After all, the old store manager sat back on his seat with his swirling head on his back, and ignored Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had no other choice, he could only bite the bullet and read the books that the old store manager had found for him, but this time was different from the last time.

The content is really difficult! !

Chen Feng still asked the old store manager about the things he didn’t understand, and the old store manager would also answer him. As time passed, several books with less than a thousand pages, Chen Feng felt as if he had read them for decades. !

He will argue with the old store manager who has no human form when he understands the story. It seems that he doesn't care about the image of the other party at all, and he will not be submissive just because he is trapped here. His character is like this, even if he dies. nothing changed.

Chen Feng didn't care whether the person in front of him could really kill him, anyway, judging from the current situation, there was no chance to resist at all, not to mention that he felt that the old store manager really didn't seem to have any malice towards him.

Ever since, Chen Feng argued with the old store manager with the story, astronomy, calendar, political philosophy...

The 'old man' seemed to know everything, and soon defeated Chen Feng's argument, but sometimes Chen Feng's surprising words made the old store manager stunned for a few seconds.

Finally, he finished reading these books, and the old store manager changed back to a human form after he finished reading the books.

"My child, this is the last blessing I give you. Everything about you has surpassed human beings. You can use them as you wish. Whether you are angry or joyful, I have already given everything I can give you to you. You, I believe that you are all excellent existences, facing its massacre, you will surely win."

The old store manager smiled kindly, and put the book back on the shelf. Chen Feng could see the old store manager's eyes turned into colorful balls, but it was definitely not a simple thing.

Soon, the old store manager nodded, and Chen Feng's vision quickly blurred, leaving only a voice in his ear.

"The whole ritual of blessing is complete, let's see you next time, my child."'s finally here.

In the hotel room, the air seemed to be too turbid.


Under the light, Sayuri's eyes moved twice.

Her body was a little stiff, but most of it was as refreshing as after taking a bath. Sayuri didn't feel so comfortable for a long time.

She was planning to stretch her stiff body as usual, but before Sayuri made any movements, she realized that she felt a little different from usual after waking up today.

Until the blurry vision gradually cleared enough for her to see her surroundings clearly.

Well, it's in the room, my bed is on the left, no problem...

and many more!Why is my bed on the left, shouldn't it be the wall? !

Thinking of this, Sayuri immediately sensed what was wrong. She lowered her head stiffly, her face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Why...why would I lie naked on Feng Jun's body! ! ! ! !

And considering the other feelings on her body, she seemed to understand something.

Vaguely wanted to scream, but Sayuri covered her mouth decisively, and suppressed all her voice again.

As for why she did this... First, it was because Sayuri sensed that there was something slightly wrong with Chen Feng's current state. It wasn't the tense muscles as usual when he fell asleep, but a feeling of coma?The second is that if people from the surrounding rooms are attracted at this time, it is really useless to say anything.

"Feng Jun... Feng Jun."

Sayuri leaned close to Chen Feng's ear and called softly, but Chen Feng still didn't make any movements, as if he would immediately notice the slightest movement around him, now Chen Feng really seems to have passed out .

[The child is communicating with my husband at the moment. 】

In her mind, Sayuri recalled such a sentence, but as for who said it...

The image in memory had already turned into a black shadow, making Sayuri unable to recall it no matter what.

"That means Lord Feng is in another place now?"

There was a trace of lightness between her brows, it's great to be unconscious...

That's it, anyway, no one knows what happened to this incident except myself, just treat it as a dream, and the past is the past.

Gently getting down from Chen Feng's body, Sayuri picked up the clothes that seemed to be thrown on the ground, most of them and the bedding hanging on the ground, feeling that all these seemed to be done by herself.

"If this is the case, then that dream is definitely not a dream, but yourself..."

Patting her rosy cheeks lightly, Sayuri really wanted to find a crack in the ground and slip in.

After all, Sayuri vaguely felt that she had taken advantage of something, and she was a little excited in her heart.

But since she didn't want Chen Feng to know what happened, of course Sayuri would not sit still, she began to quickly clean up some bad traces in the room, and did not go to the bathroom to wash herself until all these were done.

The sound of the ventilation fan above her head could still be heard in her ears, and Sayuri had a complicated complexion, she was just praying that Chen Feng would not find anything, otherwise the image of herself that was not much in his heart would be greatly compromised.

You must think that I am some kind of bad woman who takes advantage of others...

No matter who she is, even if she really thinks Sayuri doesn't matter, she just doesn't want to be misunderstood by Chen Feng... doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding, right?Feng Jun should have maintained such an unconscious state, and even in that dream, especially after seeing that woman, he had bursts of unbearable strange desires.

Even when she competed with other seniors who were 5 or 6 years older than her for a place in the university, she was never as nervous as she is now!

And if this is the case, will she be pregnant?

In short, Sayuri's head was in chaos, and she didn't even know when she had finished taking a bath.

Wiping her body with a bath towel, Sayuri walked to the mirror and reached out to wipe off the white mist covering it.

But after she wiped it a few times, her movements stopped, and her small mouth opened into an 'O' shape unbelievably.

"This...what's the matter?"

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