the thin appearance of her daughter whom she had not seen for a long time, she couldn't help but shed tears.

There are not many muscles on the hands, and the thin ones can even clearly see the bones and joints on them.

Under normal circumstances, which pair of parents can maintain a stable state of mind when they learn that their children are starving and malnourished?No one can do it.

【Qihai, just listen to your father. As parents, we at least... at least have to pay for your study and basic living expenses! !Otherwise, do we still have the right to appear in front of you? 】

These are the original words of Nanami's mother.

At night, on an island with endless snow, in a hotel located only 5 kilometers from the coast, a house is brightly lit.

In the girl's room, there was a large pile of drawing paper and materials on the desk.

The trash can on the side was full of scraps of manuscripts, and there were some unskilled pencil lines on them, which could vaguely reveal that the girl was trying to learn something that she was not good at.

The pure-color desk lamp emits brighter light at the corner of the coffee table, which makes the girl's vision brighter and she can see all the movements of her hands more clearly.

"Here... how can it be painted like this?"

Staring at the printed image displayed on the A4 paper, the girl's small mouth pouted in a cute arc, even if she frowned slightly, she could still feel a kind of green lotus from the silt but not stained breath from her body .

She had studied oil painting before, and this was the first time she came into contact with this kind of painting. With unfamiliar operations, although the outline could be drawn, as a person with high self-demand, Zhenbai would never be satisfied with it.

It has long been the norm for Zhenbai to not accept any flaws, to examine his own works with the highest requirements, and to overthrow previous efforts and remake them.

Chihiro Qianshi, who just came back from the bar in the small town, hiccupped and sat in a green taxi with a blush on his face caused by the alcohol.

When she comes to a foreign country, what Chihiro likes to do most is to go to a bar, where she can enjoy the exotic wine while looking forward to her wonderful encounter.

Although I didn't meet the expected Prince Charming tonight, and the wine seems to be a little more expensive, but isn't it enough to drink happily?

Sitting in the car and reminiscing about the fine wine he drank in the bar tonight, Chihiro Qianshi's cell phone rang after a few vibrations.

Drunken and dazed, she glanced at the note on it, connected directly to the phone and asked carelessly:

"Qingshan, what's the matter? Let me tell you, the food here really suits your appetite, and the wine tastes great too..."

"Mr. Chihiro, are you asking us to open the package addressed to the new resident?"

"What kind of new resident, oops, but you can say that, she is my cousin, but it's not convenient to take care of her. That's right! If you don't have time, Qihai, you go..."

"The thing in the package is a figure."

On the phone, Qihai's voice sounded extremely calm. If it were normal, Qianshi Qianxun would definitely be able to tell that something was wrong, but now that she is half drunk, how can she have such a sensitive brain to think about these messy things.

"Yes...! It's that figurine, which bastard would sell this kind of thing for [-] million, why don't you rob the bank?!" Thinking of this, Qianshi Qianxun became more and more angry, "If it weren't for the preservation of evidence What, I want to throw it directly!"

"Teacher, I want to ask you here, are you sure you are that...Zhi..."

"Shina is really white."

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