Not only does she think that Chen Feng is perfect, she also wants to be as perfect as Chen Feng one day, but this template is not Chen Feng, but herself.

If you think about it and think you can do it, then do it. This is the whole definition of perfection in Rachel's heart.

It's just a pity that she can't do it for the time being, because she doesn't have that kind of courage, which also predestined her identity as a believer.

Since Chen Feng will do it, it proves that Chen Feng thinks it is meaningful to do so. As for what is the meaning and where is it?This messy ball of thread... Rachel didn't care at all.

Sanjiu couldn't help shivering, she saw unprecedented frenzy in Ruijier's eyes, so frenzied that even a bystander like her shuddered.

This kind of gaze should not be the gaze that humans can have, this kind of fanaticism exceeds everything, even the boundary between life and death!

Even if someone told Sanjiu that Chen Feng asked Ruijier to find a way to sink the island, Sanjiu would firmly believe it.

She had no doubt that the girl in front of her would do everything for Chen Feng, including all the worst and anti-human things.

These siblings are terrifying...!


She nodded cautiously, and then her eyes continued to fall on the drawing in her hand.

One by one, the drawings were revealed, and Sanjiu was shocked, her eyes fixed on the two almost identical figures in one of the drawings and the thousands of black shadows holding weapons but hidden in the background of the plain behind her. not moving at all.

"Hundred...Hundred Lands San Taifu?"

Obviously it is a seemingly unrelated image and weapon, but when seeing the characters on this sketch, such a name popped up in Sanjiu's heart, and he blurted out immediately.

The frenzy in Rachel's eyes has not yet dissipated, but compared to the chilling state just now, she seems to have calmed down a lot.

Glancing at the sketch in Sanjiu's hand, Rachel nodded flatly.

"Afeng said that Yinhongxuehongye is a character created based on Momochi Tanbamori and a person who seems to be acquainted by Afeng."

"It really is?"

"Well, you can't see it?" Rachel tilted her head in doubt. She remembered that she got an amazing full score in the history of the Neon Warring States in the Sanjiu competition, so she had no choice but to point out the hidden hints and explained. : "Because there is a saying in history that one of Hyakuchi Santaifu and Hyakuchi Tanbashou played two roles, and another person who looks almost the same as him but has a completely different dress and combat purpose is like this. Those ninjas holding gun swords behind him and the shrinking siege army are used to remind the identities of these two people."

"A musket?"

This is the first time Sanjiu has heard this term, "What is that?"

"A short knife that can shoot marbles. This is Afeng's design. However, Afeng has always felt that the artistic significance of this kind of thing is much greater than the actual combat significance. However, Afeng is scolding, but he is still improving for the sake of reason. design."

Suddenly, Ruijier patted her face cutely, imitating Chen Feng's expression and said mercilessly:

"If any modern army dares to take a weapon of this level to the battlefield, the commander who formulated and issued the equipment will wait to be court-martialed!"


Judging from the expression alone, Rachel's stern expression is indeed somewhat similar to Chen Feng's.

Sanjiu opened her small mouth slightly, and smiled in a daze.

"It's a lot like something he'd say."

Many of the subsequent drawings have a strong Warring States style, but there is a wonderful modern element in them. Sanjiu thinks this is very interesting, and the styles of those armors are very beautiful.

"Can... can you lend me a few for a while?"


Ruijier, who had already turned around to draw the manuscript, turned her head suddenly. Sanjiu knew that Ruijier thought she wanted to steal her things, so she hurriedly waved her hand and explained:

"This... I like it very much. I want to go outside tomorrow to copy it and take it home for collection. Don't worry! I won't give it to others!"

Besides, how could Sanjiu give someone else what he regarded as a treasure.

She only selected the first batch of hand-made character design drawings of "Warring States Armed Girl" drawn by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also told Rui Jier that he would never do something that he had done once, so in Rui Ji When I was drawing comics, I simply gave it to her as a reference for learning and when I was not inspired.

After staring at Sanjiu for a while, when Sanjiu felt great pressure and was about to give up, Rachel stretched out a finger and said:

"One at most."

"it is good!!"

Suddenly, it seems that this trip is not a loss, and even a little profit?

In the room of the Nakano sisters, Chen Feng gained everyone's trust extremely quickly. Even Yihua, who was the most suspicious, felt that even if Chen Feng could act again, it would be impossible for Chen Feng to change from a [-]-meter hunk to a A 'little man' of [-] meters, right?

Er Nai sat on the bed with a gloomy face, angrily and anxiously, beside San Jiu, she said:

"The stinky hooligan looks very old-fashioned, but in fact he is extremely cunning. He can do anything just to win, what a bastard! If you don't know the difference, you can't tell the difference. It's not like what will happen to him, is it? Completely...completely...what's that word called...oh yes! Completely put the cart before the horse!"

Er Nao was still holding San Jiu's hand when she said that she was so angry that she didn't realize that the other sisters on the side were looking at her as if they had seen a ghost.

"Ner... Er Nai, you... beside you..."


ps: Good guy, it’s only been a while since I’ve owed 7 chapters, this chapter is for today, if you owe it in the morning, you’ll have to repay it, and Ollie will give it——!



"Zongman, you are contained"

Su Zuo, a transfer student from the Xiuzhi Campus of the Union College, the young master of the Su family, has reincarnated 444 times, and captured the undead of countless beautiful girls.

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