"Cough cough cough..."

The sharp pain in his throat made him cough unnaturally, but the throbbing lungs wanted him to keep coughing.With his chapped lips trembling slightly, Chen Feng took a breath and slowly got up to take some cold medicine.

It is rare that Chen Feng caught a cold after many years.

After taking the medicine, he lay back on the bed, but tossed and turned for a long time...

I don't even remember when he fell asleep.

He had a dream, very light, but very deep.

The one who left has come, and they have come to meet the one who will leave...

To say it is light, that is because Chen Feng understands that the people who have passed away are gone after all. They are swept away by the wind just like the yellow sand.

It's profound, that's because... Chen Feng saw them before he died, and they did come. Everyone gathered together, obviously with a smile, but deep in the smile, it was regret and sadness.


The autumn sunshine is not as vicious as summer, but it is full of dullness.

Chen Feng ignored the blind people's Disciplinary Committee at the door, and didn't care that the morning self-study had already started, and went straight to the teaching building.

In the staff office, Shizuo Hiratsuka, who was smoking a cigarette with her legs crossed, heard a knock on the door.

dong dong...

But before she could speak, Chen Feng walked towards her.

"I said you stinky boy... can't you wait for me to say 'please come in' before coming in?"

"Then I will do it next time."

Chen Feng's voice was slightly hoarse, and Hiratsuka Jing pondered for a while.

"Have a cold? No wonder you're wearing a mask."


"Well, take it, remember not to lose it again."

Hiratsuka Shizuo opened the drawer and took out two packs of original school uniforms and handed them to Chen Feng. After taking the school uniforms, Chen Feng asked:

"Is it still the original custom price?"

"No need to give..."

"Are there any extra charges?"

As if he didn't hear Hiratsuka's answer, Chen Feng continued to ask.

After crushing the lady's cigarette in his hand, Hiratsuka sighed quietly: "If you only have a summer coat, it's [-] pieces. If you want a set, give me [-]."

"This is money." Chen Feng didn't have a wallet, and his money was neatly folded according to the amount and put into his pocket.

Taking out the money he was carrying, Chen Feng handed Hiratsuka Jing two ten thousand bills and two thousand bills.

After paying, Chen Feng covered his mouth and coughed and walked out of the office, leaving Shizuo Hiratsuka to relight a cigarette, frowning and bowing his head.

"Why does this brat feel a little weird today?"

The mid-term exam rankings have been posted on the notice board downstairs by the student council. General Wu Gao has a habit of not arranging the rankings of all grades, only the top students of each grade. 150 people to sort.

This approach both takes care of the self-esteem of low-achieving students and encourages high-achieving students to work harder.

At this time, the self-study get out of class is over. According to the usual practice, on the morning when the results of the mid-term exam are announced, there are only the early self-study and the last class.

When Chen Feng was about to go to the classroom, the bell of the self-study class had already rang, and a large group of students suddenly poured out of the nearby classroom. They rushed downstairs one by one, wanting to see how they ranked in this mid-term exam. how.

rise?decline?Or maybe the top 150 didn't have a name at all?

Chen Feng is wearing a mask. Most of the students don't realize that this person is the notorious Chen Feng, and he is not in the mood to look at any ranking list. influences.

May came out of the back door of the classroom with several female classmates in the same class. She is not Chen Feng, but she has many friends of the same age.


May found Chen Feng wearing a mask and carrying a shoulder bag, "Good morning, classmate Chen, are you uncomfortable?"

"Have a cold."

"Is that so, we're going downstairs to watch the rankings, do you want to be with classmate Chen?"

"No, I'm not interested." Chen Feng shook his head slightly.

"Then we'll see you later."

Back in the classroom and sitting in his seat, Chen Feng found that there was some garbage in his drawer that should not have existed, and he grinned.

"Boring little trick."

After simply picking up the garbage, Chen Feng took his mobile phone to surf the Internet. He just felt very bored now, so he sent a question online.

'What should I do if life is too boring? '

Sometimes it's hard to talk to someone you can meet, but when the person you're talking to isn't talking to you face-to-face, whether it's advice or whatever, it goes more smoothly.

The Internet can also be regarded as a medium that facilitates communication between people in this information age.

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