Chen Feng and Sayuri who had gone out of the hotel would naturally not know about the horrors in the hotel. They had just stepped on a bus and were about to rush to the town.

After the blizzard swept through, the broken road was cleared by the relevant personnel working overtime after the wind stopped. Although it was not cleaned up very cleanly, the obstacles that would hinder the vehicles had been removed, leaving only The next bits of detritus and sticks were run over by the wheels, and finally broke into dregs, which finally gradually dissipated.

On the bus seat, Sayuri looked at Chen Feng beside her, raised her head and asked:

"Don't Mr. Feng simply take a rest? There are still more than ten minutes to the town."

In addition, some villages passing by need to stop. In fact, it may take more time for the bus to go to the town. Chen Feng, who just slept for a while, would use this free time to rest. but.

Chen Feng thought so too, he slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep at a frightening speed.

Sayuri propped her chin up and looked out the window. The snow scene was receding rapidly. For some reason, she felt that everything outside the vehicle was so harmonious, whether it was the wind, the snow, or the crumbling trees...

As if these things are merging with him, he can vaguely feel the changes in every place.

His gaze turned to Chen Feng again. At this time, Chen Feng had fallen asleep peacefully with his arms folded, but Sayuri knew that as long as there was any slight movement in the middle, Chen Feng would definitely wake up instantly.

No, the wheels of the bus ran over something hard and shook suddenly, and Sayuri noticed that Chen Feng's eyelids trembled.

Pursing her lips, Sayuri felt that she, an elder, could have any bad intentions?So he said softly:

"You can borrow Feng Jun for a while."


There was a sound in the back of his throat, with a hint of slight doubt in it.

Hearing this voice, Sayuri flinched back when she had just built up her courage, and she cleared her throat.

"It's nothing, just have a good rest."

If someone observes Sayuri carefully now, they can see that the bases of her ears are turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it's just that she appears calmer on the surface.

No, no, no, what the hell are you thinking...


The familiar street, although there were no strange black luxury cars parked, there were still a few scattered cars parked on the side of the street. Chen Feng put his hands in his pockets and took Sayuri to the place yesterday.

Sayuri hadn't seen it last night, so she didn't know how shocking such a scene was. By simply comparing the scene of goodbye today with the scene she saw yesterday, she clearly understood why Chen Feng had such a big reaction yesterday.

It's not like the same place at all!

Obviously, the surrounding shops are still the same as yesterday, but the long path has been covered by a bookstore with a huge area for some reason, and the front looks even more majestic.

"Come on, go in and ask."

Chen Feng's words were like a hammer breaking the surprise in Sayuri's heart, and he took the lead into this bookstore.

About ten minutes later, Chen Feng and Sayuri came out slowly. Chen Feng looked calm, but Sayuri was sullen.

"Feng Jun..."

"Well, I know it's outrageous, but you can see from the surveillance. We entered the bookstore separately. You have to go in one step before me, and you go to the second floor, while I stay on the first floor."

Even though she saw the picture with her own eyes, the anxiety in Sayuri's heart was still hard to suppress. Obviously, the two of them went in together, why did they go in differently, not to mention why they went to different places! ?

"To be honest, I still don't have any clues. Maybe now we can only take one step at a time."

"Do not."

Sayuri suddenly turned her head, her long black hair fluttered on her shoulders, and her flickering eyelashes made people tremble, "We still have a way!"

She clearly remembered that the old store manager said that the two of them had read the books here in the past ten or twenty years, and this made Sayuri's thinking branch into two situations.

The first one is that this bookstore has only been open for more than ten or twenty years, but at that time, it didn’t look like a building with such a little history at all, but it was as dilapidated as a dilapidated building.

The second is that before the two of them entered this bookstore, those who were older than them might have heard of similar things. In a small town like this, many of the residents in it are The relationship between not seeing up and seeing down, as long as there is something that will definitely spread among the neighbors, it will become a topic of conversation even after dinner, or a joke for drinking and bragging.

But that's enough, as long as you cover it up a bit, ask some local old people to ask things like that, if someone other than the two has really entered that bookstore, you will definitely get some clues.

Sayuri hurriedly told Chen Feng her thoughts. After listening to it, Chen Feng pondered for a while and clapped his hands together.

"This method should work."

Just do what you say, but before you go to ask, you must use some reasonable identities to cover up the purpose of the two, otherwise as long as the middle is exposed, let alone whether the person being questioned will give them a face and ignore the two , just the little trouble caused by the mistake is enough for the two of them.

After a brief discussion, the two decided to ask about similar things as cartoonists and novelists. Most of these two professions need to learn from folklore and some weird stories as inspiration for creation. It is convenient to investigate in this capacity. many things.

They first went to a nearby square to find some elderly people jogging in the morning to inquire. After hearing their identities and various professional terms, they didn't think too much, and told them some of the legends and stories they knew. But no one mentioned the 'mysterious bookstore' thing.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon it was noon. Seeing that the investigation had not made any progress, Chen Feng proposed the idea of ​​inquiring about older and prestigious elders, and taking the initiative to visit them.

Because the town is small, who is respected and who is old, the two quickly inquired about similar information, and Chen Feng also learned about these people's preferences by insinuating.

According to the address they obtained, they went to a nearby store and bought a series of products as souvenirs.

In this way, the two visited one family after another.

The first one did not ask useful information, then continue to repeat what you like and shop before going to the next one.

Walking around in such a icy and snowy environment, Sayuri was a little hungry, but she decided to hold on. After all, everything has been bought, and there are only the last two old people left. Rest isn't much of an issue either.

Sayuri looked at the information recorded in the mobile phone. The last two old people are a couple. They are now 80 years old. They have participated in wars and won many medals and honors. The two most important treasure-level figures in the town.

If you live together, you can save a lot of trouble...

Thinking in this way, Chen Feng and Sayuri came to an old residential area and successfully met these two old people, but one of them was already lying in bed due to illness.

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