Standing at the door of the dilapidated bookstore, the old grey-haired store manager had one hand behind his back and the other waving in front of him.

The two walked out of the alley and came to the densely populated street. Although it was so lively outside, the good shops inside were empty.

Sayuri blinked her eyes, she raised her head and stretched her waist, looking at the densely packed shining stars in the sky, she tilted her head in doubt, and rubbed her eyes again. come the stars in the sky are so big and bright...

"By the way, Mr. Feng, what did the old store manager give you?"

"A pendant." Chen Feng shook the pendant in his hand, feeling the weight coming from above, "This weight should be silver, and its purity is very high."

"Wow, what a beautiful little key."

Seeing the pendant in Chen Feng's hand, Sayuri's eyes lit up, and she urged, "Put it on and have a look."


While Chen Feng was wearing the pendant, Sayuri tapped her cheek with her fingers.

"The old store manager is really a very good person. I blamed him wrongly at first, and felt that his attitude was very bad."

"Actually, it's okay. I've met similar people before. Opening a store or something should be just a sentiment."

Chen Feng buckled the pendant, and the pendant still shone with silver light under the golden light of the street lamp, and the color was not affected by the light in it at all, which made Sayuri amazed again and again.

Stuffing the pendant into his clothes, Chen Feng could feel that the store manager's own temperature was still retained on the pendant, without giving him the slightest cold touch.

It wasn't very late yet, Chen Feng glanced at Lily who was jumping up and down like a child beside her, and it was obvious that she was very happy when she went out to read a book today.

Along the way, Sayuri continued to tell him the stories she had read, and she described it with a strong literary background, which also made Chen Feng feel the strange feeling she had when reading.

Why do I always feel that someone is watching me after I come out of the bookstore?

Chen Feng turned around, but he didn't find that he was being followed by anyone. His anti-tracking ability can be said to be perfect. As long as the whole town doesn't have problems, he can definitely find out if anyone I'm stalking myself.

"Feng Jun?"

Sayuri said halfway, looking at Chen Feng who became suspicious, "Are you all right?"

"no problem."

Chen Feng shook his head, "It just feels like being followed, which is very awkward."

"Probably not? I haven't found too many people with the same characteristics."

Sayuri frowned. She had experienced kidnapping when she was a child, and she actually mastered simple anti-tracking.

"It might just be an illusion."

Chen Feng also agreed with Sayuri's statement, and he also didn't find anyone following behind the two of them.

Just like that, the two of them who had read the book for a day returned to the hotel.

Sayuri returned to her room exhausted. As soon as she lay down on the bed, she felt a strong sense of tiredness, and she fell asleep without knowing it.

As for Chen Feng, he met Wu Yue who seemed to have just returned from a snowball fight in the corridor.

"Student Chen, did you go out early in the morning?"

"Yes, I went to the bookstore you told me about. It's a very nice place, and the old store manager is also very enthusiastic."

"Is that right? It's the biggest bookstore I've ever seen in the whole town. The snacks on the side are also great, and there are many new books in the bookstore. It is said that there are more than a hundred books on this island. What about the ancient books from years ago! As for the store manager... I haven’t seen it before, so I don’t know what it looks like.”

As if being praised by Chen Feng, Wu Yue proudly puffed up her chest and said, "I discovered this store, and there are a lot of people in it, but everyone is very disciplined and doesn't talk much. It’s a good time to read a book.”

"Wait... what did you say?"

Chen Feng had always felt strange before, but now when he heard Wu Yue's description, he immediately noticed something was wrong, "There are a lot of people in the bookstore?"

Seeing Chen Feng's expression became very excited, and he put his hands on his shoulders, Wu Yue's heart beat a lot faster in an instant.

"Yes... yes, student Chen, didn't you notice? Otherwise, the entire bookstore wouldn't have hired so many shop assistants."

"Is this the place?"

Chen Feng gave a general description of the surrounding environment of that bookstore, even down to the name of the snack bar on the nearest street, because he felt that only the name of the snack bar and the food could be remembered by Wu Yue.

However, Wu Yue nodded for a while and then shook his head, looking at Chen Feng strangely.

"There are no alleys there, and according to the old bookstore you mentioned, classmate Chen, it must have been transformed a long time ago, because the five of us went out to play in the town some time ago and hired a tour guide. The tour guide sister said This small town has been remodeled [-] years ago, and it is impossible to have a store of that style now."

Chen Feng's brain was running fast, he could feel the cold wind from his back piercing into his body like icy thorns, and his back was chilled!

"Okay, I got it! Please tell Ray, I'll be back in a while!"

Without further ado, Chen Feng turned around and rushed towards the town. The bus hadn't closed yet. He waited quietly at the stop sign at the door. After a while, the bus drove over. Just as he was about to get on the bus, a voice came from behind him. Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps, turning around, the person who came quickly was Wu Yue, who was breathing heavily.

"Student Chen, I'll go with you."

"it is good."

Chapter 92 Space of Fear, Fragmented Information (Add More)

The small town does not have the feasting and feasting of the bustling city, nor does it have sufficient and diverse entertainment facilities. The road is narrow, and two cars driving side by side is already its limit.

However, there are still pedestrians walking on the street one after another, and the bar not far away seems to have become their only place of entertainment. Alcohol has an unusual status in this cold country, and it accompanies the people who live here People have gone through countless years, and it can even be said that they have been brought to life.

Walking quickly along the street, Chen Feng lowered his head all the way, with a gloomy expression, because when he was in the car, he suddenly found that his chest was hot and dull. When he checked carefully, he found that the pendant he was wearing there was no longer I don't know exactly when it disappeared, but the abnormality in my chest still hasn't disappeared.

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