Putting together these pieces of information, it seems that they have shared the past of all of them with Chen Feng completely.

Yotsuba didn't pretend to be stupid, but she took off the wig on her head and put it aside, with a worried expression on her face.

"Student Chen Feng used 'fearful' to describe it, there is really no way to refute it, it's too cunning..."

"It's also time for Er Nao to calm down a little, or the blow to her may be even greater in the future."

Yihua sighed, "He must have anticipated the outcome, and he will solve it."

Ten minutes later, Sanjiu anxiously returned to the room, quickly scanned around, and found that Nino was not there.

May asked: "Sanjiu, where is Chen Feng?"

"Chen Feng, he... went outside as soon as he left the house, saying that Er Nai must have run away, and he was going to teach her a lesson..."

"???" Wu Yue had a question mark on his face, "A beating?"

"Probably not, but this possibility is not ruled out." Yihua analyzed the result rationally.

Clover: "Then what shall we do?"

"What else can we do? Wait here, if we go, we will lose."

Yihua pulled the real Sanjiu to sit on the bed, and asked what Chen Feng had talked with her. Sanjiu's answer made Yihua feel a stone in her heart.

it is as expected……

Chen Feng asked the question that Sanjiu affirmed

——You dare not show that you like masculine history, you dare not reveal that you have started to work hard as an actor before Yihua, Yotsuba becomes sympathetic and dare not reveal your true intentions, and you will not say that you want to in front of May Becoming a teacher, are you worried about the chain reaction caused by someone?

I know it well, but I can't break it.

The unity in form seems to have been acquiesced by these four people since three or four years ago, and the only one who tried to break it was Yotsuba who was outstanding at the beginning.

Obviously, it was already a real quintuplet game at that time, but until now, it has been covered up by the 'quintuplet game', unable to reveal its true colors from the silted soil.

Fairy tales are still fairy tales after all, and the illusory and unrealistic nature of Huang Liang’s beautiful dreams proves that all of this will eventually come with the passage of time. The ignorant escape has become a helper, and it will deal a heavier blow to those who originally wanted to protect.

I can only... entrust it to him.




"My Roommates Are Really Wrong"

Something is wrong with the three sons in the dormitory recently.

One holds a pink electric toy magic wand and yells, "Ruby, please!"

One skillfully took out a blue glowing cube, and then muttered: "Enterprise, attack!"

One will pull out a blue sword with a gorgeous shape and sharp edge, and then suddenly dance with hands and feet: "Yunlai swordsmanship!"

They thought I didn't know anything, but I actually saw everything.

Because of my horrifying discovery, something is wrong with me!

No, the world is starting to go wrong!

"Bian Ran, are you still not asleep?"

Faced with my roommate's question, I calmly took out the two red spears hidden in the corner of the bed, took off my coat, and revealed the blue tights.

The roommates were stunned: "Why are you a man!"

However, they didn't know that under this blue tights, there was a layer of purple...

Chapter 82 The soft snowflakes have not yet suffocated the deeply buried soul (Gageng)

The unique snowflakes are gently falling on the rain eaves, as if they don't want to hurt all the creatures on the ground. It just wants to land on the earth and catch a glimpse of the only scenery it can glimpse in its short life.

Compared with the gentleness of snowflakes, the bitter cold wind and ruthless low temperature are obviously not so easy to talk about. They are raging on the ground and in the sky, and they will fight no matter how powerful the enemy is.

Beside the wall made of stones, there is a brightly lit hotel inside, while outside, there are only street lamps that have been built for an unknown number of years, and even the lights are faintly accompanied by this lonely girl.

The things she has been guarding all along are gone, who would be lonely if she is not alone?

"Just like a clown..."

"The clown will not be as ideal and simple as you. Sooner or later, such a price will have to be paid, and it's just a little early now."

A thick padded jacket was casually thrown on the thinly dressed Er Nai's head, and Chen Feng's smell could still be smelled on it. Before changing it, Er Nao would be ecstatic, but now, she only has extreme feelings for Chen Feng. dissatisfaction and hatred.

How can you not hate how you destroy the relationship between them, despise the bond between them, and belittle what you want to protect?

"You selfish and cunning bastard!!"

The movement in her hands didn't stop, Er Nai fell off the padded jacket she was wearing, and the brown padded jacket fell in the middle of the snow, the fine snow slag made the clothes messy, she turned her head angrily and shouted:

"What do you know, a bystander?! You are not qualified to judge!"

Just as she angrily threw off the clothes that seemed to be humiliated by someone coming over out of pity, and was about to walk away, Chen Feng's voice full of contempt came from behind.

"You who have been acting as the golden roadblock on the way for the rest of the people to let go and realize their dreams are really like a giant baby who doesn't understand the world and grows up for nothing. If you don't think of love, I will be there when you finish speaking. I can't help but send you to the hospital to lie down for a few days."

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