"Do you remember her name?"

"As for the name..."

Sayuri frowned slightly, remained silent for about ten seconds, and finally shook her head, "Sorry... I can't remember."

Chen Feng glanced at Sayuri, as if observing something.Suddenly, Chen Feng vaguely saw something different, he grabbed Sayuri's hand and rolled up her sleeves.

"Feng... Lord Feng?"

Chen Feng didn't remember that incident at all, so he didn't feel anything else, but she did remember it!Although everyone didn't realize it at that time, Sayuri probably should be basically consistent with what happened in her indescribable dream.

In an instant, Sayuri felt her ears burning.

"Wait a minute...I found it, this one."

After Chen Feng rolled up Sayuri's sleeves, he finally found what had just passed by, and asked, "Miss Sayuri, have you ever had a tattoo before?"


Hearing Chen Feng's question, Sayuri also lowered her head in a slightly strange way. Only then did she see a strange tattoo-like mark on her wrist.

She doesn't have the habit of getting tattoos, even if she thinks tattoos are not a big deal in her heart, it's still because her daughter didn't get them.

"When did this happen?"

Sayuri was very surprised, because she hadn't found such a mark when she was taking a bath.

"It should be the mark left by the woman in your memory, just like me."

Chen Feng pulled down his neckline, revealing the tattoo on his chest. The pattern of that tattoo was exactly the same as the pattern on the pendant given to him by the old store manager before, and it was a silver key.

After waking up, he felt that his chest was a little hot. When he checked carefully, he found such a tattoo.

Thinking that Sayuri, whose forehead was full of sweat, was worried about the harm of this mark, Chen Feng comforted him with his own deduction:

"Don't worry, if there are no accidents, they should have no ill intentions towards us. I dreamed of the bookstore and the old store manager in my dream. The old store manager just let me read books there. If there is anything wrong In theory, it should have happened a long time ago.”

If there is really malicious intent, I am afraid that after leaving the bookstore the day before yesterday, the two of them will die tragically like the Yakov described by the two old people. It is impossible to delay until now.

After waking up, Chen Feng had a lot of strange knowledge in his mind, some were about making, some were about weapons, and even more outrageous were some existences like 'magic'...

In short, there are so many types that Chen Feng's brain is still very confused.

Yog-Sothoth, symbolizes the outer god of knowledge, the controller of space and time.

Judging from the things in the book I read, the other party seems to be able to easily observe the parallel world, and the reason why I can know the secrets of myself may be using this power.

As for why he and Sayuri did not collapse due to mental attacks, Chen Feng guessed it was a kind of 'selection'.

That's right, it's 'selection'!

In the collected adventurer Yakov, he could see the bookstore and also saw the old store manager, but the book he got from it was a modern book, the content of which he could not understand himself, and When he left, he stole a copy from it, and finally died tragically in the small town. As for his teammates of the adventure team... they may have died one after another after being angered.

I and Sayuri can not only see and enter the bookstore, but also understand the books inside. My situation may be much more serious than Sayuri's. All I see are handwritten books with furs as book covers, so the two of us People were selected into the finals.


Chen Feng didn't dare to jump to conclusions. All of the above were just conjectures based on all the information in his hands. As for why he was favored by two foreign gods who didn't know where they were, he didn't quite understand. If you can get it if you can understand the book, isn't this foreign god a little too kind?

He always prefers to think about everything in the worst case, so that he can calm himself down when something unexpected happens.

Seeing Chen Feng in front of him lost in thought again, Sayuri breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly turned around to comb her hair again.

She was a bit afraid to go to see Chen Feng, the main reason was not what happened to the two of them, but because she felt that the more she looked at Chen Feng, the hotter her body became, and it would be too dangerous if she continued like this .

She is the elder of the other party!Obviously this junior came to take care of each other with him, to put it bluntly, to protect himself, but what happened?In the end, you are greedy for others?

no no no...

Feeling that the restlessness in her heart gradually stabilized, Sayuri patted her chest lightly.

"Miss Sayuri."


The man's voice came from behind, and Sayuri just looked down at the makeup mirror in front of her, not daring to turn her head.

"Since we were pulled out of consciousness together, and this thing also appeared."

Chen Feng looked down at the key tattoo on his chest, and continued: "Did you find anything different about your body?"

What's different...you're more greedy than before, do you care?

Before this, Sayuri was at most, yes, at most she was more "appreciative" of Chen Feng. As an elder, she had the same "appreciation" of watching the child grow up and achieve something, but now she seems to have eaten something small. Like a pill, I can't wait to pounce on something indescribable, this feeling even shows signs of being unbearable.

Of course, Sayuri also thought about these words in her heart, saying it was absolutely impossible.

"No, nothing was found."

Calm down, Sayuri said calmly.

"Is that so..."

It seemed that they had entered a dead end again. Chen Feng really didn't believe that nothing had changed. It could only be said that the two of them hadn't discovered it yet.

Chen Feng scratched his head, and was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Sayuri had just finished dressing at this time, and she also heard a knock on the door, so she said: "Mr. Feng, go wash up first, I will open the door."

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