Thomas slept very comfortably. He hadn't slept so soundly in more than ten years, but he was woken up from such a comfortable sleep.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"What's the noise in the morning!"

"Blood... a lot of blood!!"

The cleaning aunt slumped on the ground. Only then did Thomas notice why there were puddles of dried blood on his hospital gown and bedding.

Chapter 96 Restoration of Abnormalities (Addition)

This time, not only the cleaning aunt, but even Thomas himself jumped off the bed, but when he jumped hard, he found a blind spot.

How did I jump so high... so far? !

Facing the ceiling and wall that were getting closer and closer to him, Thomas subconsciously slapped forward, as if he wanted to use the reaction force to prevent himself from falling too badly.

boom! !

As soon as the doctors and nurses on duty who heard the screams rushed to the door, they felt the floor under their feet vibrate.

"Go in and see what's going on!"

A large group of people poured into the door of the ward, and a certain director rushed over. He received a report that screams came from ward 522. The patients in this ward must not have accidents while they are on duty...

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Let me know what happened to Kangkang!!"

The director hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and walked in, and immediately saw a shocking scene.

There was blood everywhere on the bed in the ward, the cleaning lady sat on the ground and kept shaking, and there were many debris of the wall on the ground, finally...

Why is the patient's fist stuck in the wall, and the whole person is hung on it with a face full of embarrassment?

Wait... Shouldn't his right hand hit the fracture plate? !

Daniel rushed to the hospital after receiving the call from the hospital. In the hospital, he saw his young master, but his young master didn't have bandages and fracture plates on his hands at this time.

"Master, your hand..."

“Ah, Uncle Daniel, I’m fine!”

Seeing Daniel rushing over panting, Thomas clenched his fist in surprise, pushing the air in front of him with great strength and swift speed, making bursts of explosions.

"Look, I'm healed, everything's healed! I feel like I'm full of strength now!!"

"This..." Daniel was dumbfounded, he always felt that the speed and force of his young master's punches were stronger than before.

At this time, Thomas' attending physician came over with examination reports one by one, with a serious expression on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Daniel, about Mr. Thomas' condition..."

The doctor gritted his teeth for a moment and finally sighed, "I'm sorry, the content we checked showed that Mr. Thomas is now very healthy. As for the fracture and sequelae, we have also checked. The report shows that he has fully recovered, but we don't know the specifics. what is the reason……"

After all, this is just a small town on an island with limited medical equipment. They have used all available things, but they still can't figure out why Thomas's report the day before was not good, but he recovered miraculously the next day. Even healthier and stronger than before.

"Master, did you show signs of recovery yesterday?"

After thinking for a while, Daniel asked cautiously. It was the first time he had heard of such an outrageous thing in his decades of life.

"Of course not, but it's a miracle to recover after a short sleep, so it's time to have fun!"

"..." Daniel was silent for a while, and gave a more conservative suggestion, "Master, I think you'd better go back and check the situation carefully, after all..."

He gave the doctor beside him a look, and the attending doctor nodded after a second of understanding.

"Yes, Mr. Thomas, your situation is a bit unusual. After returning to Hong Kong, there are many big cities nearby, and the hospitals there are much better than ours..."

"Didn't you hear me say no?!"

Thomas was angry from the heart, and stared at him with a pair of sharp eyes, "Uncle Daniel, since I'm in good health, then tell Dad not to worry, and when I go back..."

He stared at his fist, and a smile could not help but curl up at the corner of his mouth.

"I can definitely reach the top of the professional game!"

Seeing the young master's excited appearance, Daniel couldn't help frowning. He always felt that something was very wrong. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for such a fracture that can leave sequelae to heal instantly without warning.

Thomas happily went to find his companion, while Daniel pulled Thomas' attending doctor and asked:

"Please tell me the specific situation with me."

After learning from the attending doctor that Thomas was covered in blood when he got up in the morning, and punched through the wall with his fist, Daniel's complexion became even more serious.

In the end, he still decided to report this matter to the master completely, and the final result will be decided by the master and the young master.

However, he is more inclined to let his young master leave here and go back to check it out. After all, this kind of thing that sounds extremely outrageous is probably not a good thing.

After paying the medical expenses and maintenance expenses, Daniel called his master in the UK.


In the hotel, Chen Feng leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes for a nap. He would open his eyes every ten seconds to see if there was anything wrong, and this state lasted until morning.

The blizzard outside had stopped, and the hotel staff were obviously familiar with such things.

Through the curtains, Chen Feng could clearly see the staff cleaning up the mess in the courtyard, opened the window slightly, and Chen Feng lit a cigarette.

It was surprisingly quiet last night...

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