If the goal could be solved directly, Chen Feng wouldn't need to be as frustrated as he is now, unable to find the initiative at all.

Passive defense requires constant vigilance. Even though he promised to go skiing with them, Chen Feng still won't relax too much.

Rachel played here for a while, and then reluctantly returned to her room.

Chen Feng went out to investigate for a whole day, and he didn't say anything about it. It might not be appropriate to go to sleep like this. He also washed his body and turned off the light to sleep.

In the dark, Sayuri had a very strange dream. In the dream, she was trapped in a dense forest, surrounded by silence and a rotten stench.

Different from the vagueness in previous dreams, everything here feels as if it is real. It will be dazzling when seeing the light, and a little nauseous when smelling the stench.

Alpine mountains stood all around, and the blurred moon showed a strange blue color. She moved forward little by little along the mountain path that could be walked.

Finally, she seemed to hear some rustling noises coming from the road ahead. Out of fear of being alone, Sayuri pushed aside the weeds and shrubs that blocked her view and came to the edge of a cliff.

It seems that the entire forest can be seen from here, whether it is the rugged and muddy road, the towering giant trees, or the gurgling river, they all give Sayuri a feeling full of life.

But it was the sound just now... Could it be just the wind?

"Son, you are finally here."

At the moment Sayuri was puzzled, an ear-splitting murmur sounded from behind her.

The sound was like someone stretching out his foot on the muddy ground, or like the sharp and piercing sound of someone dragging a chair on the smooth floor, but no matter what, the sound almost made Sayuri's ears explode on the spot , The peristalsis of stomach discomfort stimulated Sayuri and almost vomited out all the food in her stomach.

It is obviously not any language that I have heard before, but the moment the voice sounded, these languages ​​seemed to be deliberately translated into my brain by something.

Sayuri couldn't breathe from the sudden discomfort. She lay on the ground in pain, trying to relieve the shock and fear in her brain in this way.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Sayuri only felt a hand on her shoulder, and waves of warmth flowed from her shoulder to her whole body, calming her down.

Looking back, Sayuri can be said to have seen a mature woman that she had never seen in her life. Her long black and smooth hair hung down to the ground, and her face was so beautiful that Sayuri couldn't find words to describe it for a while.

However, if it was just these things, it would not make Sayuri lose her voice for a while. What really shocked her was the head, shoulders and back of this beautiful woman.

There are two curved horns growing on the top of her forehead, and on her shoulders are lumps of wriggling flesh that opened her hideous mouth, and hoarse voices are constantly coming out of it, which is obviously disgusting and frightening. In that scene, Sayuri wasn't afraid at all, and instead developed a heart of love for those strange lumps of flesh.

It's like a child in a mother's arms crying loudly because they didn't take care of them in time...

As for the back of this mature woman, thick and thick tentacles dangled behind her back, and from time to time, some mucus with impurities could be seen falling from it. sound.

Soon, Sayuri saw that the mucus dripping from the tentacles began to gradually transform into a solid body, turning into a lump of flesh that was exactly the same as her shoulder.


With a face full of self-blame, the mature woman gently picked up the small piece of meat on the ground, patted the spot where the head was, and put it on her shoulder, "Be obedient."

"who are you?"

With Chen Feng's previous homework, Sayuri didn't panic enough to forget everything, but asked after gradually calming down.

"It's mother."

The mature woman hugged Sayuri without hesitation, and gently stroked her head, "I was quite worried at first, if the child saw me and would be scared, it would be troublesome, I really deserve to understand my husband The children of the books in the store are really excellent."


Sayuri's eyes widened, so that she wasn't even afraid of the gnashing flesh in front of her.

"You are the wife of the old store manager?!"

"Hee hee~ My child, you guessed right, you are really outstanding~"

Sayuri even saw the sticky tentacles behind the woman start to pat her head gently. Faced with this scene, she couldn't move at all.

"Woooooo... I was worried that I would scare you, my child. Fortunately, my worry did not come true, otherwise I would have lost such a high-quality child."

"You...what the hell are you talking about...?"

The voice that came out of this woman's mouth was not the language she recognized at all, but whenever she heard it, Sayuri instantly translated it into her brain as if she was using her mother tongue.

And the initial discomfort when hearing it also subsided very quickly, until now she has no discomfort at all.

"Good boy... good boy..."

However, the woman still hugged her tightly, talking about the fact that Xiao Bai didn't agree with.

Are you kidding me, why did I become someone else's child?

Gritting her teeth, Sayuri felt that her body finally regained strength, held her breath, and pushed the woman away.

"Who the hell are you?!"


The mature woman froze for a moment, then smiled charmingly, "It's mom."

"Why do I dream of you?"

"Dream?" The woman tilted her head and replied: "In a sense, this is not a dream. This is my mother's home. How about it? Isn't it great?"

Women don't have the whites of their eyes, but Sayuri can see an emotion called 'pride' in them, as if everything here started because of her and was born because of her.

After a while, the woman calmed down, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at Sayuri.

"Your name is Sayuri, isn't it? It's a great name, you can call me... Well, you can call me like this in your human language, Shabu Nicholas, of course, I prefer you to call me 'mother' -"


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