The person in front of him was none other than Shizuka Hiratsuka who was trapped in the road hotel due to the snowstorm last night.

Just seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka, Chen Feng missed his body and said:

"Oh, you are going to live with Ray in my room these few days, because of some special reasons, I want to change with you."

"Okay, then pay attention to Ann... Wait!! Who is the same..."

puff- puff-

Hiratsuka Jing was still opening her mouth to refute, she hadn't settled with Chen Feng yet, why did a big man run into other girls' rooms early in the morning, didn't he know that this would cause bad effects?As a teacher, although she didn't dare to teach Chen Feng a lesson, the teacher's majesty must be displayed under reasonable circumstances.

Attitude, it's an attitude!

But just when she wanted to reject and reprimand Chen Feng, the words were still in her throat, and her heartbeat sounded like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and her breathing became extremely difficult. His face was as purple as an eggplant that had been stabbed.

The oppressive feeling in the chest was as if the heart was tightly grasped by something, unable to supply blood, and the throat couldn't even make a sound, so he could only watch Chen Feng leave helplessly.

Chen Feng didn't hear Hiratsuka Jing's refusal, and he still had some doubts in his heart why this older stupid woman didn't refute him uncharacteristically. Chen Feng thought that he had accepted his proposal and went back to the room not far away.

It wasn't until Chen Feng disappeared from his field of vision that the oppressive feeling from his heart disappeared, his breathing became smoother, and the ringing in his ears also disappeared.

She looked around and saw the only possibility of this happening.

"I drank some wine last night, but it shouldn't cause sudden death, right?"

Entering the room, Shizuka Hiratsuka took a deep breath and shouted energetically:

"Sayuri, I'm back~!"

"Xiao Jing?"

"That's right... oh?! Ahhhhh!!!"

The cigarette in Hiratsuka Shizuka's mouth fell to the ground, and suddenly the whole person started to scream strangely, pointed at Sayuri who was changing clothes with a puzzled face, and asked loudly: "Sayuri, what are you doing!!"

"Change clothes." Saiduri was stunned for a moment when she put on her underwear, but when she saw Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression, she immediately knew what she was thinking. Don’t you, sir? I heard you guys talking outside just now. Oh, really, the bed is messed up, and I have to tidy it up later.”

Chapter 98 If you dare to interfere, I will kill you (Gagen)

"That brat...! See if I don't take care of him!!"

Hiratsuka shook the bag in her hand, and wanted to go out angrily, as if she really wanted to settle accounts with Chen Feng.

"Eh? What happened to Feng Jun?"

"You still ask! Don't you know what you did? I understand, it must be that brat..."

"Xiaojing hso, why do you think about everything in a strange way, Lord Feng didn't do anything."

"Then why is your bed like this?"

Sayuri tilted her head and said with a smile:

"Isn't it like this before?"


Hiratsuka Jing recalled it for a while, and suddenly found that Sayuri seemed to have been restless when she was a child, and it was not the first time the two of them lived together, and she even forgot about it in a hurry.

"But what is that kid doing here?"

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and Sayuri replied casually: "Because there was a sudden strong wind last night, it would be too dangerous to go out, so I let Mr. Feng live here, but Mr. Feng really insists on sleeping on the sofa."

"What didn't he do?"

"What will Feng Jun do?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka gritted her teeth, and made a gesture with great reluctance, which immediately drew Sayuri's laughter.

"Okay, Xiao Jing, if you really want something, it's not like you can't smell it."

"It seems to be the same. I am still worried that that brat will dare to attack the elders..."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Shizuka Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cigarette butt on the ground and planned to put it in the ashtray beside her, but the next second, the cigarette butt in her hand fell to the ground again.

Sayuri got out of bed to make the bed, and said:

"It's just that I have to trouble you, Xiaojing, to change the room. I have to live with Lord Feng. Lord Feng should have told you, right?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka: "!!!"

Without further ado, Hiratsuka Shizuka rushed forward and grabbed Sayuri who was making the bed, her eyes were as big as copper bells.

"Sayuri, tell me the truth, have you been threatened?"

"Huh? No." Said Baihe replied while still carefully arranging the bedding.

"You... crossed that line?"

"Not at all."

"Then why live together!!"

If she didn't come back for one night, Hiratsuka Shizuka almost thought that she had traveled to a parallel world. She couldn't accept that her best friend and her student wanted to live together, not to mention that they were both of the opposite sex. It's hard for her not to think about it.

Sayuri also didn't know how to explain this to Shizuka Hiratsuka. According to her best friend's personality, if she really knew everything, it would definitely lead to other troubles. In comparison, Sayuri still thinks that Chen Feng is more reliable .

"Xiao Jing, it's not that I don't tell you, but this very dangerous." Sayuri smiled bitterly: "I have something to do with Mr. Feng, we must take care of each other for safety."

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