"Yeah! Chrysanthemum is going to fall—hey, no."


"What's the matter with calling Juli? If you don't speak well, Juli will put bugs in your bowl!"

Ju Li suddenly appeared in front of Lianhua with her hips akimbo in the appearance of a little adult. The condescending feeling made Lianhua feel uncomfortable, but she still suppressed the impulse in her heart and asked curiously:

"Why are you laughing, Juli?"

"Because it's funny, of course you will laugh at funny things."

"What's so funny?"

"No? That's right, because Juli is just laughing at you idiots, you idiots~"

Ju Li stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, which made the bone girl who was already very upset finally explode.

"Who are you scolding, you little bastard!"

"Slightly slightly slightly~ I'm scolding you, you are not happy when you encounter things that you would never encounter in your life, how lucky you are. You are all frowning, you idiots!"

"You stop for me!"

"I can't catch it, I can't catch it, hahahaha~~"

The bone girl chased Juli and ran out, and the happy atmosphere in the house disappeared.


Lianhua murmured in a low voice.

"Lianhua, do you need help?"

"Miss, we probably can't help much." Lun Rudao shook his head, "Miss Lianhua's strength is already very strong, I believe even you can't block Miss Lianhua's magic power?"

Yimulian pursed his lips, and stared at Lunruidao.

"Old man!"

"Well, I really can't."

Yan Moai replied without hesitation.

She has beaten Lianhua, but she will never be able to block all of Lianhua's magic power, because blocking other people's magic power requires more than geometric multiples of magic power as a price. On the contrary, Lianhua's magic power reserves are more than hers much.

Lun Rudao put on his straw hat again, picked up the hoe that was placed in the corner before, turned around with a smile, and said:

"The young man we met at that time is Miss Lianhua's current owner, right? In every sense, he is an extremely crazy person, and he succeeded in the end even though the result was not very good. The goal has indeed been achieved. The perseverance and determination possessed by such a successful madman cannot be simply described. I still remember that I used the authority given by the lady to see his past because of curiosity."

Yan Moai nodded, because Lun Ruidao used her power, and the content obtained by the power would naturally be seen by her. Her pink lips like cherry blossoms were lightly parted, and her voice sounded weak.

"Well, Chen is... crazy."

Because she didn't know what to call her, Yan Moai chose to borrow Lianhua's name.

"If I were the old man, I would never be able to do that, let alone the absurd deeds behind. If the enemy is so strong that the young man can't even deal with it, then I may not even have the fighting spirit to face the enemy. stand up."

Seeing that several people in the room were looking at him, Lun Rudao pulled the hat on his head.

"What's more, I, an extremely stupid old man, still somewhat agree with Juli's words just now. It may actually be a kind of luck to encounter something that others can't encounter in a lifetime. Miss Lianhua, you can roughly feel the young man's feelings. Is it possible?"

"Hmm...Chen lost my link for a few seconds last night, and contacted me the moment he came back from the broken link, and also lost several times on the way I rushed over."

She was planted in Chen Feng's heart like a seed. Although she couldn't know the specific situation, she could still feel something else.

"Chen was terrified at first, and then he was in pain from some kind of attack, but in the end there was nothing, and the fear in the messages sent after several interruptions became less and less."

"Then trust the young man, compared to the enemy who will be absolutely suppressed even Miss Lianhua, perhaps he is the only one who can really fight."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Here is the mood-changing Nakano Nino, who is now caught in a situation where she is in an emotional war of attrition.

She admired her friend and teacher Chen Feng, and this fact has already sprouted. From the disdain she felt when she first met, until later she found that the charm of this man was really irresistible to her. It is extremely in line with his own aesthetics, and his personality is unrestrictedly close to her imagination of a spouse!

He helped himself and others when he and others approached with unruly intentions, dealt heavy blows to those who he could not get used to because of school violence, and reformed the student union, which had a very bad attitude of shirking responsibility and efficiency. Those who have helped him will return a hundredfold kindness, resolutely oppose unreasonable demands and deal with those who make unreasonable demands...

Many of these things were witnessed by her!

Dare to resist all unreasonable things, and while using violence ferociously, there is also a large amount of room for kindness in his heart. Not only does he not abuse violence, but he will help the weak to a certain extent. Is Er Nao not interested?

What's more important is that he chose to intervene without hesitation when facing conflicts with himself and others some time ago, and even prepared to sacrifice his relationship with himself and others to resolve everyone's conflicts.

How responsible is this?

When apologizing in the courtyard in the morning, Er Nai almost couldn't hold back and said loudly to Chen Feng, "I like you, can you date me?" If he had some strange misunderstandings, maybe Nino really did it.

In fact, Er Nai really dared to do this, anyway, it was the person he liked, if he didn't fight for it desperately, there would be no point in regretting it if he missed it.

After getting Chen Feng's forgiveness and the gift of the small book, Er Nai locked the small book in the small lockbox she brought. Originally, it contained all kinds of her favorite cosmetics, but there are more As precious things, these cosmetics that can be bought with money were decisively discarded by her.

What a joke, Chen Feng gave her the notebook with his own hands, and it was the notebook he used before, so shouldn't it be treated as a token of love?

Think about it, if the two can really be together in the future, it must be very romantic to take out this thing on a certain anniversary


That man would definitely scold him for being so stupid that he would use the notebook as his token of love...

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